Palin swarmed at Iowa State Fair

No Jared Lee Loughner types in the crowd, huh?


I think Palin is a bimbo, but do you really want a guy who killed a 9 year old girl in any crowd?

He seems to have bad aim, so you may not get the results you're looking for.
I'm pretty certain you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. You were called out on a few things and instead of just dropping it or addressing it, you had multiple accounts attack the person.

The only reason why I'm paying attention here is that I responded to someone with the underlying text of "don't sweat it". You chose to address me and you did so in an insulting way.

I don't know much about you. The only things I know are from your postings you are a douche-bag. The other is, if we ever met it person, you would take a very different tone.

Your innocent school girl routine has grown repetitive and transparent.


Translation: My post was a dumb response in which I didn't know what I was talking about now I'm going to divert away from the gaping hole in my ass 'Mega just blew into it by accusing him of multiple accounts and the ubiquitous 'insult' response.

You know abro....the only way I could tell your post wasn't M/S, MXM, josentme, etc. is it has your avatar and 'name'. Otherwise the text, wording, whining et al are the same.:confused:

If there is another account here purporting to be 'Me(ga) it's probably one you or one of your asshack friends ginned up make trouble for me since you're getting your asses kicked all over the issues.

Next time, just say thanks 'Mega. I didn't know what I was talking about when I posted that.

re: in person...I doubt you want that.:2 cents: But keep it need for trying to get all personal and shit as you should be grown enough to deal with shit maturely mannnnnn(?).:cool:


He's a fanatically loyal (and blind) follower of a mediocre brown fella up in DC.

Jesus, it's just such an issue for you isn't it? I bet not a day goes by in your tiny little world when you don't agonize over one 'them' doing one of 'our jeeerrrbs'.

seriously, I hope you sort yourself out at some day.


you had multiple accounts attack the person.
yeah, because no one could ever have a different outlook than yourself.
This is the very definition of a sociopath, thinking the world revolves around you (argh! dissenting opinion? cannot be!!!)

now abrogate is threatening violence on another poster? for shame....
this is the Internetz.......a PORN board at that
(lighten up, Francis)
re: in person...I doubt you want that.:2 cents: But keep it need for trying to get all personal and shit as you should be grown enough to deal with shit maturely mannnnnn(?).:cool:

You know, you're right. We should keep things civil.

I have better manners than this. So, I'm going to invite you to meet for a beer. I'll pay. We can get off on a better foot.

You're welcome to come by me in Georgia or since I travel quite a bit for work, I'll come by you. If you come by me, you can feel free to bring your significant other and I'll bring my wife since this was her suggestion.

So, you can either send me a private message and we can meet like civilized folks and we'll see if you keep your same tone or you can be a coward and just keep posting your school girl crap online from your multiple accounts.

(The people I'm concerned about meeting in person don't post the school girl nonsense I've seen you post. However, when we meet and I'm wrong, I'll post it.)

So, thank you HotMega. You are right. I will keep things civil, if you do as well.
You know, you're right. We should keep things civil.

I have better manners than this. So, I'm going to invite you to meet for a beer. I'll pay. We can get off on a better foot.

You're welcome to come by me in Georgia or since I travel quite a bit for work, I'll come by you. If you come by me, you can feel free to bring your significant other and I'll bring my wife since this was her suggestion.

So, you can either send me a private message and we can meet like civilized folks and we'll see if you keep your same tone or you can be a coward and just keep posting your school girl crap online from your multiple accounts.

(The people I'm concerned about meeting in person don't post the school girl nonsense I've seen you post. However, when we meet and I'm wrong, I'll post it.)

So, thank you HotMega. You are right. I will keep things civil, if you do as well.

Which is it...? You want to keep it civil or you don't. Your post is fraught say one thing then say another.

Besides, my opinions in real life don't vary at all from what I post here. I am the same bastard.:2 cents: And amazingly, no one's seemed to beat it out of me take that for what it's worth.

So the point of it is if you can't control yourself here...then it's probably the case I will need bail money by the time your first 'beer' is bottoms up.

