What do you all think? Have a favorite? A list of front runners? Those that you would hate to see run?

The nutbags at this site list Palin as #1 :rolleyes::

CBS has a nice list of possibles: http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-250_162-10004016-13.html

I think formidable front runners include Pawlenty, Thune, Patreus, Gingrich, Romney, Barbour, and Daniels, among others. From that list I see Pawlenty roasting Obama in debates. Pawlenty has also done some solid work as commander in chief of Minnesota. Therefore, at this point, I will predict Pawlenty.

And dear God, if they put up another Bush (Jeb) I will seriously throw up. :rolleyes:


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I'm just going to predict Palin, not because I think she will be the nominee, but because I can see Americans being dumb enough to nominate her.
They all suck.
Every one of them.
Especially Palin.
I'd like to see someone I can respect emerge from the GOP garbage heap by 2012, but I'm not holding my breath.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I am going alomg with Palin.

1 ) After Bush Jr. got the job, everybody can

2 ) She is the top runner for the Tea Part, and the Republicans must keep them under check

3 ) If there is a field of several candidates, a majority can be as low as 30% - and after that, there is no real predection who teams with whom

For the Democrats it will probably Obama again

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Huckabee and Romney should be the front runners. Paul and Pawlenty are pretty far back from them. I won't vote for Palin, so I'm not even mentioning her. I've heard fellow Hoosier Mike Pence as a candidate as well.
None of them have a chance. Whomever it is will be a "centrist" Republican because the GOP is about to undergo the kind of infighting that will tear it apart for the next 2 years. The Corporate Hasbeen GOP'rs versus the New Skool :rolleyes: Teabaggers...it will be tasty to watch these two factions claw at each other publicly.

I think a REAL LIBERAL might challenge Obama. I don't see a DINO like Evan Bayh getting much pub. His post-election piece in the NYT pretty much read like it was written by Karl Rove :facepalm:
Phil Davison for me or the other one you're all talking about, The Grinch