Poll: Did you serve in the military?

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Speaking of indoctrination... Are you seriously referencing UN "Peacekeeping" Missions as a sort of moral barometer?

It's patently clear from your previous posts on the subject that your outburst has more to do with your hatred of the UN than it does with any moral objection to foreign armies committing atrocities in other people's backyards, otherwise you'd be more critical of your own country's crimes abroad rather than being an apologist for them.

Trying to portray UN missions as intrinsically rotten by only mentioning the bad and neglecting the fact that many people have been protected just underscores your bias. Even with all their flaws UN peacekeeping missions have done less damage than America's interventions around the world.

Again, a pseudo-intellectual argument used to justify being a chicken-shit punk. Do you think this is anything new? Everything you type is straight from the Cowards Handbook. And don't worry about someone attacking your lower-intestine of a country. No one wants it. No one cares about it. Hell, I'd support it if the incoming regime promised to get those ridiculous Fosters commercials of the air. And. like that sign on the gun thread, if it ever happens, don't come to us for help. Go ahead and count on your own military to bail you out, even though you seem to despise them just as much.

You wail about 'pseudo intellectualism' then proceed to punch a paragraph full of insults, including your favorite- LOL MY COUNTRY IS BETTER THAN YOURS!, which makes me wonder if you're even old enough to be on a porn site.

For someone who thinks himself so brave you're certainly very sensitive to criticism. As for the implied threat that you won't be there to 'save us' if we're ever invaded, I can only hope that turns out to be true. American 'liberation' is something we can do without.

EDIT: This is not a picture posting forum. Please do not attach too many images in a thread. Read rules here.
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Yes. 5yrs Army 3rd Infantry Battalion aka "The Bloods".


Your entire posting history is one of insults and petulance. 95% of everything you have ever said here classifies as a turd in a punch-bowl. Now, to top it all, you act like a whiny little bitch when the tables are turned on you.

A very serious trend that I have long since noticed is that you like to accuse the other posters of what you are doing, yourself. Your response to Plump is as ridiculous and puerile as anything I've ever seen. Your own bias needs to be examined before you bleat about others. And, as has been stated, you need to learn how to be a man. Between your words and your self-admitted (lack of) actions, you are just a petulant little coward who likes to comment on what others do, without doing a damn thing yourself.

Since you hate America so much, I guess coming here to be Sarah Palins towel boy is out of the question. Instead, you should go to England. You and Vodkazvictim can give each other handjobs and read passages from the Wannabe Handbook to each other.


Closed Account
Your entire posting history is one of insults and petulance. 95% of everything you have ever said here classifies as a turd in a punch-bowl. Now, to top it all, you act like a whiny little bitch when the tables are turned on you.

A very serious trend that I have long since noticed is that you like to accuse the other posters of what you are doing, yourself. Your response to Plump is as ridiculous and puerile as anything I've ever seen. Your own bias needs to be examined before you bleat about others. And, as has been stated, you need to learn how to be a man. Between your words and your self-admitted (lack of) actions, you are just a petulant little coward who likes to comment on what others do, without doing a damn thing yourself.

Since you hate America so much, I guess coming here to be Sarah Palins towel boy is out of the question. Instead, you should go to England. You and Vodkazvictim can give each other handjobs and read passages from the Wannabe Handbook to each other.
One of the best ever comeback that I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Well done!



Your entire posting history is one of insults and petulance. 95% of everything you have ever said here classifies as a turd in a punch-bowl. Now, to top it all, you act like a whiny little bitch when the tables are turned on you.

A very serious trend that I have long since noticed is that you like to accuse the other posters of what you are doing, yourself. Your response to Plump is as ridiculous and puerile as anything I've ever seen. Your own bias needs to be examined before you bleat about others. And, as has been stated, you need to learn how to be a man. Between your words and your self-admitted (lack of) actions, you are just a petulant little coward who likes to comment on what others do, without doing a damn thing yourself.

Since you hate America so much, I guess coming here to be Sarah Palins towel boy is out of the question. Instead, you should go to England. You and Vodkazvictim can give each other handjobs and read passages from the Wannabe Handbook to each other.

The Wannabe Handbook?

Yeah everyone these days so *desperately* wants to be like America, with it's crumbling economy, massive debt to the Chinese, no healthcare, protests breaking out everywhere, high unemployment, decaying infrastructure, soldiers coming home in boxes every day of the week...

