recommend any good horror flicks?


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i really dont understand it either. i mean, comedy and horror are on opposite sides of the spectrum. if a horror movie is being spoofed, doesnt that make it a plain old comedy? :dunno:

How is it so confusing?

Let's take a random comedy, like, I dunno... Trains, planes and automobiles (Classic)

Now compare it to Shaun of the Dead. See what I mean?

I don't use the phrase "comedy horror" but if someone else mentions it, then it's quite obvious what they mean. :2 cents:
Zombies doesn't make it a horror. Gore doesn't make it a horror. If this is the case then the Scary Movies are all horrors. Comedy horror is a title I've never been able to work out. A comedy is something that is designed to make you laugh and feel happy. But a horror is supposed to scare you and make you feel frightened. So how can you put these two together it's impossible. You can only have one or the other.
Still...Zombies is a category of horror movies...Gore doesnt make horror indeed because there's gore in some action movies, etc...But even if Shaun Of The Dead is more a comedy than a horror movie, it still has some horror elements making it a horror comedy just like Bad Taste, Braindead, Dead & Breakfast, Toxic Avenger, etc... Horror comedy is a genre on its own and Scary Movie is also a horror comedy because its basically making fun of horror movies.
The horror genre is not always only about scares, sometimes its about violence, unreal things, etc...

Anyway, I bet you never saw a serious zombie movie or atleast you never saw a non american zombie movie because good zombie movies are rarely funny.
I just saw "the eye" and found it disappointing. it was not scary and was similar to "the sixth sense"
What??:eek: Its not because the ghosts doesnt look like ugly monsters that its not scary... I think ghosts who look normal(but creepy) is a lot more effective and real! Did you putted the movie on mute or what? The sound effects in this movie are what makes it so scary! Its impossible that you didnt jumped and felt scared at the scene in the hospital where a moaning ghost scream out of nowhere! What about the scene in the elevator? So fucking suspenseful and creepy!

I bet you putted the subtitles on, so you kind of had every ghost appartions(noises) spoiled even before they happened! I know its in chinese(or something), but you have to put the subtitles on off before every apparition scenes or else you will get some stupid subtitle tellngi: 'noise', 'scream' or whatever even before you even hear the noise.

Session 9 (Really, really creepy)
Event Horizon (Kind of on the gory side, but I thought it fit the story, not gore for gore's sake)
I also think these ones are pretty scary! Not that much, but scary in a jumping kind of way for Event Horizon and in a psychological way for Session 9!

Anyway, I think Evil Dead(the first one) is pretty scary and creepy! The demons looks so fucking creepy and the idea of behind alone in a cabin with these demons is SCARY AS HELL!
If you didnt find The Eye scary or Shutter too scary, then I'm sorry to say that movies can't get any scarier than this.:(

Some more that are sadly not as scary as the other one I already mentioned, but that are pretty scary:
Dead Birds(Gory and scary!)
The Eye 2
Evil Dead Trap
Dark Water(original asian version)
I never said that "shutter" was not scary. That film gave me scares. I jumped several times when i saw that.

I guess I need visual horror more than audio. The eye did have intense sound but that is not enough for me.
I never said that "shutter" was not scary. That film gave me scares. I jumped several times when i saw that.

I guess I need visual horror more than audio. The eye did have intense sound but that is not enough for me.
Then check A Tale Of Two Sisters...It doesnt really focus on ghosts and its more a complex psychological/insanity story, but the few ghosts in it looks really creepy and its also scary psychologically! Warning: Its complex and you have to watch it well...Maybe even 2 or 3 times before you fully get it.

Anyway, audio is really important in scary movies because just imagine watching Shutter on mute! Would it be scary? Not at all.
Audio is important too. I just need both in the movie. I saw the trailer for dead birds and it looks pretty scary. I am not sure about Dark water. The saw the Japanese trailer and most of it seems to revolve around water. But are there creepy scenes in that film? If so, I will check it out.
I hate movies that just have shit jump out at you and then spike up the music at a high pitch. that's such a cheap effect that just demonstrates a lack of actually being able to come with anything that is really scary or making a believable mood. jumping out and yelling BOO! is childish. that's what im talking about by saying that a movie never made me scared. and even if you add up all the jumps you get about one minutes worth of "scare" for the entire two hour movie.
I hate movies that just have shit jump out at you and then spike up the music at a high pitch. that's such a cheap effect that just demonstrates a lack of actually being able to come with anything that is really scary or making a believable mood. jumping out and yelling BOO! is childish. that's what im talking about by saying that a movie never made me scared. and even if you add up all the jumps you get about one minutes worth of "scare" for the entire two hour movie.
But have you ever seen movies like The Eye, Shutter or some other asian horror movies or whatever? I bet you didnt. These are not only about jump scares, but a lot about suspense, atmosphere and creepiness...There is some jump scares in these movies, but they are really effective in the sense that you jump, but you still feel scared after(I mean you don't just jump because you got surprised, but you jump and still feel uneasy after the scenes) and the sound effects and voices of the ghosts are REALLY creepy!
The Omen (the original and still scary as hell)
The Exorcist
Event Horizon (way scarier than i figured it would have been)
Salem's Lot (Original mini series)
The Shining (even though it butchered the book, still a good scare)
House Of Wax (1953 version of course)
Hellraiser I & II
The Thing (1982)
The Evil Dead

You pretty much nailed all of them. Especially Event Horizon. That movie truely suprised the shit outta me!

Although i have to put a few more on here.

IT (If you are scared of clowns)
Silence o the Lambs (Not a "horror" flick, but some parts scare the shit outta me)
Amityville Horror (1979 version)
Misery (Same as Silence of the Lambs)

My mind is drawing a blank now...:helpme:
How is it so confusing?

Let's take a random comedy, like, I dunno... Trains, planes and automobiles (Classic)

Now compare it to Shaun of the Dead. See what I mean?

I don't use the phrase "comedy horror" but if someone else mentions it, then it's quite obvious what they mean. :2 cents:

Right lets take one comedy and put it next to another comedy and see the difference :confused:

Because as I look at these two that is all I see.

Comedies are designed to make you laugh and horrors to scare you. I've seen people laugh at a comedy. But never seen anyone laugh at a horror, unless it's that poorly made it's laughable.

Back to the zombies though. I've got 25 of them sat in my DVD/video collection. As I am something of a horror fan with over 400 horror films alone. But they aren't actually in my horror collection for the reason that they make me laugh. They are between the comedies and horror (and that's the only time you'll see me put these two together :1orglaugh ). I've got all the so called major zombie movies Night of the Living Dead, Day of the Dead, etc. But none of these have scared anybody except a kid. Everyone just laughs at the zombies, especially the fact they move so slow and would never be able to catch someone walking, never mind running. Plus you'd have took their head off before they even did get close enough to bite you.

Now Scary Movie is a spoof comedy, just like Shaun of the Dead. Just like the Naked Gun films are spoof comedies of police films. As is also Dead and Loving It and Repossessed. These and films like them are spoof comedies of other films. They take bits and scenes from various films and make a comical situation out of them. Hence for they are comedies. No horror in them.