Protecting your home

The brother of a friend once had someone break into his house while he was in at the time. He gave the criminal a beating, and he got charged with assaulting the criminal. This is UK justice.

You have to stand there and let them take what they want. Then you are supposed to ask them where they would like it delivered to.

It is complete horse shit the justice system in the UK. Take the Tony Martin incident years a go. He was a victim and the police did fuck all to help him. He was left alone to deal with it himself. And he got fucked by the system because the system ignored him and left him to deal with it himself and they jailed him for dealing with it himself.

No wonder people hate cops and the whole justice system. It is fucked!.
No Tony Martin is a cunt. There's a case for reasonable force in defending your home from attack by burglars & then there's shooting people in the back as they're leaving your property. Which is what the cunt Tony Martin did.

The self-defence issue... one of the most opinion-rich subjects in the world, and the one where those having opinions is usually the least informed, usually ending up with some foaming "RAAAAGH!!! MUST BE ALLOWED TO KILL!" rant about how the governemnt is lean on crime and mean on victims just because the "victim" wasn't allowed to gun down someone who stood on the street and looked funny at his house.

Anyway... end rant-mode:

Self-defence in Sweden is simple: any action you need to take to protect life, limb, property, residence or other vital interrests protected by law from an imminent or on-going criminal attack is be concidered a non-crime as long as the action taken is not obviously unreasonable when concidering the danger, the violation and the value of the property defended.

That's all you need really. If someone asks you "Why did you do that? It's against the law", all you need to do is to say "I thought that was my last option to defend myself".

This doesn't stop the foam-mouthers from going bersek from time to time when someone gets convicted for alledged self-defence. But without any exception, those cases always turns out to be where someone did something excessive that was indeed obviously unreasonable and didn't need to be done to defend from or prevent the crime.

A couple of additional points:

- Anyone assisting someone else that has the right to defend themselves has the same rights.

- If a person "could not reasonably be expected to control themselves", that too may count as a defence from accusations. It's not "temporary insanity" like in the US though.

- Not complying when asked to leave a residence gives the tenant(s) just cause to evict the perp under self defence.

- If caught red-handed, a person resisting returning stolen property gives self-defence rights to those trying to take it back.

About guns: not allowed for self defence in Sweden.


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Here in Ohio I have to make it appear as if I'm retreating from the intruder in my house. Needless to say if such an intruder comes in I will use my Bushmaster.

You should pay a little closer attention buddy. Strickland signed the "Castle Doctrine" into law a year or two ago. It extends to your yard, car, and workplace. You DO NOT have to retreat in your home anymore, but you can't put 2 in some scum bags chest, unless he is trying to do you harm. If you catch someone, and level a gun at them, and tell them to stay put while the cops come, and they do, you can't shoot them, however, if they become aggressive...and that includes to any extent you feel puts your life in reasonable danger, you have the right to defend yourself with lethal force.

I'm gonna miss our Governor...he was really good to gun owners, and sportsman.
No Tony Martin is a cunt. There's a case for reasonable force in defending your home from attack by burglars & then there's shooting people in the back as they're leaving your property. Which is what the cunt Tony Martin did.

Well "the cunt" did the right thing as no one else would lift a finger to help him. Not even those that swore to protect and uphold the law. So the SCUM got what was coming to them. They robbed him for the last time. Note the words "last time" as they had done so on more than one occasion. The only "cunts" are the ones that robbed him and continued to do so. Good on Mr Martin!. Well done!. He did what he had to do. He was one man, there was more than one of them, every time they robbed him.
Well "the cunt" did the right thing as no one else would lift a finger to help him. Not even those that swore to protect and uphold the law. So the SCUM got what was coming to them. They robbed him for the last time. Note the words "last time" as they had done so on more than one occasion. The only "cunts" are the ones that robbed him and continued to do so. Good on Mr Martin!. Well done!. He did what he had to do. He was one man, there was more than one of them, every time they robbed him.

So because he's in a boo-hoo situation we are supposed to just let him screw the law and become judge, jury and executioner?

Yeah the police should have helped but that alone does not justify what he did.

Yes it did justify what he did. He would have been the one on the cold table in the mortuary if he didn't do it. And that would have been thanks to the piece of shit scum Gestapo (police force) for their lack of participation in the incident. They were contacted multiple times by Martin. And they did fuck all. He was the only victim in that incident. No one else!. The pigs are all too quick to jump to the fucking defense of the criminals like these gypo's that kept robbing him but they ignored him. There needs to be more people like Martin that stands up and does something when the police wont. Maybe then there would be less innocents killed!. Don't like that then dont bitch to me, tell it to the fascists that ignored Martin's continuous plea's for help!.