This board has seemed to have gone downhill pretty quick in the last few months. I'm thinking about taking a long break from it or something. Not sure yet.
No. I am actually a last minute invite to a very small wedding that will last maybe half hour or so. I do not like extravagant, lavish weddings that can take over an hour just to hear I do.
This will be my third one within the last year. Last year was my first one ever. They are alright all in all if done right. Well I must be off to ready myself for it.
I hate weddings. Though the only ones I've been to I was a little kids so there was nothing to do and I had to dress up. Maybe as an adult if I ever get to one it wont be as bad as I remember.
according to jewelry commercials all it takes to make woman happy is some diamonds in either a necklace, earrings, or ring and they're happy as pigs in shit...damn you ladies are shallow!
according to jewelry commercials all it takes to make woman happy is some diamonds in either a necklace, earrings, or ring and they're happy as pigs in shit...damn you ladies are shallow!
Really I dislike diamonds. I would not be mean if I got one but I really wouldn't be as happy as pigs in shit. Now a ruby maybe but I don't even wear much jewelry though. Now get me some star wars memorabilia and I would be that happy.
Being on the roads by where I live was practically like driving on an ice rink today. Hard ice covered them for miles around and they haven't even scraped the ice off, put sand down, or salted hardly any of them yet.