Outlawing guns in the US ...

Should the US Federal Constitution's Second Amendment be overturned?

  • Yes, I want to bypass Constitutional process and directly overturn with simple majority

    Votes: 29 10.2%
  • Yes, I want it overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority

    Votes: 30 10.6%
  • Indifferent, but it should only be overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority

    Votes: 8 2.8%
  • No, but I'd accept it if overturned with Constitutional process and super-majority

    Votes: 21 7.4%
  • No, and I don't think any Amendments of the [i]Bill of Rights[/i] should ever be repealed

    Votes: 186 65.5%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 3.5%

  • Total voters
One of the biggest misconceptions I see foreigners have about the US is that you can just waltz into any corner store and buy a gun, and that just about everyone around you has one. Totally false, many local jurisdictions employ strict licensing, background checks, and then some.

I do have to agree with him on this one though blinky.

They aren't as common as you think. I guess we can thank hollywood for that. I can't tell you how many of my overseas friends ask me if I have had a drive by at my house. To be fair the I have had a lot of misconceptions (movies) about countries I lived in before I arrived.


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Approved Content Owner
One of the biggest misconceptions I see foreigners have about the US is that you can just waltz into any corner store and buy a gun, and that just about everyone around you has one. Totally false, many local jurisdictions employ strict licensing, background checks, and then some.

OK I made a point using "facts" I got from The Simpsons or the back of a cereal packet, but I think I'm right in saying (here I go again) that getting a gun in the USA is easier than this country.
Americans despite being the most powerful country in the world are fightened violent and hate filled, and want to respond to anyone who disagrees with them be blowing them to bits. Look that the size of their army!! Their whole society is crazy and frightening to the rest of the world.

They like being frightened, they just cannot see a different way of getting on with each other or with the rest of the world. Until that changes they will keep their guns.

Amazing how Europeans get on without them?

We need to look inward. I get it and will do my best, but please don't paint us all with the same brush?

Europe hasn't exactly been an "unfrightened place" in history. I would reference, but I wouldn't want to paint all of Europe's wonderful people with an ugly brush on account of a few bad times.
OK I made a point using "facts" I got from The Simpsons or the back of a cereal packet, but I think I'm right in saying (here I go again) that getting a gun in the USA is easier than this country.

Legally, yes, you're right. Ever since your country outlawed guns for most people. However, both our nations have an ugly black market for this sort of thing..... most civilized nations do, sadly.

And whoever it was that said Americans just live in fear, that is another grand misconception. We live in confidence, not fear, that we will be able to protect our families from danger. It's like saying having a fire extinguisher means you're living in fear of fire, or wearing a seatbelt means you're living in fear of a collision.

In fact, I don't even own a gun. I'd wager most of the few hundred thousand people immediately around me don't. But I'd still still fight to death defending the right for a man to defend his life and family from any monster aiming to take either away.
There is so much paranoia about gun rights being taken away in this country. Seriously, there is never going to be a day where the government comes on the radio and says "Ok guys, today you need to come down and turn in your guns."

There are some countries like Switzerland require a gun to be kept in the home, but the people are taught gun safety and how to properly use it. If we focused more on proper gun usage and safety we'd have a lot less problems. You can buy a gun without any training, which seems pretty odd to me.
There is so much paranoia about gun rights being taken away in this country. Seriously, there is never going to be a day where the government comes on the radio and says "Ok guys, today you need to come down and turn in your guns."
Apparently you haven't lived in some US cities where they've attempted to outlaw even ownership in your home. Others have tried to enforce registration ex post facto, and then collect them when they were outlawed. ;)

The continued issue in the US is ...

- Not differentiating between crimes done by non-owners (illegal possession), let alone illegal immigrants (firearms brought in from overseas), especially in the case of guns qualifying as "assault weapons." Even Brady's own statistics argue this is where 99.9% of the assault weapon problem is (having nothing to do with legal ownership)

- Not differentiating between private gun ownership (in the home) and gun in possession (outside the home). Even Obama agreed the former should never be outlawed and is protected by the 2nd Amendment, and pointed out this is where the DC gun ban went dead wrong.

