Police Use Taser On An Emu


Take a Hit, Spunker!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
I dunno whether that's funny or just strange news.

Umm.. they should've just tasered it to begin with. Dont fuck with a lesser creature for hours.
I live in Australia and I'll admit Emu's are evil motherfuckers they are more dangerous than kangaroos (which are also violent and agessive)

they can rip u apart wit their talons lol no-shit
I live in Australia and I'll admit Emu's are evil motherfuckers they are more dangerous than kangaroos (which are also violent and agessive)

they can rip u apart wit their talons lol no-shit

Sure they can be aggressive (evil motherfuckers???),
but how about using tazers and guns on defenceless animals? It's not like the emu would trigger a bomb or throw a grenade at them.

Policemen are supposedly trained for dealing such situations without harm...
The tazer throws some million volts of electricity on the victim, stunning it. Couldn't they use first of all tranquilliser darts to avoid killing the animal?
That was just an excuse for those cops to use their tasers. Like nobody had a net or somebody couldn't call animal control.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Oh...I thought I read "Police Use Taser On An EMO". Now that would've been fucking awesome.


its ok to taser an animal if you shout "OH MY GOD ITS COMING RIGHT FOR US" just before.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Why does it seem that cops are so eager to tase people/animals/walls/what have you?

Because cops are on a power trip that impedes their judgement and common sense. If cops would go after the real big time criminals that are fucking up this country, things might be better than they are. :2 cents:
That's totally shocking:crying:

What kind of people are policemen nowadays? No ethics, no conscience...

Sure they can be aggressive (evil motherfuckers???),
but how about using tazers and guns on defenceless animals? It's not like the emu would trigger a bomb or throw a grenade at them.

Policemen are supposedly trained for dealing such situations without harm...
The tazer throws some million volts of electricity on the victim, stunning it. Couldn't they use first of all tranquilliser darts to avoid killing the animal?

That was just an excuse for those cops to use their tasers. Like nobody had a net or somebody couldn't call animal control.

Have you guys ever seen an emu? Or the amount of damage an emu can (quickly) administer? I don't think I'd categorize any animal as an "evil motherfucker", but certainly a dangerous motherfucker. Check out their primary defensive weapon, which would be those toe claws. There have been ranchers and farmers killed by these things.

Considering a taser is going to administer a shock, and then the animal will recover completely, from a big picture perspective, it's better than shooting it.

Get a net? Brian, these are like, four to five foot tall birds!

What is this fascination with posting a thread every time police use a taser? It administers a shock for often less than a second- never more than seven- and then it's over. Would everyone prefer to go back to when cops just beat the hell out of anyone/anything with batons? Or use pepper spray? Guns?

Frankly, I think if you can control a situation with 1 to seven seconds of zap, then the criminal/emu/emo is in custody without black eyes, broken bones, burning skin, bullet holes, etc., isn't that better? I was in some UGLY scraps as a police officer that I wish we'd have had a taser- would have kept both us and suspects from getting seriously hurt.

Because cops are on a power trip that impedes their judgement and common sense. If cops would go after the real big time criminals that are fucking up this country, things might be better than they are.

I just couldn't leave that juicy quote hanging out there... You've got to be fucking kidding me. Go ride with officers in Philadelphia, Detroit, LA, or hell, even Waterloo Iowa for about 2 weeks. When you see the absolute b u l l s h i t that these men and women have to put up with, a comment like yours will make less and less sense. "Real big time criminals" are usually the targets of detectives, the FBI, and state investigators. The absolute *army* of thugs, assholes, thieves, vandals, and abusers do just as much to fuck up this country as any other criminal, because they take up so much time, energy, and resource from the system. There will be two dozen vandalism calls (at least) for every 1 sexual assault. And it's the guys/gals in the squad cars, in uniform, that have to deal with them. Go deal with them some time, and in no time, you'll see there's no power trip, there's just mopping up after a never-ending parade of crime.

My bad- they killed it with the taser. Most of my rant is still true, even about the emus and how dangerous they can be, but depending on how quickly things were getting ugly, they could have called for maybe a tranq gun.

Fuckin' cops...



Special Operations FOX-HOUND
...L3ggy mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
I agree with a few of the others who mentioned a tranquilizer gun should have been used if at all possible. The effects of using a taser on humans is up for some debate, much less a smaller 4-foot tall bird. Sure emus can be dangerous, so they should have just left it pretty much alone until they could get animal control out there with a tranq.
I agree with a few of the others who mentioned a tranquilizer gun should have been used if at all possible. The effects of using a taser on humans is up for some debate, much less a smaller 4-foot tall bird. Sure emus can be dangerous, so they should have just left it pretty much alone until they could get animal control out there with a tranq.

But everyone can rest assured that whoever authorized the use of the taser is probably in big time trouble, with the department, the city, etc.



knows petras secret: she farted.
wtf with all the police taser threads? and wtf with doing this shit to animals? fucked up shit.