meester...when for example, Obama speaks on an issue I doubt he's trying to convert someone like you or say Georges. He's speaking to those inclined to be pragmatic and listen to see if they agree or not. Not people like you two who are incorrigible and will bend or ignore reason in order to find disagreement.yeah, they actually gave him a funeral.
Now If it were up to me I would have had all the sailors take turns pissing on him first then fed his body to some pigs.
If anybody, including the PREZ is naive enough to think that giving this clown a proper funeral will help relations with alquada and other muslims who want to kill our children better they really need to wake up to reality.
To them it is just a sign of weakness, which gives them even more balls.
You NEVER show the enemy kindness, hasn't obamer seen saving private ryan?
In any situation you must piss off your enemy any way you can, frustrate them, get them off their game and open for mistakes..........just like roberto duran telling sugar ray during the fight that he was gonna kill him in the ring then after the fight fuck his wife.
The last thing you ever do is show kindness or pity, thats the kind of stuff that makes you bleed.
After reading this article I like Obama even less.
In this case, you two would be like the Islamists and hardcore terrorists who are going to hate America in any event. His actions weren't intended to dissuade them...they're incorrigible. His actions were directed at those we rely on in these places to help us kill or capture our enemy who happen to share a faith with our enemy.
And is it true that the military waited days or a week for Obama to give the go ahead after they located him?
can someone confirm if that is true or not?
No is the short answer. The long answer is it was a helluva lot more complex a circumstance that you seem to think it was. There were options on the table to be considered and each with incredibly dire considerations.
Do you understand that we were to send a team of our military on the ground of a sovereign ally presumably without their permission in order to protect the integrity of that op (if in fact that ended up being the route taken). Also, these ops are not magic like you see on tv. The team has to prepare for the undertaking. They have to know as much about that flop house ahead of time as possible. Then they have to be reasonably sure the target or hostile will be there when the op goes down....and a whole bunch more shit that you can't probably fathom...
You don't just send assets to a target and they just run in there blind and magically have success. It takes ALLOT of preparation and planning for an op like this.
If you knew what the considerations were for something like this, you'd know that Obama made a helluva call on this. OBL wasn't hiding there because it was easy for us to get him... He was hiding in a place that probably made it as difficult to get him as possible.