[ . . .Maybe, just maybe she freaked the hell out and lashed at the first thing she could...
and it just so happened to be a detective who probably had two three options...
1. Shoot her...
2. Get into a physical confrontation with her...
(where they both run the risk of injuring themselves)
3. or use less than lethal force and tase her...
I think he chose wisely. . . .]
Back to number 2 for a second - "Get into a physical confrontation with her" only to find out that, mere hours after said incident, an agenda laden, SPLC / ACLU atty. goon is salivating over the fact that when it all goes to court, he'll exploit said womans' handicap to the "n"th degree . . as the incredulous detectives walk away from headqtrs, just learning about their mandatory administrative, leave.
It's funny how quick some people are to judge cops, especially knowing that when the shit hits the fan they all dial 911. It's a thankless job where no one wants you until they need you...
:2 cents:
Roger . . concur ! It's also
funny how, if given the opportunity, the antagonists will shade an entire nations' law enf apparatus as a result of a handful of *
overly aggressive, violent cops. . . of which may be agent provocateurs, from the get go :dunno:
Law enf is the least appreciated means of employ in the nation as, they must be absolutely perfecto ! 100 percentile - 24/ 7 / 365 1/4 days a year . . walk on water even ! Cops also are social workers . . has anybody noticed ?
I have also noticed that a greater number of officers must be bi or multi lingual. + many other requirements.
The taking of one's life these days is so routine today, the death of a local Police officer hardly gets anybodies attention at the 5 - 6 & 11.
It's just a spiraling vortex down down down.
People and society today simply are not the high quality characters we were in earlier times. As I see it, society is begging for dictatorship. Understand your history !
Getting ahead of the thread here :o