Racist and Racism

I have delibertly stayed away from such threads on race for a while as they usually accomplish nothing but people making posts that are then called racist and then getting defensive and proclaiming loudly they are not racist.Again I say this and it comes from life experience and applies therefor only applies to the US.IMO there are two kinds of people in america ,those who have incorporated to some degree the overwhelming message that is still prevelant but obviously progress has been made that white is superior and miracles (which I have never met yet).To say that there is any sort of racism by any other group than whites in america which has any power to discriminate against others like the whitle majority can and has is the first clue to me of someone in denial of the truth.

People here debate blacks using the N word.The truth is many (most) blacks have incorporated the same white supremicist message whites have with the same result that they are racist against themselves.Things like the black-white doll test used on children demonstrate this,minority children perceive the white doll is good and have a negative attitute about the black doll.That is truly a sad thing,so young and feeling your race is a negative.All of us should feel their pain, all of us should do our utmost to create a world where that is not the case and that no one would use such a word as the N word.It's not about one race feeling gulity like some like to say it's about only one really has and has had the power to change the racial dynamic and thats the white majority.As I said progress has been made but we are far from being to a place where racism in favor of the white majority is still not prevelant.

My :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
I have delibertly stayed away from such threads on race for a while as they usually accomplish nothing but people making posts that are then called racist and then getting defensive and proclaiming loudly they are not racist.Again I say this and it comes from life experience and applies therefor only applies to the US.IMO there are two kinds of people in america ,those who have incorporated to some degree the overwhelming message that is still prevelant but obviously progress has been made that white is superior and miracles (which I have never met yet).To say that there is any sort of racism by any other group than whites in america which has any power to discriminate against others like the whitle majority can and has is the first clue to me of someone in denial of the truth.

People here debate blacks using the N word.The truth is many (most) blacks have incorporated the same white supremicist message whites have with the same result that they are racist against themselves.Things like the black-white doll test used on children demonstrate this,minority children perceive the white doll is good and have a negative attitute about the black doll.That is truly a sad thing,so young and feeling your race is a negative.All of us should feel their pain, all of us should do our utmost to create a world where that is not the case and that no one would use such a word as the N word.It's not about one race feeling gulity like some like to say it's about only one really has and has had the power to change the racial dynamic and thats the white majority.As I said progress has been made but we are far from being to a place where racism in favor of the white majority is still not prevelant.

My :2 cents:

I came back to get my fair share of abuse.
Wow friday, thats quite a post.
I agree, post like these usually accomplish nothing.
And I'm sorry for proclaiming loudly that I'm not racist.
Although I didn't proclaim or defend myself from that.
Only that what i said in this thread was far from racist.
Hey in the first part I highlighted are you saying that the only racism in the US comes from whites and if you think otherwise you are in denial?
In the 2nd part I highlighted are you saying that its white peoples fault that blacks say the word ******?
And that whites have made blacks racist against themselves?
hek, i thought some blacks use the word only amongst friends with no racist intentions.

in the third part are you saying that only whites can change racism in the states ( I think you mean because they are the only racist people) and that racism against blacks from whites is prevalent or greater that vice versa?

I think I understood your post and if so I couldn't disagree more.

I could give examples such as the affirmative action in the workplace laws, education loans system, welfare system,white on black crime statistics as opposed to vice versa or examples such as when whites are the majority in an area such as a neighborhood or a classroom as opposed to vice versa, and how each group is treated by the other in those situations........but why should i bother, i know what the responses here will be.

I'm just glad that i live in a place where race and racism are not even considered let alone manufactured, where people are just people to people.


