Official Checked Star Member
Im as sure he doesn't as the rest are sure that he does. I have far more compelling evidence that he doesn't than you have that he does.
Do you believe that Santa comes once a year and knows if everyone's naughty or nice? well believing that there's a man in the clouds who knows our naughty and nice list and infects kids with disease and allows the rape and murder of innocents is MORE ridiculous than the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny and Santa combined!
I dont pin the problems on being christian. i simply state that in a government that clearly states the separation of church and state, that they are trying to force their myths onto the rest of us. they want a fucking national religion! lol churches get tax exemption status yet they earn millions of dollars a year in profits? The catholic church is the largest holder of commercial real estate in the WORLD. yet they dont pay any taxes??? politicians like Mitt Romney openly say that they would do what "God tells them" rather than what their experience and education and common sense tells them. that's fucking frightening to me. that's what Bush did and look at what we have now. He went into Iraq using that very same logic. he said that he doesn't care if it's popular or not, it's what his faith told him was the right thing to do. fucking stupid and crazy and criminal.
the right has become owned by the evangelicals which is fucking scary.
If you live your life by not doing harm to others. being helpful and considerate and having compassion you don't need to have some fairy tale written by MAN to live by. it's nice that the pope just today says that atheists will be redeemed also and will go to heaven if they do good things lol it's nice that he gets to decide that this change in christian belief gets put into the books as law lol
yes some of the scientists are religious but less than 5% are christian. did you know that? LESS THAN 5% and if you have to believe in something that there is zero proof of to get through your day, then yes, you are weak minded. i can't see air but I see the trees move when there's wind. I can heat it and watch it fill a baloon. i can inhale and feel it in my lungs.
more blood has been spilled in the name of god than all other things combined. it is spilled today all over the world as I write this. Allah, God, Yahweh, Jehova whatever you wanna call him. I am a believer in Buddhism which is a philosophy not a religion. it's common sense and doesn't try to sell you bullshit on that whole nonsense Virgin mother and ascension to heaven from the tomb and burning bushes and Noah and his arc and walking on water and the rest of that. it made for a great book, but come on. you REALLY believe that all happened? you believe that God used to speak to people daily but he never told them the earth was round? or that he hasn't done it since video was invented? come on.
Do you believe that Santa comes once a year and knows if everyone's naughty or nice? well believing that there's a man in the clouds who knows our naughty and nice list and infects kids with disease and allows the rape and murder of innocents is MORE ridiculous than the tooth fairy and Easter Bunny and Santa combined!
I dont pin the problems on being christian. i simply state that in a government that clearly states the separation of church and state, that they are trying to force their myths onto the rest of us. they want a fucking national religion! lol churches get tax exemption status yet they earn millions of dollars a year in profits? The catholic church is the largest holder of commercial real estate in the WORLD. yet they dont pay any taxes??? politicians like Mitt Romney openly say that they would do what "God tells them" rather than what their experience and education and common sense tells them. that's fucking frightening to me. that's what Bush did and look at what we have now. He went into Iraq using that very same logic. he said that he doesn't care if it's popular or not, it's what his faith told him was the right thing to do. fucking stupid and crazy and criminal.
the right has become owned by the evangelicals which is fucking scary.
If you live your life by not doing harm to others. being helpful and considerate and having compassion you don't need to have some fairy tale written by MAN to live by. it's nice that the pope just today says that atheists will be redeemed also and will go to heaven if they do good things lol it's nice that he gets to decide that this change in christian belief gets put into the books as law lol
yes some of the scientists are religious but less than 5% are christian. did you know that? LESS THAN 5% and if you have to believe in something that there is zero proof of to get through your day, then yes, you are weak minded. i can't see air but I see the trees move when there's wind. I can heat it and watch it fill a baloon. i can inhale and feel it in my lungs.
more blood has been spilled in the name of god than all other things combined. it is spilled today all over the world as I write this. Allah, God, Yahweh, Jehova whatever you wanna call him. I am a believer in Buddhism which is a philosophy not a religion. it's common sense and doesn't try to sell you bullshit on that whole nonsense Virgin mother and ascension to heaven from the tomb and burning bushes and Noah and his arc and walking on water and the rest of that. it made for a great book, but come on. you REALLY believe that all happened? you believe that God used to speak to people daily but he never told them the earth was round? or that he hasn't done it since video was invented? come on.