C'mon Mega!
We ain't gonna agree.
That is the mistake you (and others apparently) keep making. I'm not (ever) trying to convince you to agree with me. When you and others make points which are full of holes, it's only common sense to ask you to defend the holes in it if you expect reasonable people to buy it.
Ok Al and Jesse?
Well they ain't Barack now is they?
Those guys are just too openly black, especially Al.
So black wasn't the main reason (if a reason at all) he was elected then? If it was..they would have been nom/elected before him. But it was no more a factor than Hillary being a woman and white likely garnering her votes among some and McCain being a man and white likely garnering him votes among some.
Dude, barack was very marketable for a number of weasons, one of them being his appearance.
Thats all.
Now we agree. He was "marketable" which in this context means electable for an number of reasons.
He projected credibility.
He articulated positions people agreed with.
He articulated them well.
He debated them well.
He wasn't perceived as a partisan hack.
At the end of the day, if you do that better than your opponents you should win. I can't think of a case other than GWB where none of those things held true but he still won.
Now if you want to make the case for someone being more style than substance...that would be it.