Torn & Frayed.
So now we're trying to believe in the Greek Gods??? OMG so zeus and Thor and Neptune are real??????????
It's funny that you posted this today....
So now we're trying to believe in the Greek Gods??? OMG so zeus and Thor and Neptune are real??????????
yo udo know that the big bang theory would prove proof of being able to create matter. and because matter exists that means there is proof that God made it? you're heads polluted full of propaganda with the rest.
and dogon people arent proof that God exists lol they are proof that THEY exist, nothing more.
I saw the videos. either one provides PROOF of God. matter can be created by a collider but the right has fought tooth n nail to block the funding because if it provides overwhelming proof of creation of matter then what will your baseless argument be?
1) Proof of God would be the existence of matter. The Big Bang theory is completely theoretical, but evenstill it, nor any other law of sceince or physics, doesn't propose to explain the origins of matter. It is a basic rule of physics that matter cannot be created or destroyed, so if a Supreme being didn't create it, then where did it come from.
2) The Dogon people of Mali are REAL PEOPLE. They are an ancient tribe that had astronomical knowledge of stars and planets that THEY COULD NOT SEE WITH THE NAKED EYE, and that was not discovered by modern western astronomers with telescopes untill centuries later. They say they got it from supernatural beings. If you disagree then where did a small ancient tribe living in the middle of the jungle get such information before even the invention of modern science.
Perhaps you should look at the video and consider the materials and then admit defeat.
You should know that both the cosmological argument for the existence of God, as well as your comments on the people of Mali, contain the large inherent logical fallacy that proponents of these never seem to notice. Think Occam's Razor. A 'supreme being' is incredibly complex, and (as the Abrahamic texts like to describe it) by the same conservation law you've used over and again, impossible.Proof 1
So again, since matter cannot be created or destroyed, If a Supreme Being did not create it, then what is the
origin of all matter ?
Proof 2
Your comments about the Dogon people of Mali don't make any sense, and thus I ask you again to explain the origins of their astronomical wisdom if they did not get it from Supernatural beings as they stated. And if you cannot provide a plausible alternative explanation, which you know you can't. then humble yourself and admit defeat.
You should know that both the cosmological argument for the existence of God, as well as your comments on the people of Mali, contain the large inherent logical fallacy that proponents of these never seem to notice. Think Occam's Razor. A 'supreme being' is incredibly complex, and (as the Abrahamic texts like to describe it) by the same conservation law you've used over and again, impossible.
Here's the fallacy, simply laid out: because we can't explain (yet) where matter began, it must have been from some supreme being. That's you hearing hoofbeats in Texas and thinking zebras. It's the utter height of a false dilemma to say that either we can scientifically explain something now, or it's some incredibly unlikely being. This applies to both your 'proofs'.
Yes...logically dismantling your positions is nothing new. People have been doing it long before you and I were born. If you know this, why do you still cling to the fallacious logic?Your whole analysis is a cop out, you have said nothing new substantively regarding the proofs, because you don't know anything new...merely bantering pointless philosophic rhetoric in detraction. You have not fashioned an argument for or against the existance of a Supreme Being and tried to defend and research your position, you have said nothing in furtherance of the core issue that I can even comment on. Try to fashion some original position of you own regarding this topic and I will deal with you accordingly.
Yes...logically dismantling your positions is nothing new. People have been doing it long before you and I were born. If you know this, why do you still cling to the fallacious logic?
I ask earnestly, but judging from your dismissal of what you don't like to hear, you're not interested in discussion, just talking. That's a shame.
Your flawed logic is no match for the truth. But since you are so confidant and itching to talk, tell me then, what is your explanation for how a primitive African tribe had detailed complex astronomical knowledge of celestial bodies that can't be seen by the naked eye from earth centuries before modern science discovered them by telescope ?
I will readily admit I only began watching that show when I heard the intro was done by the Barenaked Ladies.Suitably enough by the Barenaked Ladies.
The burden of proof is on you, not me. You are the one claiming that because we don't have a ready explanation, the explanation is automatically 'God'. If you have any real logical bone in your body, you know this to be an erroneous conclusion. The only logical conclusion one can make in the absence of evidence or logical deduction is that we don't know. What we don't know ≠ God. This is where Occam's razor is most valuable.Your flawed logic is no match for the truth. But since you are so confidant and itching to talk, tell me then, what is your explanation for how a primitive African tribe had detailed complex astronomical knowledge of celestial bodies that can't be seen by the naked eye from earth centuries before modern science discovered them by telescope ?
While you jest, this is still more likely than 'God'.It's obvious.
They are Space Aliens. :yoda:
The burden of proof is on you, not me. You are the one claiming that because we don't have a ready explanation, the explanation is automatically 'God'. If you have any real logical bone in your body, you know this to be an erroneous conclusion. The only logical conclusion one can make in the absence of evidence or logical deduction is that we don't know. What we don't know ≠ God. This is where Occam's razor is most valuable.
Here's the problem with your 'truth': by definition of the supernatural, it lies outside what we can prove. Therefore the only arena it has is logic, and logic refutes your truth. The only thing you're left with is an evolutionary quirk of sentience that caused man to assign quick explanations to things he did not understand.
...and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the tall-tell sign of defeat in denial.Ehh I'm sorry but that's a bunch of bullshit..you don't respond to the question posed because you obviously don't have a clue of the answer, and then attempt to go on some pseudo-intellectual nonsene esoteric rant to cover up the fact that you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You don't know anything about the Dogon people or Sirius B. If you' haven't reviewed the video and can't answer the question honestly, then I'm certainly not going to debate you about a subject you know nothing about.
...and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the tall-tell sign of defeat in denial.
Thanks for the discussion, anyway. It seems it's wasted on you, but hopefully other readers will find it...enlightening.
we don't know how the dogon people know what they know... maybe at the time of their existence they had much better eye sight that humans do today? they didnt have reading lamps that caused eye strain and they didnt have a written language so the eye strain was minimal. maybe their diet was high in certain vitamins that allowed them better eye sight and they studied the stars which isnt uncommon in indigenous tribes.
Eric, just because we can't yet explain something doesn't mean it is proof of God.
Eric he offered an answer of simple logic, "if we don't know it doesn't = God" you seem VERY defensive dude.
Paganism is the worship of nature, and why is that? because without science to explain things, they worship what appears to be a super natural explanation. it gives people comfort to say "must be a god" rather than to feel ignorant and not be able to explain things you see before you. the old question of "how did we get here" and the meaning of life haven't gone anywhere. but people take relief in not having to give a credible answer, they just say "my faith tells me..." meaning, my BLIND faith in something I cannot prove.