Staff member
Racism has prevented racial and ethnic minorities from things far more than it's been used to get them access to things.:2 cents:

A lot of them are too lazy and unwilling to work and a lot of them are convicted criminals. They are often gang members who are drug dealers and murderers. You are for a system where everything should be given to them, are you out of your mind or what???? If someone wants something, he has to work for it otherwise let him starve and die. In France, we had 30 years of social assisting where we assisted unwilling to work and lazy parasites often involved in drug trafficking, vandalism, theft and murders. Socialism is the equal distribution of misery and this is the truth.
A lot of them are too lazy and unwilling to work and a lot of them are convicted criminals. They are often gang members who are drug dealers and murderers. You are for a system where everything should be given to them, are you out of your mind or what???? If someone wants something, he has to work for it otherwise let him starve and die. In France, we had 30 years of social assisting where we assisted unwilling to work and lazy parasites often involved in drug trafficking, vandalism, theft and murders. Socialism is the equal distribution of misery and this is the truth.

Again, minorities (including women of any race, racial minorities, etc.) have been denied access to many things in farrr many instances than they have gained from their minority status.

What on earth does your drivel have to do with that??

Not that it matters but it's whites who are the biggest benefactors of welfare in the US if you were trying to arrive at that point.:2 cents:
I have delibertly stayed away from such threads on race for a while as they usually accomplish nothing but people making posts that are then called racist and then getting defensive and proclaiming loudly they are not racist.Again I say this and it comes from life experience and applies therefor only applies to the US.IMO there are two kinds of people in america ,those who have incorporated to some degree the overwhelming message that is still prevelant but obviously progress has been made that white is superior and miracles (which I have never met yet).To say that there is any sort of racism by any other group than whites in america which has any power to discriminate against others like the whitle majority can and has is the first clue to me of someone in denial of the truth.

People here debate blacks using the N word.The truth is many (most) blacks have incorporated the same white supremicist message whites have with the same result that they are racist against themselves.Things like the black-white doll test used on children demonstrate this,minority children perceive the white doll is good and have a negative attitute about the black doll.That is truly a sad thing,so young and feeling your race is a negative.All of us should feel their pain, all of us should do our utmost to create a world where that is not the case and that no one would use such a word as the N word.It's not about one race feeling gulity like some like to say it's about only one really has and has had the power to change the racial dynamic and thats the white majority.As I said progress has been made but we are far from being to a place where racism in favor of the white majority is still not prevelant.

My :2 cents:

True enough. I think the same malprogramming is occuring in whites today. No one wants to admit it, but we really do internalize cues from media and society. There are far more self-hating whites than we realize. Also, the MSM/liberal media (I think conservatives are like this to a degree as well) does all it can to avoid white-on-white conversation.

They want to deracinate whites in order to 1. diminish a group of people they feel are a threat 2. are scared of appearing racist, to themselves

Why is it that CNN has had 2 black in americas, 1 latino in america, is finishing it's first Native American in America and is beginning an Asian and Muslim in America, but outright REFUSES to make a white in America?

No one will watch it?? B.S.

Every day is a white in america?? That's a disgusting idea.

And it's not like these CNN documentaries or any other media are completely positive. They often rouse up a lot of angry responses, but it's good for debate.

There's a lot of shit that goes on in "White America" that needs to be addressed and fixed, the media knows this but won't address it.:cthulhu:
True enough. I think the same malprogramming is occuring in whites today. No one wants to admit it, but we really do internalize cues from media and society. There are far more self-hating whites than we realize. Also, the MSM/liberal media (I think conservatives are like this to a degree as well) does all it can to avoid white-on-white conversation.

They want to deracinate whites in order to 1. diminish a group of people they feel are a threat 2. are scared of appearing racist, to themselves

Why is it that CNN has had 2 black in americas, 1 latino in america, is finishing it's first Native American in America and is beginning an Asian and Muslim in America, but outright REFUSES to make a white in America?

No one will watch it?? B.S.

Every day is a white in america?? That's a disgusting idea.

And it's not like these CNN documentaries or any other media are completely positive. They often rouse up a lot of angry responses, but it's good for debate.

There's a lot of shit that goes on in "White America" that needs to be addressed and fixed, the media knows this but won't address it.:cthulhu:

I think the reality is far less ominous than your perception here (and in other threads).

The facts just simply don't bear out the ultra paranoia you continue to express over this issue.

