Official Checked Star Member
Hey guys....I went to the spring training game Yankees vs. Blue Jays and took some pics I thought I'd share with you! AJ Burnett got me the tickets front row behind home plate I got a ball from Mark Texiera who fouled it back into the screen right in front of me and I was able to grab it out under the screen! AJ got everyone to sign it for me so that was awesome! I am going to be at 2 of the 3 games this weekend Rays vs. Yankees which is going to be great! 5th row behind the visitors dugout baby!!!!!! Go Yankees!
best seats in the house! front row behind home plate!
the foul I caught from Texiera!
me & AJ Burnett in the players parking lot...the hardest place to get access to in the stadium!
Tex on Deck!
best seats in the house! front row behind home plate!

the foul I caught from Texiera!

me & AJ Burnett in the players parking lot...the hardest place to get access to in the stadium!

Tex on Deck!