Randomly browsing SDSS (Sloan Digital Sky Survey) and Galaxy Zoo currently. Haven't really been cultivating my astronomy hobby at all lately. Kind of fun to get back to that, if even for a moment.
On the other hand, there should be a classification system for porn that goes into similar levels of detail as these astronomical image classification systems, e.g. areola and nipple geometry, whether circular or elliptical, level of puffiness, whether nipples are inverted or not, approximate nipple dimensions (thickness and length), nipple shape definition (cylindral, conical or rounded), approximate areola diameter both vertically and horizontally, whether the nipples/areola are erect or not in a specific picture, number of Montgomery tubercles on each areola separately... and so on.
This would be a start in making the shitty and inaccurate TGP search engines a lot better and improve the chances of actually finding positive IDs on unknown models and finding it much faster. Of course, this will never be done since the higher level functions in the male brain (if any) are mostly turned off when looking at anything that is sexually arousing and the fact that doing such classifications for all of the available free stuff would be an insane amount of work.