The necessary effect of any of the pieces you cite here are practically no existent as compared to everyday media portrayal if you want to break it down by racial exposure.

The white perspective portrayal (for lack of a better term for this discussion's purposes) in typical media is some exponential number of times more prevalent than any other perspective.

It seems your particular perspective has become somehow jaded to the point where you can't see the forest for the trees. Or that you are somehow used to the ratio being 95% and you now see 92% as cause for alarm.

You've claimed before the media is undertaking some mission to emasculate the white male (presuming because you stumbled upon some cuckold porn or something). In what serious way can you sustain that point....it is almost laughable.


Hiliary 2020
And let me add that I don't know much about racism, only that Very simply,
socialogically and ethniically, racism is essentially
empirical mélanges of a rhythmically radical but yet verbally
passe and temporarily transcended content welded with
historically innovative racialogical material, transposed , transcended
and transmogrified by the angst of the racialque ethnic experience
which elevates it from essentially alpha exponents of in essence
millibeta potential racialogic material into the prime cultural exponents
of an alien codensic cosmic stanza form.
I think the reality is far less ominous than your perception here (and in other threads).

The facts just simply don't bear out the ultra paranoia you continue to express over this issue.

The necessary effect of any of the pieces you cite here are practically no existent as compared to everyday media portrayal if you want to break it down by racial exposure.

The white perspective portrayal (for lack of a better term for this discussion's purposes) in typical media is some exponential number of times more prevalent than any other perspective.

It seems your particular perspective has become somehow jaded to the point where you can't see the forest for the trees. Or that you are somehow used to the ratio being 95% and you now see 92% as cause for alarm.

You've claimed before the media is undertaking some mission to emasculate the white male (presuming because you stumbled upon some cuckold porn or something). In what serious way can you sustain that point....it is almost laughable.

I'm going to make a quick response here. I don't have a problem with 95% going to 92% I'm considered with the type and quality of the coverage.

This isn't about other groups, it's about white people. I have no problem with 10k black in america's (and remember I'm just using this one series as an example) what I do have a problem with is the avoidance of a white in america.
I'm just glad that i live in a place where race and racism are not even considered let alone manufactured, where people are just people to people.

I just don't understand meesterperfect!!!

Is this another example of "... a strong element of sarcasm and parady... or baiting?" As I've stated on more than one occasion, I don't take the English teacher's posts seriously but this point made me :facepalm:

I'd consider laughing if I didn't think you were actually deadly serious. I'm not really surprised that you "probably" have never been on the recieving end or noticed racism in Colombia but to suggest "race and racism are not even considered let alone manufactured" ... only confirms again you are "very naive on racial issues."

I'm sure you will find racism almost anywhere different races live together on earth and Colombia has more than its fair share of racial problems.

Here is the reality of racism in Colombia. Clearly you are wrong again, MP. :2 cents:

Did you know that Colombia had a black president? :eek: I bet they don't like to talk about that. I wonder why?

You made your views on Obama pretty clear and I admit he has his faults but Obama is a huge inspiration to many people where you currently reside. You must be hiding your appreciation of Obama right, MP? You said "I'm more pro black than most blacks"... "I want to see blacks in the usa succeed." It's all right here in your I don't like Obama thread.

Please read your Obama thread again and if you won't listen to anybody else at least take the wise words of your acknowledged "friend" Jagger. He's intelligent and clearly knows what he's talking about on this issue. :2 cents:

Did you know this about the country where you said "people are just people to people." :rolleyes:
Well, you're a teacher so I figure you'll be out of the line of fire. :ak47:

If you were living in Colombia in 2008 didn't you hear about the trade union murders? Surely it must have made headline news. There are also many other serious problems I could raise but I think I've made my point.

Will MP accept he's wrong? His posts suggest the answer is probably "HELL NO!!!"

But do you know what I don't blame you, you are just a "perfect" product of the faulty American education system and the beauty is you and many others don't even know it. :2 cents:

I'd like to end this post on a positive note so here is a great clip I found whilst searching for something else I wanted to post in this thread but this is much better.


