PETA uses funds for evil not good
Natalie Munyon
Issue date: 3/8/07
PrintEmailArticle ToolsPage 1 of 1 The people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, long been associated with the protection for the rights of animals. Millions of dollars have been raised for PETA.
There's just one problem; it seems most of the money being raised isn't going to help animals, but rather into killing them.
According to the Web site,, PETA collected nearly $29 million in 2004, yet it states that most donors have no idea where their money has gone.
The web site for The Center for Consumer Freedom states that PETA's animal shelter kill rate was 90 percent in 2005, a jump from 86 percent the previous year.
This is outrageous. The ethical treatment of animals is supposed to be the reason this organization even exists, but in euthanizing perfectly healthy and adoptable animals, they're contradicting themselves.
Activists for PETA are often seen in the news. Sometimes the actions taken by these individuals are beneficial. But many times it seems the consequences of such activists have a negative effect.
Senate Environment Committee Chairman James Inhofe, have singled out PETA for giving money to support the violent acts of "terrorism" caused by the Animal Liberation Front.
The ALF is considered by the FBI to be one of the most active terrorist groups in the United States, according to
According to an article on,
"ALF has been blamed for arson and bombings against animal research labs and the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry." states that in the last 10 years,
"PETA has spent four times as much on criminals and their legal defense than it has on shelters, spay-neuter programs, and other efforts that actually help animals."
In addition to using donated money for these acts, PETA also seems to spend a great deal of money on advertising campaigns and getting celebrities such as Pamela Anderson to endorse their "efforts."
I'd rather see those dollars go into saving and finding homes for animals rather than it being used to protect terrorists.
If that's what PETA wants to do with it, they should state it on their website and let the world know what their intentions truly are.
I don't know about you, but it sure seems to me that this group is more than undeserving of our generously given donations.
If those dollars are being put towards supporting acts of terrorism and resulting in the destruction of thousands of animals every year, then