We have yogurt with real fruits here. That doesnt need sugar to be sweet. Its the natural fruit sugar that makes it sweet. Or is that also not good for you D?
We have yogurt with real fruits here. That doesnt need sugar to be sweet. Its the natural fruit sugar that makes it sweet. Or is that also not good for you D?
It's not so much that I can't eat the simple carbohydrates that make up sugar as it's usually only a certain part of the day, right before and after my workouts, that I eat them. I just have other stuff I eat during that period that works better for me. If it didn't have so much simple carbohydrates in it I would just eat yogurt right before I go to bed. Instead I usually just eat some cottage cheese in it's place.
It's not so much that I can't eat the simple carbohydrates that make up sugar as it's usually only a certain part of the day, right before and after my workouts, that I eat them. I just have other stuff I eat during that period that works better for me. If it didn't have so much simple carbohydrates in it I would just eat yogurt right before I go to bed. Instead I usually just eat some cottage cheese in it's place.
I agree the Carb hit in Yogurt is ridiculous (47g usually) but I found a Supermarket Brand yogurt with Splenda and it's only 8g of carb:nanner::nanner::nanner:
It's so fucking delicious (and filling). Lemon Yogurt is the nectar of the Gods.
Cottage cheese is a damn fine snack. I don't want to know how it's manufactured though. Seems.....chunky.