If Johnny Lee Clary can wake up to the simple fact that having a variety of different races is something to cherish not fight over then surely there is hope for the rest of us. It's the content of ones character that is important not the colour of your skin. And whilst the masses waste time, money and lives fighting the rich focus on what they see is most important: money and power.

Have you seen that movie vanilla sky? Penelope Cruz sure is hot. :)

post 246
I'm going to make a quick response here. I don't have a problem with 95% going to 92% I'm considered with the type and quality of the coverage.

This isn't about other groups, it's about white people. I have no problem with 10k black in america's (and remember I'm just using this one series as an example) what I do have a problem with is the avoidance of a white in america.

What avoidance and what specifically do you believe is not being addressed?


Hiliary 2020
first of all question let me just say fuck off.
for you to go through so much to try to disprove my statement really proves that you are a person with problems.
i honestly think youre just jealous.

anyway, you know more than me about how it is in colombia because you read an article or two so i accept defeat ok.
also, i hate all blacks and i'm a racist ok, now leave me alone
first of all question let me just say fuck off.
for you to go through so much to try to disprove my statement really proves that you are a person with problems.
i honestly think youre just jealous.

anyway, you know more than me about how it is in colombia because you read an article or two so i accept defeat ok.
also, i hate all blacks and i'm a racist ok, now leave me alone


I'm going to make a quick response here. I don't have a problem with 95% going to 92% I'm considered with the type and quality of the coverage.

This isn't about other groups, it's about white people. I have no problem with 10k black in america's (and remember I'm just using this one series as an example) what I do have a problem with is the avoidance of a white in america.

Well...I just ran across a recent story...So I suppose here's one...
Well...I just ran across a recent story...So I suppose here's one...


Here's another one too. It says a lot about the pitiful state of white people when guys like this are allowed to get away with it and there are clearly a few white dudes standing around hoping they aren't next.

Absolutely revolting, and apparently the dialog of the guy speaking to the camera gets even worse after they attack her.

My apologies for the comment section btw, it's just one of the only links that still work.


Hiliary 2020

Here's another one too. It says a lot about the pitiful state of white people when guys like this are allowed to get away with it and there are clearly a few white dudes standing around hoping they aren't next.

Absolutely revolting, and apparently the dialog of the guy speaking to the camera gets even worse after they attack her.

My apologies for the comment section btw, it's just one of the only links that still work.

i just watched that video.
i'm just gonna make a statement.
blacks attack whites hundreds of times more than vice versa.
i've read 500 times more likely, 600 times......but either way its a lot.
that really can't be argued, its fact.
so does that fact prove racism?
to me, hell yes.
if not it proves something.

that video made me sick.
i dont know what made me sicker, the degenerate hitting her or the fact that no one did anything.
i know if i was there , something bad would have happened.
also, those peices of shit, the one who hit her and the one laughing about it.
i hate those fucks, so if i called them ******s does that make me a racist, or just someone who hates seeing innocent girls attacked?
if so more of a racist than the guy who hit her?
sure does right?

and why apologize for the comment section?
you didn't say it, what are you worried about?


Hiliary 2020


not with that guy jjo.
constantly trying to disprove everything i say, and failing because he knows nothing.
implying i dont live where i live, work as i work, do what i do based on nothing other than the fact he's jealous because he aint getting any.
implying i am a white supremist and calling me a liar over and over, plus leaving baiting,pestering, gay messages on my profile page.

no, sorry, i don't get along with people like that.

i like the rodney video though, always have.
but that doesn't really apply to that guy question.
Racism will always exist in the United States, that is my belief. It may be pessimisstic but it is my belief. That belief is based upon the historical legacy of the United States and the general need of people to find someone to blame for their percieved problems. I hope I am wrong because the U.S. as the potential to become the greatest country the world has ever known if the people of the U.S. learn to embrace differences as strengths. There are intelligent, creative people in all races people who can add to the whole. When we as a nation accept people as different and not as something to change or destroy then we will become stronger. We are so divided. This divide makes us weak.