Don't like to eat meat. Don't eat it. Think killing and carving up animals for food is murder...sorry, you live in the wrong universe so stop nagging people who don't think like you.
If you want to waste your time and effort trying to change people's minds..fine. Just be courteous and tasteful (no pun) about it. Stop with the fucking shock attacks. They don't serve your cause....
They absolutely serve their cause. That's because PETA's cause is raising money in order for them to throw more fund raisers, parties and ad campaigns so they can raise more money and repeat the cycle. The more radical, out there and offensive they are, the more money hardcore animal rights advocates will send.
And after those "expenses" which include expensive catered drag queen galas and commercials never meant to air on TV, and spending thousands on arsonists' attorney fees, you know where their money goes?
Killing dogs. PETA doesn't even try to find people to adopt them because they'd rather see them destroyed than in a loving home with humans.
I wish people would read more about these assholes.
PETA's in the self-preservation game. If tomorrow, every human being stopped eating meat, animal testing, gave up milk, eggs, leather and even honey (yes, honey is a no-no)...and then closed all zoos, circuses and pet shops, they'd still find a way to bitch. They'd go after cars that kill deer, coyotes and armadillos. After all, they went after Obama for killing a