Many people like yourself believe these events are real even though the only evidence you are given is that someone told you what happened.
No, I believe it because not once have I ever seen a fatality from any of these events later turn up alive.
Many people like yourself believe these events are real even though the only evidence you are given is that someone told you what happened.
Which side of the microphone have you ever been on? Giving the questions or answering the questions? And did you find any first responders and ask them for their active shooter procedures?
Yeah I'll go ask one now.
Did you look at those comments in the video(s)?
Why are so many,almost everyone, the majority calling this fake?
Because they are all delusional hate-filled assholes.
Lmao Meester is a great bullshit pick up artist! Bob... I have to say I admire and respect your tenacity of going back and forth with Meester. I say that with respect. Meester deflected so many times and did his usual Youtube puppet show and you still addressed it. Bob your patience good sir is a testament of your character and your outlook. :hatsoff:
I come and go with Meester posts because I (as we all do) come back to figure out what the functional fuck is wrong with him. He still never called Galveston Coroner or Sheriff. He answers a question with a question and a YouTube video following a question.
He's a broken soul torn in his personal dissonance of watching a tragedy that hit close to home that did not involve public eye. He has a story to tell under a veil of domestic involvement. That's why he deflects.
Not to digress, I admire your persistence Bob.
I wish I could be bothered to figure out more numbers to be called or emailed or whatever to actually show concrete proof.
:insert YouTube video here:
Bob I ask you a question; Meester: I am gonna write haiku outnof syllable lines about bullshit
It's been only 4 days but already the only debate we have about this is wether it was real or false-flag operation. Only conspicracy theory believers are interested in talking about that tragic even. To everyone else, this was just the shooting of the day.
In any other country, a shootig that ends up with 12 people killed would make the headlines for, at the bare minimum, a week. But americans are so used ot hear about mass shooting that they aren't moved by them anymore.
Have you talked with any first responders people about their procedures regarding an active shooter situation?
Answer a fucking question tin foil cock