I assure you every syllable of what I'm about to say is not just true...but utter truth.

The last thing Hot Mega would be considered is a coward.:2 cents:

Now I'm just not inclined to worry about what you think one way or the other (frankly) on it. Your offer was disingenuous and just an effort to try and make yourself appear taking the high road, make you look like you're tough all the while sniping.

Bottom my posts, agree if you like, disagree if you must but if you just gotta make it personal...find me. I'll make it worth your while.
Which is want to keep it civil or you don't. Your post is fraught say one thing then say another.

Besides, my opinions in real life don't vary at all from what I post here. I am the same bastard.:2 cents:

So the point of it is if you can't control yourself here...then it's probably the case I will need bail money by the time your first 'beer' is bottoms up.

I assure you every syllable of what I'm about to say is not just true...but utter truth.

The last thing Hot Mega would be considered is a coward.:2 cents:

Now I'm just not inclined to worry about what you think one way or the other (frankly). Read my posts, agree if you like, disagree if you must but if you just gotta make it personal...find me. I'll make it worth your while.

Pretty much what I though.

HotMega just likes to be a Schoolgirl bitch.

That isn't an insult. I'm not judging your lifestyle.

You're full of hot air.

Pretty much what I though.

HotMega just likes to be a Schoolgirl bitch.

That isn't an insult. I'm not judging your lifestyle.

You're full of hot air.


:dunno: Suit yourself...:o but there is a fact between what the two of us are theorizing. Just remember, I've proved you wrong already once today and it was relatively painless (I suppose). Finding out whether 'Mega is a coward for sure wouldn't be.

Chill with your wife, try to enjoy the rest of your life abro... Don't get so bitchy about what anonymous personalities post on internet forums. You'll live happier, longer.:2 cents:

Like the admin says...if you can't take it in these threads. Don't post in them. Ignore them.:dunno:

PS. May you use "But" to start a sentence or not? (You're welcome.:hatsoff:)
That's an idea.

Go ahead abro... Maybe I will take you up for a 'beer'.:elaugh:

You and your friend continue to act like girls.

I already offered to meet you. You continue to post like the bitch you are.

Send me a private message and we'll meet. With or without the wives or whatever you may be with.

This school girl bitch you and your "friend" are pulling at exactly the same time :)facepalm:) is a transparent ploy.

Nobody posts their address on the Internet.
I never said that I was tough, I said that you would not act the way you do if we met in person.

You don't have to own up to your words. It would be "nice" if you stopped acting like a schoolgirl bitch. At least in my direction.
No problem.

Hot Mega
1 Argumentative Ave.
Wellinformedville, NY

Hey, I just did a google earth on it and this is what I got.


Hey, this is just a porn site. Lets stop it.

If I offended you, I apologize. I assume, you said things basically in fun and jest.

I would suggest that we just give each other some space on here. Misunderstandings happen.
You and your friend continue to act like girls.

I already offered to meet you. You continue to post like the bitch you are.

Send me a private message and we'll meet. With or without the wives or whatever you may be with.

This school girl bitch you and your "friend" are pulling at exactly the same time :)facepalm:) is a transparent ploy.

Nobody posts their address on the Internet.
I never said that I was tough, I said that you would not act the way you do if we met in person.

You don't have to own up to your words. It would be "nice" if you stopped acting like a schoolgirl bitch. At least in my direction.

abro...remember who among us started all this.

But abro...word of advice. Most guys who know something about self defense don't lose their cools over a few internet posts. A guy like that is a sitting duck for someone who knows extensively how to handle himself.

I assure that I'm no different as far as my opinions go on politics or otherwise. I don't go around trying to pick fights...but I ABSOLUTELY don't respect people who are clearly disingenuous in their attempts to discuss/debate. Those people get no respect from me in person either.:dunno:

Now I have rarely had anyone attempt to do anything about it and I don't really have anything to go out of my way to prove to anyone.

But I spotted your ploy from the word go...time to cut bait of it now.:2 cents: