
Staff member
The man is dead and his body is gone. But actually Bin Laden and his movement was dead/dying when muslims began to peacefully take to the streets(Arab Spring) to rid themselves of the brutal dictators supported by the US/West. This interfernce/support from the US/West of dictators like Mubarak, House of Saud,etc..... is what partially created/fueled terrosrists groups and the Bin Ladens of the world.

The United States has INTENTIONALLY targeted and killed far more civilains than Osama Bin Laden could ever have dreamed of killing.

Bin Laden was almost 'over villainized' for political purposes and it seems with his death nothing has changed.

The guy was just a man with twisted notions of what justice is . Sort of like you.

Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA when he was fighting URSS in Afghanistan. When the USSR ceased to exist and that America started the first Gulf War against Iraq, he decided to go against America. I don't think the US supports Ahmadinejhad, Bachar El Assad, Khadhafi, the yemeni president or Khaled Mechal. Look at how many people have been killed during the first iran iraq war that took place between 1979-1988, perhaps you should also count how many dead among civilians that were killed because of talibans and radical islamists.
Before blaming everything on America's back, ask yourself what is better, to be a victim of large potential attacks with several thousands casualties or use preventive and preemptive actions to wipe of the threats permanently.
Your behavior is very unpatriotic and I am thinking you dislike your own military and law enforcement agencies personnel. Your behavior is so typical of the leftists who have no pride and no respect for their own country. Fucking unbelievable and disgusting :rolleyes::wtf:
I'm aware that the hunt for Bin Laden didn't begin with Obama and it has been a nearly 15 year process and 3 Presidents(Clinton/Bush/Obama).

I'm highly astonished/impressed that Bin Laden was able to evade such an intense manhunt with a $25 million reward(was it doubled to $50 million?) for so long.

I never said that the Bush Administration didn't figure highly in Bin Laden's MURDER just that this could all have been over even earlier had Bush not wasted troops, intelligence and money in Iraq(A direct answer to those who say it Could have taken longer without Bush). But now Bush is allegedly in Texas moping:crying: because Obama didn't mention him in his address to the nation nor give him enough credit.

I agree with those a bit who call Obama 'Bush lite' and have no alternatives to vote for and I am thus sitting out the next election(Obama would never ,ever, win my state anyhow) and maybe all future Presidential elections and becoming more an observer of this stuff.

girk...Obama is not Bush lite in any sense. Some of the Bush policy holdovers into Obama's term (GiTMO, terrorist trials, tax cuts, etc.) are the results of Obama's dearth in leadership on these issues combined with the lack of Bush's political machinery in his cabinet and spineless party members in congress.

Leaving that aside and dealing directly with the OBL issue, neither president started from scratch. Bush was left a wealth of details on OBL's plots, whereabouts, et al. (in some cases more so than Obama).

However, at the moment of truth the facts bear out that the actions of the two couldn't have been more diametrically opposed when it came to having the guy and pulling the trigger.

Our US and British special forces had OBL pinned in Tora Bora in '01. At the moment of truth under Bush, we had the option of trapping him with Gator mines , pressing on and sending our assets in to get him. What happened, we didn't use the mines, sent indigenous forces in to get him, they negotiated a cease fire and OBL escaped into Pakistan. For the next 8 years (8 YEARS after THAT!!), Bush would not catch OBL. Now someone made those would have had to be very high up and if it wasn't, why wasn't it????

In the moment of truth for Obama, they had what they thought was good enough albeit not 100% intel on the location of OBL. Problem, he's in the heart of Pakistan in a town surrounded by Pakistani military for whom at that point we'd have to presume they are in some way complicit in hiding him.

Bombing is an option but in the past the Pakistanis were most assuredly aware of some of our actions ahead of time. This time we can't tell the Pakis. This time it's not in some mountain or tribal area. All collateral damage is a tragedy but this time collateral damage could be strike on Paki military personnel. You don't want to be firing or dropping anything on an ally's military in a friendly fire situation but you certainly don't want to be bombing their military when they are not even aware of your operation. If we did bomb, we most assuredly wouldn't be able to ID the guy and the Pakis on scene first might in an effort to save face remove all evidence that the guy was there before we could even confirm we killed him. That would be a :facepalm:.

Now Obama has on the other hand, send in a team to a compound unbeknown to the Pakis. Who we would be compelled to ID ourselves if detected...and possibly tipping off OBL. Or they could think we're someone else altogether and shoot them out the sky. They could be going into a compound wrought with IEDs, booby traps, etc. in which we could lose the team and OBL too...or, or, or, or...Now try to envision president whomever standing up and explaining that one..

In this case, Obama DIDN'T risk the op by relying on the Pakis or even telling them. He sent in HIS people to get the guy despite the dire considerations and they got him. Balls! (Exclamation point..the end.)

Obama re-branded Afghanistan the central front in the GWOT whereas Bush considered Iraq the central front.

Even within that decision by Bush, there are many many many things he did that could be considered to have curbed our efforts to bring OBL to an end.

It's not even a fair statement to say some of the tactics Bush employed played a key role in what happened last week.

I feel very comfortable saying if Bush had taken what Clinton left over for him and did what Obama did with the what Bush left over for him...OBL would have been no more years ago. The facts bear this out.


Hiliary 2020
If there's room between your gun and bible, go for it!

thanks for not getting all aggressive.
nice little retort, calm and straight to the point.
that shows discipline......I gotta respect that.
And I wasn't really gonna use your last post as TP, I was just being dramatic.
But sharp, or can I call you SS, you're talking to the wrong guy.
I'm not a republican, I just hate democrats
I'm not really religious either........but i do own a gun since I got robbed a few years ago.
It's one of those important things I keep on the table next to my bed.

But sir, why do you think all republicans are gun owning and christian?
And whats wrong with owning a gun anyway as long as you don't commit crimes with it?
Or being christian as long as you don't get all weird with it?
these aren't bad things and they are not limited to republicans.
Even the PREZ is christian and I'm sure he owns a gun, hell he's surrounded by guns everyday.

The man is dead and his body is gone. But actually Bin Laden and his movement was dead/dying when muslims began to peacefully take to the streets(Arab Spring) to rid themselves of the brutal dictators supported by the US/West. This interfernce/support from the US/West of dictators like Mubarak, House of Saud,etc..... is what partially created/fueled terrosrists groups and the Bin Ladens of the world.

The United States has INTENTIONALLY targeted and killed far more civilains than Osama Bin Laden could ever have dreamed of killing.

Bin Laden was almost 'over villainized' for political purposes and it seems with his death nothing has changed.

The guy was just a man with twisted notions of what justice is . Sort of like you.

Oh girk, girk, I am so disappointed in you today.
however you may be right about being over villianized to an extent as a way to promote military actions and support.
On the other hand He did do all the things he was accused of though, and they were pretty bad things.
I mean seriously, who blows up embassies? I mean really, c'mon.
But part of me understands you're point, the other part wants to rip your throat out........kidding , kidding.

Now you called me twisted, is one reason because I think the sailors should have taken turns pissing on his body then fed it to the hogs?
I'll be diplomatic about it, meet you half way.
first they should have pissed on him, then washed him, then wrapped him in a towel, then fed him to the swine......this way everybody's happy.

Bush-Lite..........good one, haha.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
No but are you asking because your parents are?

Without the persistence of GWB and the CIA gathering intelligence over the past decade, ti could have been a lot longer before OBL was killed.
Yeah, it's your use of the word "intelligence" and the initials GWB together in one sentence there that tells me that I was right about your parents.
Read and memorise the following sentence, which is a well known fact for everybody with two brain cells to rub together:


Or perhaps you believe him, he was right about WMD in Iraq after all...
Wait, what?

Ah well, at least he made sure the american economy stood firm, I mean, it's not like Clinton left america with the most cash of any president and Bush left america in a financial collapse, is it?
Wait a minute...

OK OK OK, Maybe Iraq was a mistake, there were no WMD there, but at least he got the job done quickly and when he flew in on an aircraft carrier to announce "mission accomplished!" that was the end of it and nobody suffered or died in the theatre after that, right?
Hold on...

Well, nevermind, all that is immaterial because whereas Clinton kind of bought Soviet Russia in from the cold as it became the Russian Federation, Bush was renowned for his diplomacy, statesmanship, skills on the international political stage and his erudite way with words, which managed to win over....
...Oh fuck, which countries did the Bush administration win over again? I'm drawing a blank here...

But that doesn't really matter, given that Bush at least did his basic duty of preserving america's position at the top of the world, rather than allowing, say, china(to give an example entirely at random) to come to a position where she would one day inevitably overtake america.

Be all that as it may, nobody can fault Bush for his handling of the great natural disaster that was hurricane Katrina though, right?
Oh fuck it, I give up trying to defend the idiot.

Just note what the others have mentioned: OBL could've been caught sooner. Like the post below.

If George Bush had spent more time focusing on Pakistan and Afghanistan and not his bs propaganda in Iraq BinLaden could have been caught earlier.

He wasted time, troops and money in Iraq while Bin Laden was spending quality time with his wife and children in a villa.
But at least Bush got the WMD and bought peace, stability and unity to the country, right?
the Pakis.

I feel very comfortable saying if Bush had taken what Clinton left over for him and did what Obama did with the what Bush left over for him...OBL would have been no more years ago. The facts bear this out.
Just so you know, the word Paki doesn't really fly if you're not Pakistani.
This causes problems for those who associate with them and as a result of Pakistani's saying "Paki" frequently, say "Paki", only to add a "stani" after a brief pause.
Thank God for political correctness! :rofl:

Read Hans Blicks' book and you will notice that Clinton shut down Iraq's WMD development efforts with F15E strikes. Hans was right and there was no reason to invade Iraq.

Anyways, just for fun...
Just so you know, the word Paki doesn't really fly if you're not Pakistani.
This causes problems for those who associate with them and as a result of Pakistani's saying "Paki" frequently, say "Paki", only to add a "stani" after a brief pause.
Thank God for political correctness! :rofl:

Read Hans Blicks' book and you will notice that Clinton shut down Iraq's WMD development efforts with F15E strikes. Hans was right and there was no reason to invade Iraq.

I know...for the purposes of the discussion...I was tired of writing Pakistanis...and who's gonna know the diff except maybe you, me and 2 other people here??:tongue:


Closed Account
Oh girk, girk, I am so disappointed in you today.
however you may be right about being over villianized to an extent as a way to promote military actions and support.
On the other hand He did do all the things he was accused of though, and they were pretty bad things.
I mean seriously, who blows up embassies? I mean really, c'mon.
But part of me understands you're point, the other part wants to rip your throat out........kidding , kidding.

Now you called me twisted, is one reason because I think the sailors should have taken turns pissing on his body then fed it to the hogs?
I'll be diplomatic about it, meet you half way.
first they should have pissed on him, then washed him, then wrapped him in a towel, then fed him to the swine......this way everybody's happy.

Bush-Lite..........good one, haha.

I am glad you decided to be mature in your response:facepalm:

But Thanks my extreme far right brother for agreeing with me that Osama Bin Laden has been over villainized for political reasons.

Yes far right internet tough guys like you do have a twisted sense of justice just like Osama Bin Laden ,but the only difference is Osama Bin
Laden had the INTELLIGENCE,COURAGE,CHARISMA,CONVICTION,etc..... to put his/their plans into action UNLIKE YOU and those of your ilk.

Mostly all you guys do is rant harmlessly on the internet trying to impress whom? I don't know.:facepalm:

Bin Laden saw innocent Muslim women and children killed/repressed because of the Dictatorships/repressive regimes supported by the U.S(the West). He felt that the West should experience that same fear/pain as Muslims and considered civilains fair game. Maybe twisted ,but that's how he felt.:dunno:

I never lost a nights sleep over Bin Laden and hopefully we can move on since the Big Bad Boogey man is dead.
what is up with all these sarah palin groupies lately wantin to give all the credit to bush?

this imbecile had bin laden cornered 8 years ago and decided to pursue him aggressively......1000 miles in the other direction

people who think this is progress are the same people who think obama is a kenyan born muslim who stocks the white house full of grape soda fried chicken and watermellon

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
obama is a kenyan born muslim who stocks the white house full of grape soda fried chicken and watermellon

Wait, he doesn't?

I do think people give him to much credit, though. Credit should go almost entirely to the people who got the job done.
yeah, bomb the trade center, kill a bunch of people.
crash a boat into a naval ship, kill .........
blow up 2 embassys........
sept. 11...........
ect ect ect...........
And we wash his body, wrap him up nice and even give him some half ass muslim ceremony and burial at sea to show the world how civilized we are.

So do people around the world appreciate that? no, they think we're weak and they stil hate us.
Do the muslim terror shits appreciate it? no, they think we're weak for doing it.
they also consider it an insult so they hate us even more and their balls just grew even more.

I do agree with dumping him in the sea, but any any any sort of respect to me is sickening considering what he had done.
Have people forgotten or what?

"The fact is you will not see bin Laden walking on this earth again."

Barack H. Obama ~ May 2011

Well said and done Mr. President and all those involved in this momentous triumph.:hatsoff:


Hiliary 2020
I am glad you decided to be mature in your response:facepalm:

But Thanks my extreme far right brother for agreeing with me that Osama Bin Laden has been over villainized for political reasons.

Yes far right internet tough guys like you do have a twisted sense of justice just like Osama Bin Laden ,but the only difference is Osama Bin
Laden had the INTELLIGENCE,COURAGE,CHARISMA,CONVICTION,etc..... to put his/their plans into action UNLIKE YOU and those of your ilk.

Mostly all you guys do is rant harmlessly on the internet trying to impress whom? I don't know.:facepalm:

Bin Laden saw innocent Muslim women and children killed/repressed because of the Dictatorships/repressive regimes supported by the U.S(the West). He felt that the West should experience that same fear/pain as Muslims and considered civilains fair game. Maybe twisted ,but that's how he felt.:dunno:

I never lost a nights sleep over Bin Laden and hopefully we can move on since the Big Bad Boogey man is dead.

Actually I'm so far right that I'm 3/16 to the left.
but thats not fair girk, I'm the last guy here trying to impress anyone.
well maybe except for androgenous ry.

thats true.
and he used it to kill a lot of people right?
you condone that?
you at least seem to justify it.

I have posted here several times about the reasons the nazis came to power in the 1930's, which wasn't what most people think today.
but I never condoned or justified it .
And I still took a lot of heat for it.
I don't suppose you will be taking any heat here except for some opposition from me and a few others.
no ones gonna call you names like racist or hater.

I do agree the USA has very little business in the middle east and that they have involved themselves in things they had no business in.
but that doesn't condone what bin laden did.

Lets be honest, his big thing, his main motivation was hatred of the jew.
so by you defending his actions wouldn't that basically be the same as defending hitlers?

he was a criminal, a mass murderer, a its not about killing the boogey man , its about bringing him to justice and preventing any more of his shit from ever happening.

And how!
sheesh :facepalm:

Both Obama AND George Bush stated repeatedly, and quite correctly, that this "war" is not a war against Islam, it's a war against TERRORISM.

Once the TERRORIST was DEAD, treating the remains in accordance with Islamic tradition/law is illustrative of and completely consistent with the position of BOTH presidents.

Desecrating the body (beyond lowering us to a terrorist's level of barbarism) has the potential to blur that boundary for the overwhelming majority in the muslim world we wish to influence.

IF the terrorists think our handling of his remains was an act of weakness who gives a shit? For one we aren't looking to win their hearts and minds anyway. They are going to hate us no matter what we do. For another we just killed their philosophical leader, which isn't the act of a weak and cowed people.
Before blaming everything on America's back, ask yourself what is better, to be a victim of large potential attacks with several thousands casualties or use preventive and preemptive actions to wipe of the threats permanently.
Your behavior is very unpatriotic and I am thinking you dislike your own military and law enforcement agencies personnel. Your behavior is so typical of the leftists who have no pride and no respect for their own country. Fucking unbelievable and disgusting :rolleyes::wtf:

The preemptive actions killed hundereds of thousands of civilians, if not up to a million depends on what source you want to use. Half of whom are due to the direct action of the US military, while the other half due to terrorists who have been provocated by US actions. The Taliban killed only 3,000 people in 9/11.

Unless you believe that all those brown non-American people killed by the preemptive action to be somewhat less important and their lives less valuable than American citizens, I think the maths is very obvious.

And unpatriotic? I'll trade humanity for patriotism anyday, the truely disgusting thing here is your willingness to blindly support your country's military and anything done in it's name regardless of the ethical and moral implications.

I do think killing Oama is a great thing, though it might have been better to capture him, and make him face the humiliation of a criminal trial and exectution. Now supporters can easily spin this to make him into somesort of martyr.

As good a thing it is to capture Bin Laden, I wont quite go out celebrating on the streets - what I saw people doing in NYC and Washington was truely sickining. Remember, it was that very same desire for vengence which was the official reason of the US going into those two wars, and which costthe lives of so many more times as much innocent civilians. Celebrating like that implies those scumbags think a good thing like finding Bin Laden justifies all that was previously done in it's name, or that justice has been done on any sort of concievable moral scale.
It is that behaivious which disgusts me much more than the happiness I gained from finding out the world is one asshole short.
Celebrating like that implies those scumbags think a good thing like finding Bin Laden justifies all that was previously done in it's name, or that justice has been done on any sort of concievable moral scale.

I understand your thought process. But at the same time I believe a degree of justice WAS done, at the very least for the families of the 9/11 victims.
Initially the spontaneous celebrating made me a bit uneasy too - it reminded me of the celebrating some in the middle east did when the towers fell. But upon further thought, we weren't celebrating the death of innocents the way they were, we were celebrating the death of a mass murderer who intentionally targeted civilians. Therein lies a huge difference.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Here's another interesting angle to the story:

Who will get the $50-million reward for netting Bin Laden?

By IB Times Staff Reporter | May 9, 2011 5:37 AM EDT

Probably the most expensive manhunt in history has ended with the U.S. Navy SEALs storming the hideout of terror ring leader Osama Bin Laden and killing him. But now a multi-million-dollar question remains. And that is essentially about the millions of dollars the U.S. government had promised to give to anyone who decisively helped find the fugitive.


Read more:

That's really a nice sum... I think that the Navy Seal Team should at least get 1 million each.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
i don't know if they can since they're employees of the government, and were working for the government at the time...kinda weak

I ain't even US citizen, just sayin'... they were the ince that really put their lives on the lines. And don't forget the dog :1orglaugh