Texas is an open primary state, no such thing as a registered democrat in this state. You claim you're not a christian but you rush to defend republicans and christians, attack Obama calling him Otrama, and call democrats zombies. You sound pretty fucking auténtico tea party republican. I'm a moderate democrat, but get called a far-leftie by conservatives, I've seen your pattern of behavior countless times and merely the fact that others don't join in with the Obama hate puts them on the far left to ideologues like you. I don't like you because the first post you made when came back was the "Otrama" shit. That told me you're either a Fox News junkie, a Bush Bot, or even worse, an Alex Jones flunkie. What you certainly aren't is a moderate of any stripe or a democrat. Keep pushing that far right tea flake rhetoric, you'll feel right at home with conservative trolls like Fisher and Worm.
Boy are you stupid!
Nowhere did I say I registered in Texas...and I guess you have appointed yourself the judge of the FOs board members political freedom. Which according to you is only what you decide it is. Asshole...
You actually sound more like Sam than anyone (well, maybe Eric 000).I have no idea where to find Alex Jones, although you seem to follow him pretty closely.
But no, I have distanced myself far away from Demotards such as yourself, the tyranny of the majority is so very unappealing.
You have no real clue what the political discourse is in the USA; everything right of UberLib is Far Right, to you anyway.
"Smart" is a hope you have, maybe someday you'll rise to that level of mental acumen...improbable perhaps, but it COULD happen.
I didn't claim not be a Christian, it's that most hated of things to you...a fact.
Such a whiner...while I don't defend Repubs and Christians, I do defend the truth from your, and others, fabrications and outright lies and distortions. That I will always do...most people I meet with a good heart, the loyalty to family and country I admire, the courage to deal with adversity and the decency to help others less fortunate seem to be Republicans or more right leaning than left leaning Libs.
You always seem to think of Dems as white, almost every position you describe or defend is not a Black Democrat's position...that tells me you are indeed a one sided fool.
No hope for your kind.