- Not also comparing general US violent statistics with European violent statistics, when trying to make the argument that the US has more violent crime because of Constitutionally protected gun ownership in the US. The issue is the US in general, and banning guns in various US locales has reduced crime none.

- Omitting statistics on accidental discharges (let alone not differentiating discharges by legal v. illegal owners) to the sheer number of people who legally own guns. In comparison, misuse of vehicles, let alone legal use of alcohol (especially alcohol induced gun discharges) greatly outclass the equivalent percentage of legal gun owners who have their guns accidentally discharge by themselves or others in their home.

People don't argue the full story, but only the statistics they claim support their story. My personal favorite are Brady's statistics on assault rifles. Their own statistics and own studies actually undermine their own argument. The same is often the case with most arguments for eliminating gun ownership in various US locales, let alone nationwide.

Will E Worm

Americans despite being the most powerful country in the world are fightened violent and hate filled, and want to respond to anyone who disagrees with them be blowing them to bits. Look that the size of their army!! Their whole society is crazy and frightening to the rest of the world.

They like being frightened, they just cannot see a different way of getting on with each other or with the rest of the world. Until that changes they will keep their guns.

Amazing how Europeans get on without them?

I know if your a guy and you live in a country that bans guns. I think you are just jealous that men in the USA can own guns? :yesyes:

Cuz I know damn skippy. if I lived in your country that didn't allow guns, I would be relocating to the nearest country that did allow its citizens too own guns.

Be honest with yourself. your justifying your countries ban cuz you can't have guns. but if you were allowed you wouldn't be saying shit. :nono:

In Germany a few weeks ago someone went on a shooting spree. If guns are outlawed only the criminals will have them.

Criminals don't want a confrontation. It would be better if everyone had a gun.

If the guvunmant wants to provide an honest and good program for its citizens...

... it should provide free 9mm rounds, or other ammunition, for those that have a conceal and carry permit.

:2 cents:
Americans despite being the most powerful country in the world are fightened violent and hate filled, and want to respond to anyone who disagrees with them be blowing them to bits. Look that the size of their army!! Their whole society is crazy and frightening to the rest of the world.

They like being frightened, they just cannot see a different way of getting on with each other or with the rest of the world. Until that changes they will keep their guns.

Amazing how Europeans get on without them?

Being the younger of the countries (the U.S. vs most of our European counterparts) can't you give us a little credit for seeing what we didn't like about how they did things and deciding a different, freer approach?

I would much rather a person have the ability to defend himself and his family with a firearm than have a team of criminals descend upon his home, bound, beat and bludgeon him, rape his wife and daughters then kill the whole family...than the alternative of having your only defense being the phone and 9-1-1.

We in America (THANKFULLY) recognize that individuals have the right to defend themselves and their families how they reasonably see fit and many of us who understand such a concept willing accept the price for such freedom. We don't live in a perfect world and freedoms are not without costs. I understand and accept people will be mistakenly shot and criminals may use guns illegally to commit crimes in exchange for the right of individuals to defend themselves.

The reality is life-threatening mistakes happen in any event and criminals will still commit crimes with or without firearms.

The freedoms we try to enjoy in the U.S. are in many cases a direct result of the lack freedoms and laws our founders saw in their European counterparts.
My god man!!!!! Don't yoy remeber this Simpson's episode?

