Mr. Daystar
In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
There isn't ONE SINGLE THING you could say to this guy, that will satisfy him, other then total agreement with his opinions, and scream out loud that the cops are always wrong. Who knows where this guy is even from, and quite frankly, if it isn't in the heart of the WORST city in America, he has no idea what danger, or victimization really is. I wonder if he's ever needed the cops to help him? Has he ever been on the business end of a 12 gauge, which honestly looks like staring down a fucking Howitzer barrel? Who else can you call, at 2 am on a lonely road, and ask for help, and they will come, not knowing if they will come back alive, but they show up, because they care enough to do the job. All he does is remind us of other countries, and how wonderful their police treat people, but forgets, or ignores the fact that this country has open boarders with illegal aliens coming in, like the dam burst. He forgets, or ignores the uncontrollable heroin problem we have, which I will go on record as saying is our own governments fault. He seems to ignore the number of scumbags that liter our streets, that have no respect for anyone, including the law, or law officers. He obviously hasn't taken into consideration how many law enforcement officers are killed in the country EVERY YEAR, and the reason is because of a traffic stop. He calls our explanations, of why officers do what they do, an excuse to justify their behavior, but never once mentions the behavior of those that end up in the situations they do. Like I said, if a guy is running away, you don't shot him in the back, but if you're rolling around on the ground with someone, and he's reaching for things on your belt, you do what you have to, to survive. And if your there, because the guy you were trying to put cuffs on, is resisting, and trying to get away and hitting you.............IT'S HIS OWN FAULT IF HE ENDS UP DEAD!!!Can someone tell @Ace Boobtoucher he is needed in aisle 1008642? We really need his opinion on this subject.
It is not, NOT the policeman's job to argue your guilt, or innocence. It is his job to enforce the law. If he has proof, or evidence, you get arrested, and you lawyer arguer's with the judge. When a cop places you under arrest, you cooperate, shut your fucking mouth, except to say, I AM REPRESENTED BY LEGAL COUNCIL.