In all seriousness georges, I think you want him to be a bad person because you disagree so strongly with his ideas. OR you see a hint of a connection to these people and you assume he MUST be as bad as they were (specifically Ayers) at their worst.
I refuse to condemn people by association. To do otherwise is to turn the clocks back to that horrible period of McCarthyism in the 1950's.
Then it was Communism. Now it's terrorism.
Fertilizer (the chemical kind, GREEN THUMB or ORCHO)
Diesel fuel
Make a pouch out of the newspaper and put some fertilizer in it. Then put cotton on top. Soak the cotton with fuel. Then light and run like you have never ran before! This blows up 500 square feet so don't do it in the Oval Office!!!
Bill Ayers
ps. Allah Akbar!
I dunno but if I was working for the NSA or the FBI, be sure I would track anyone who has ties or indirect links with radical islamism, terrorist groups or communism. You still have people in the USA who are nostalgic of the Soviet Union. Cleaning America from any for of communism was a necessity.
so that's the Ocotober surpriseNEWS ALERT!
A spectator at the presidential debate in Nashville made a shocking discovery last night. When the debate was over, and Barack Obama was shaking hands and taking pictures with audience members, this spectator noticed that a piece of paper fell out of Obama's pocket. The spectator walked over and picked up the piece of paper with the intention of giving it back to Mr. Obama. However, before the spectator could return it to Obama, he noticed that the paper had something shocking written on it.
The piece of paper had the following directions written on it.
This is the evidence the McCain/Palin ticket needed! They had once thought that the flagrant accusations they hurled at Obama were false and couldn't possibly be substantiated. Now that has changed. With this piece of evidence the McCain/Palin ticket now have proof positive that Barack Obama is an undercover domestic terrorist.
She has a nice smile and thinks Joe SixPack will vote for her.
Who is Joe Sixpack? I would like to meet him and tell him he has a great name.
I would also like to ask him how he feels about his name being used to describe so called normal people, which I suppose in the eyes of the republicans are poor people.
Black woman? Must be Donna Brazile(?) who supervised Al Gore's campaign. She will certainly keep the McCain campaign in line:thumbsup:
Do you agree with the assessment that Obama has benefitted greatly from Bush's ineptness & people's desperate desire for a different direction? People foolishly think there is some kind of mindless devotion to Obama when it is in fact a very reactionary response to Bush(who may go down as the worst Prez in modern day history). Plus Obama is a very charismatic guy.
Untouchable One? Obama cult? Barry?
I'm sorry but I honestly don't get the point of a lot of your posts. Like a McCain ad that talks about his celebrity in Berlin. If he wasn't a popular figure that people believed in and in Europe no less, he wouldn't draw a record crowd. That's got nothing to do with a "cult". :dunno:
I've refered to McCain as McCan't I think once, but I don't get your constant reference to Obama as Barry. As a grown up adult, I have to say, I don't think a teen age kid with a typical identity crisis, adds up to a disturbed adult. When I was a kid, I wanted to be like James Bond, my friend across the street pretended he was some famous baseball pitcher, I don't remember who. As much as I despise a lot of people in the current and past administrations and McCain and Palin, I call Reagan, Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Ashcroft, Condolezza Rice and the rest by their real names. :dunno:
I do all of my own research, read a lot, and also recommend documentaries by reputable sources as full of the history of failed US policy.
Biden brought up a few good points in his speech today, to paraphrase after the issue of attacking Obama because there was nothing left for the McCain campaign to do, they have nothing;
(my words from memory)
- You can't sell yourself as a maverick when all you've been is a sidekick.
- Same day McCain said the economy was doing well, 2 hours later he said the economy was in trouble. That's what us Catholics call an "epiphany". Not that he saw the light, he saw the Presidency slipping from his grasp.
A commentary on the debate by ABC pointed out that McCain's new plan, regarding bailing out homeowners paying a mortgage on a house now worth much less, isn't so new at all. In fact it's part of the bill already written, the 103 page Homeowner Bailout Plan.
That was in reference to something else someone accused me of...
Well Good ol Bill was slick willy, then we have W, Dick, Rummy, and of course Barry or other nicknames that I like to call him, it just makes him more human more of a person.
What I don't want is another eight years were if you spoke out against W actions in Iraq you would be labeled as a traitor.
It seems like any reference to nicknames or mentioning his middle name Hussein is prohibited and no one is worthy of. Every candidate, person running with him (ditto for the McCain ticket) should be questioned. The fact that no one can look into this guy past and question his ties with certain people or that anything negative our asked about him makes us racist is becoming ridiculous.
These people work for us and get paid a lot more than some of us and I am going to refer to them by any nickname that I chose to because I earn it with that $700 billion bail out..
and try to get it out of your head I don't hate the guy, I don't know him personally and I don't think he's a terrorist either.
In Tuesday’s Washington Post, Dana Milbank described a Palin rally in Florida, “In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her ‘less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.’ At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, ‘Sit down, boy.’”
Thus, behind the candied incandescence of the Palin phenomena, behind the shoutouts to Joe Six Pack, and third graders at the Gladys Wood Elementary School, behind the darn right’s and the coy winks is perhaps something scarier – a rank appeal to our baser instincts at a time when nationwide fear can be manipulated to overrule basic common sense.