Get his fucking death certificate and prove it
There you go whims, now youre catching on.
Don't believe anything they tell you.
But also don't rely on "death certificates" either. You want a death certificate? I'll get you a death certificate There are ways, Whimsy. You don't wanna know about it, believe me. Hell I'll get you a death certificate by 3 O'clock this afternoon.
Now I believe Mr. Glide did die. What motive to lie?
However I do believe that its very possible that some of these female porn actresses who are dropping like flies may still be among the living.
Once they can't find work or decide to call it quits then it would be in their best interest to let the world believe they are dead and start a new life.
Anyway RIP William. Youre in that great big porn set in the sky now banging all those hot dead porn chicks.
PS I just found out Brandon Iron died too.
I bet the two of them are tearing it up up there.