Random Statement Thread II

Jon S.

Must be! Thankfully, I'm one of the ones that DOESN'T fall into that group! I'm sooooo far removed that I don't even get it! ha ha ha!

Now....wouldn't it have been much simpler if he had just used the username "Tiny Tony".....direct, HONEST, and to the point! Ha ha ha!
Now that's just mean Jon. If a guy is small you just never say anything about it either way and if he asks I'm sure most girls would lie if the guy was small. I've never had to worry about it so I don't knw what I would say.

Jon S.

I just look at it as fair game....seeing that he used a penis avatar (assuming it's his) and a name that implied he was "well-endowed"! I figured since he caused me to see it without asking me 1st (I'd have said NOOOOOO!!!! ha ha ha!), the least I could do is bust his chops a bit. Anyway, at least I was nice enough not to post about it in the thread. Chances are he'll never see me busting on him! Ha ha ha!
I like the talk section too sometimes. Tonight I'm having fun with it and of course the members only section where I run a thread of the amazing Hot Mega which I thank you for helping me with :kiss:

Jon S.

You're quite welcome :kiss: It's always a pleasure to help out as needed. I also agree about the talk and members only sections....they are pretty interesting usually. Granted the talk subjects aren't always of interest to me....but they usually are. The babes & fetish and I.D. sections not so much......there I'm pretty clueless. If not for my friend's thread in the babes section....I'd probably never venture in there.....and I don't believe I've ever ventured into the ID one. Ha ha ha!

Jon S.

I'm sure I've probably ventured into each of them at least once.....if for no other reason....out of morbid curiosity. But yeah, this one, Talk, and the Members Only (and, because we actually became friends, Nikki Nova's thread....that happens to be in the "Babes and Fetishes one) are the only ones you'll basically find me in.

And, of course I/we have fun playing with you as well! :kiss:

Jon S.

I wanted to include the other guys in one statement.....the I is Jon....the we is the guys who enjoy playing with you....which includes I....me.....or....Jon! ha ha ha!


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