Random Statement Thread II

I'm quite well.
You too?
I know I may need to go on assistance which I so don't want but keeping a roof over my head the kids feed and clothed will force me there when my money runs out and we are getting closer to that happening. :(
Nope he didnt believe in it so we never got any running the business and he wont get it even for just them now. It would mean he would have to spend "his" money on someone other than himself.:(
oh that's a long story I so dont want to get into on here. At the moment he is paying all the bills minus the insurance on the van but as of the first of sept he is shutting everything off and isnt talking about doing anything after that point other than buying me out of our business so as for the kids I have no clue what is going to happen.
umm me the system is messed up now I'd have to take him to different court to get the money for the lawyers. It's so messed up. Great for making money for lawyers and the court system though.

Night all. :wave:


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
I'll be the security.