So much to envy!

Maybe this rather desperate and pathetic response of yours is evidence that it's all starting to sink in. At least the gay biker dude from the tea party digs your posts :1orglaugh


I didn't say you should want to be American. I very clearly said you should want to be a man.

Edit: In an ironic twist of fate, at the moment the blurb under my name is reading, "Pussy, pussy where are you?" Don't worry, I've found him. :hatsoff:


I didn't say you should want to be American. I very clearly said you should want to be a man.

Edit: In an ironic twist of fate, at the moment the blurb under my name is reading, "Pussy, pussy where are you?" Don't worry, I've found him. :hatsoff:

Considering you can't even take a few home truths about your country without getting a thistle in your vag I don't think you should be in any hurry to offer yourself up as a model of masculine fortitude

but I realize this habit you've got of calling people pussies when they say things you don't like has more to do with your inability to articulate a half decent argument for your beliefs than it has to do with my personal character :clap:


Closed Account
Hey emceeemee...

You hate the United States.
You hate the United States Military.
You hate the private health care system that the United States has.
You hate.

I get it!
It's patently clear from your previous posts on the subject that your outburst has more to do with your hatred of the UN than it does with any moral objection to foreign armies committing atrocities in other people's backyards, otherwise you'd be more critical of your own country's crimes abroad rather than being an apologist for them.

Trying to portray UN missions as intrinsically rotten by only mentioning the bad and neglecting the fact that many people have been protected just underscores your bias. Even with all their flaws UN peacekeeping missions have done less damage than America's interventions around the world.

Haha "flaws?" That's the word you use to describe rape, child molestation, forced prostitution and withholding food/shelter for sexual favors? "Flaws?" Wow.

Again, trying to use the UN as some sort of a moral barometer is such a joke. Countries like Libya, Saudi Arabia, China, Russia, Cuba, Jordan, Qatar, Angola, etc... are members of the UN Human Rights Council. You've got to be kidding me with this, right? Seriously, Iran is on the UN's Commission on the Status of Women.

Rape, murder, fraud and embezzlement to the tune of billions of dollars, oil-for-food, corruption on a truly global scale... The UN itself is intrinsically rotten, not just the farce of their so-called "peacekeeping" missions.

And just as a side note, where are the facts in any of your posts? They seem to be just a bunch of baseless opinions, fueled by your distaste for the United States... You seem to be quick to criticize other posters for arguing out of passion, patriotism, or bias, but I can find nothing in your words that shows that you are comporting yourself any differently.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
...Even with all their flaws UN peacekeeping missions have done less damage than America's interventions around the world.

...American 'liberation' is something we can do without.

And wait, aren't you from Australia? If I'm wrong, forgive me, but if its true that you can do without "American liberation," it sure seems that you can't do without US trade and capital infusion:
The United States is Australia’s fourth largest export market and its second largest source of imports... The United States is also the largest investor in Australia.

And as far as your criticism of "America's interventions around the world" doing significant damage, again, if you're from Australia, you really have no place to talk, as Australia has been at the hip of the US military in pretty much every single major US military operation since WWII. Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, both Iraq Wars, the invasion of Afghanistan... Australia was right there with us. Not to mention the existence of ANZUS, which basically states that Australia and the United States are to cooperate on defense matters that relate to attacks worldwide that either country has even a minor investment in. So unless you're talking about some other "damage" that American intervention has done around the world, or you are indeed not from Australia, (Again, if not, I apologize.) your country is subject to just as much criticism as you are levying against the US.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Cry moar

Your ideas about courage are both infantile and perverse. Singing up to a hierarchical institution which demands blind obedience and the suspension of all critical thought is the hallmark of something other than courage.

Written like a true coward.


Approved Content Owner
22 years in the USAF................ and I never once got to murder children, burn civilians or rape cattle.

Maybe I should have served with emceeemcee instead. :facepalm:
22 years in the USAF................ and I never once got to murder children, burn civilians or rape cattle.

Maybe I should have served with emceeemcee instead. :facepalm:

That can't be. I thought doing all of those things, simultaneously, was an initiation of sorts in to the US military. I'm going to write my congressman a letter, you've been deprived of your rights. Give me your address and I'll be sure they send you some slow-moving infants, some gasoline soaked, third world civilians and some very rapeable livestock ASAP.
Not officially, but I do work in the national security arena and have worked for DoD for many years.