Random Statement Thread II

@ Maley...
No bending

@ Holdy...

Win what?
It's a little odd but correct.
I believe that cleansing is deeper, more involved and more thorough than a simple cleaning.

I think this is correct. While on a purely technical sense they mean pretty much the same thing, I think in common usage "cleansing" is used more for more serious or exacting things (along with what Heartbroker said above), like a doctor sterilizing an object or a wound for example. Even then you could use the would "clean" in that situation also and nobody would think it was weird or notice it.

When in doubt I would just go with clean as it would work in nearly all common situations.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
What kind of Laptop?


Special Operations FOX-HOUND


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I can't wait for November.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
i feel very little need to participate in society, i find most of what it offers meaningless and trivial, yet i find myself compelled by forces outside myself to be a part of it