You keep saying contact "1st responders".
Like who exactly?
Police? First Aid?
What do you want me to ask them?
Will they tell me that bob and whimsy are right?
As usual I have people telling me I am wrong.
Not proving that I am wrong. Not even putting forth anything that even remotely shows that I am wrong.
Not even an argument or anything to debate.
Only youre wrong, youre crazy.
As usual we have another MASS KILLING with no video or anything to prove it really happened.
Just more fake crying fake witnesses and CNN telling us what happened.
Were there no video cameras in that place?
Every place has video cameras today.
Therefore if it really happened there would be video. But there never is any.
100's of people with video cameras attached to their hand and nothing.
But CNN always arrives so fast that they actually record people actually running from the scene.
Yeah ok.
You want me to prove something that doesn't exist doesn't exist.
Which is not easy.
But not one of you can even come close to proving that something that did happen happened.
Pretty sad.
And you never will because there never will be any proof.
Only what CNN and their very obvious fake rehearsed witnesses told you.
So the official story is that a man named david ian long went into a club and killed 12 people with a 45 handgun.
I looked up david ian long and couldnt find anybody by that name in california or anywhere.
So he killed 12 people including a uniformed cop who showed up pretty much instantaniously.
There was 5 off duty cops there but we haven't heard peep from them.
They don't seem to tell us how many people he actually shot, only that he killed 12.
The nearest and only ER in the area made this official statement.
They recieved 11 patients from the MASS CASUALTY EVENT , one of them was the cop who died there.
The other 10 were treated and released and not even admitted.
10 people shot with a 45 and not one was admitted?
Strange, because one of the main witnesses said he helped carry a guy out who was shot in the chest?
I guess they don't admit people with gunshot wounds to the chest anymore?
And another victim shown on the news was clearly shot in the back. He wasn't admitted either I suppose.
10 people with gunshot wounds taken to a hospital. None of them admitted.
Bull Fucking Shit.
Ok so THE GUNMAN shot a bunch of people, cops were on the scene within minutes, and during his SHOOTING SPREE he posted on his social media with a telephone.
He wrote:
Documents obtained by ABC News show Long posted on social media at 11:24 p.m. saying,
"It's too bad I won't get to see all the illogical and pathetic reasons people will put in my mouth as to why I did it. Fact is I had no reason to do it, and I just thought... f***it, life is boring so why not?"
Then, at 11:27 p.m., he posted,
"I hope people call me insane (2 smiley face emojis)...wouldn't that just be a big ball of irony? Yeah... I'm insane, but the only thing you people do after these shootings is 'hopes and prayers'... or 'keep you in my thoughts'... every time... and wonder why these keep happening... (2 more smiley face emojis).
Wow. Wow, it's almost as if THE GUNMAN went on a SHOOTING SPREE in the hopes that his actions will stop future MASS SHOOTINGS from happening.
Saying exactly what recent mad mothers have been saying word for word.
Gotta hand it to him for his posting ability. Posting all that while keeping the hundreds of police there at bay. That would have taken me 10 minutes to post with a phone.
They must have had good wifi at that place.
Kinda like how the guy in Pittsburgh held off hundreds of police and military for an hour with 1 gun.
(No video of that event either).
And finally for now, THE SHOOTER, according to the police recordings given us, killed himself by shooting himself in the chest with a 45 3 times.
3 times.
So thats the official story. I don't buy a word of it but what do I know.