Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Where are the dead people? They are buried or cremated. Names and places are provided. Your beliefs are wrong. Your beliefs can not be supported with facts. You can't even find one person to support your claim.
So I as again, where are the dead people? Where are they living? Where have they gone? Provide some information as to where they are.
Right on schedule bob.
See, I told you we wouldnt have to wait long.
Didn't I say before Christmas? Yeah, I did.
I don't consider this a pissing contest.
I don't have anybody to invite to come here. I don't have very manyinternet friends.[B/]
But its all good.
This was an event which had the usual ingredients plus a few things that made it unique.
-White guy enters public place and shoots people without motive.
- no surveillance or cell phone video.
- only witness statements from people who are laughing, smiling, or fake crying with no tears.
- CNN was there immediately.
- approximately 1 out of 4 people there were also at the Vegas shooting last year supposedly.
- victims with gunshot wounds released from hospital without being admitted.
- government and media push for more gun laws immediately after.
- ect.
See you at the next one any day now. I'm thinking Texas or Illinois for some reason.
Ok bullshit then.
Are you done spamming the thread yet or do you need a few more pages?
Like in every one of these fake shooting s I post msm videos and point out the things that make no sense.
And nobody can ever respond with a rational explanation. Then bob comes in and fills 5 pages with useless nonsense.
Its all yours now bob, see you at the next one.
I'm still going with Texas.
ISIS Threatened Christmas Market Attack...
TV's Lesbian BATWOMAN Debuts...
Right on schedule bob.
See, I told you we wouldnt have to wait long.
Didn't I say before Christmas? Yeah, I did.
And we know it happened in Europe cause its a Muslim ISIS AL-Qaueuauada Terrorist.
Not a LONE NUT WHITE GUY like in the USA.
Why bother? But you can share if you want. I'm a good listener.
We completely disagree about these MASS KILLINGS.
you believe everything the government and its media tells you.
I on the other don't and can't see how any adult with at least average intelligence can't see the artificialness of every single one of these.
We are at a stalemate and neither one of us can influence the other so I guess I'll see you at the next one.
Should be somewhere warm. What do you think Texas, Illinois, Florida, California again?
Don't answer, we'll just wait and see. Should be any day now.
Omg they're conspiring against us and shooting us in grocery stores. :eek: