The man is dead and his body is gone. But actually Bin Laden and his movement was dead/dying when muslims began to peacefully take to the streets(Arab Spring) to rid themselves of the brutal dictators supported by the US/West. This interfernce/support from the US/West of dictators like Mubarak, House of Saud,etc..... is what partially created/fueled terrosrists groups and the Bin Ladens of the world.
The United States has INTENTIONALLY targeted and killed far more civilains than Osama Bin Laden could ever have dreamed of killing.
Bin Laden was almost 'over villainized' for political purposes and it seems with his death nothing has changed.
The guy was just a man with twisted notions of what justice is . Sort of like you.
Osama Bin Laden worked for the CIA when he was fighting URSS in Afghanistan. When the USSR ceased to exist and that America started the first Gulf War against Iraq, he decided to go against America. I don't think the US supports Ahmadinejhad, Bachar El Assad, Khadhafi, the yemeni president or Khaled Mechal. Look at how many people have been killed during the first iran iraq war that took place between 1979-1988, perhaps you should also count how many dead among civilians that were killed because of talibans and radical islamists.
Before blaming everything on America's back, ask yourself what is better, to be a victim of large potential attacks with several thousands casualties or use preventive and preemptive actions to wipe of the threats permanently.
Your behavior is very unpatriotic and I am thinking you dislike your own military and law enforcement agencies personnel. Your behavior is so typical of the leftists who have no pride and no respect for their own country. Fucking unbelievable and disgusting :wtf: