Psychoville Halloween special at 10pm. Any fans?


I liked the first season, that episode with the murder and the police man that takes place in one room in one shot, homage to Hitchcock I presume, was fantastic. The problem is, it just wasn't very memorable as a whole. Not like League of Gentleman, which created amazing characters and was MUCH funnier.

I thought about checking out the Halloween special, but it slipped my mind. I think the second season will probably slip my mind as well, which is a shame, as the whole thing had potential.

I agree whole-heartedly. Hitchcock, Argento, or both? I ruined the 1st Psychoville a bit as I guessed the pivotal moment, that the 'beheaded guy' wasn't actually dead. Argento's 'Trauma' was the main reason for that. Still, post-League stuff is still tops for (horror) film buffs. Linki in my post asbove will show you Psychoville Halloween for another 4 or 5 days ;)


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
No I was watching the Walking Dead over here in the States.