The Fright to Creep and Scare Harms
Bart and Lisa are at the Springfield Cemetery, mourning the loss of their pet goldfish, Goldie, who had always been there for them between August and October. Lisa inadvertently discovers the grave of William Bonney, a man who was killed at a young age by gun violence. According to his epitaph, he dreamed of a world without guns. In his memory, Lisa starts a gun control crusade, which makes Springfield 100% gun free - even the police no longer possess guns. The town is now defenseless, causing the corpses of William "Billy the Kid" Bonney and his cohorts, 'The Hole in the Ground' gang (Frank James, Jesse James, the Sundance Kid- without Butch Cassidy, as they're 'not joined at the hip'- and Kaiser Wilhelm II) to rise from the dead. The gang starts wreaking havoc on the town, until Professor Frink invents a time machine, which Homer uses to go back in time to stop the gun ban and destroy the zombies. Homer tells the citizens of Springfield to shoot at the zombies' graves, causing them to rise up and flee. Lisa feels guilty about banning guns, because sometimes they are the answer. Suddenly, a more futuristic Homer comes in to warn them about guns that have destroyed Earth in the future. He is then shot by Moe, who has had enough of all this nonsense and plans to use Frink's time machine to find some "caveman hookers".
It is not possible not just because of NRA but there are just so many guns out there.
Trillions and trillions of guns out in American home !
In Germany a few weeks ago someone went on a shooting spree. If guns are outlawed only the criminals will have them.

Criminals don't want a confrontation. It would be better if everyone had a gun.


So does everyone who walks around the streets of the US carry a gun on them in case one of these criminals are around.

If everyone has a right to have a gun and chooses to own it, fine if they're responsible but people go through serious mental difficults like depression, one of these people who own a gun legally feels they need/want to kill someone or themselves because they're not thinking straight means that everyone who owns a gun can become one of these criminals who create a bigger danger. Why not ban them if it will make it harder for people to obtain guns or atleast have a very tight restriction on who can own them or what environment they can use them in.

The UK no one can own a gun unless they have a gun license granted some criminals get a hold of guns but atleast restrictions limit how many could be used. Lowering how many gun crimes we have to deal with making the UK safer in a respect.

Yeh US love your guns but the problem is you say it's all these people who aren't intelligent or responsible enough with their guns and they are the ones that create the problem but unfortunatly like a lot of things the minority ruin it for the majority. I know outlawing guns will never happen in the US but it does create larger violent crimes and deaths.
The size of the US military ...

The size of the US military, especially post-Cold War, has more to do with the Suez Incident than even WWII and, now, the Cold War. The US went back to a great reduction in military capability after WWII, only to increase with the Korean War and finally become "world power policy" with the Suez Incident. After the Suez Incident, the US became the de facto security for EU petroleum needs from the Middle East.

Otherwise, the US could have easily gone back to securing nearly all of its own interests by focusing solely on the Americas. Post-WWII communist actions drove the Marshall Plan and NATO, but today and post-Cold War, it's the realities post-Suez Incident that keeps our military large.

If you want to see what I mean, check out China's increase in military spending. They have to secure their resource needs, and are moving to exceed even the US' raw capabilities in the next 20 years out of sheer need to secure those resources. I honestly think the US cannot continue to sustain operations outside of the Americas, and we'll have to disregard the EU (sans maybe the UK) before most people realize it.
I would much rather a person have the ability to defend himself and his family with a firearm than have a team of criminals descend upon his home, bound, beat and bludgeon him, rape his wife and daughters then kill the whole family...than the alternative of having your only defense being the phone and 9-1-1.

What are the US laws on shooting burgular/robber/tresspassers?
but people go through serious mental difficults like depression, one of these people who own a gun legally feels they need/want to kill someone or themselves because they're not thinking straight means that everyone who owns a gun can become one of these criminals who create a bigger danger.

So the first 2 or 3 people this unstable person beats to death with a bat or stabs to death with a knife is acceptable??

There is very little defense unsuspecting people have against a sociopath committed to committing murder.

Some food for thought, on Sept. 11, 2001 19 men murdered over 3,000 people in less than an hour without a single firearm or firing a single bullet.
If they are in your home. :ak47:


No. In most states (except Texas and Louisiana I think) the assailant must be in your home and posing an imminent threat to your person.
So the first 2 or 3 people this unstable person beats to death with a bat or stabs to death with a knife is acceptable??

There is very little defense unsuspecting people have against a sociopath committed to committing murder.

Some food for thought, on Sept. 11, 2001 19 men murdered over 3,000 people in less than an hour without a single firearm or firing a single bullet.

Yeh unfortunatly things like that happen but if they were using guns there is that potential that they could kill more than that toll in a quicker time and can be harder to intervene for police forces ending up in a shoot out.