Okay: What do you seriously *hate* and dispise in your porn ?

1.Spitting. Nothing kills a hot scene faster then the guy or girl spitting on his/her dick/pussy. Ack.:pukey:

2.Girls that just aren't into whatever they're doing. When a girl is giving and awesome BJ and she's begging the guy to cum, then when he does she gags and looks like she's going to puke.:wtf:

Johann Splooge

Closed Account
Another thing: when pornstars are playing parts in movies that you know are not even close to being true. Like when pornstars play college students, leave that to girls gone wild.
i dont know how you can come to that conclusion with all due respect. how can one muster that these girls have only 2 options: do what some call "degrading" porn or starve.

iamforever has a point. in the very worse of situations, theres always whackdonalds. if they really dont want to do it, and they feel its degrading, they can go somewhere else.

I'm not speaking from experience but I reckon some girls want to be famous pornstars, probably after failing to become an actress or singer, and they might feel they need to do degrading shit before they can land a ClubJenna contract and never have to take a cumshot on the face again.

I used to think the same way you do: hey, you're in America and you look good, stop whining, the world is at your feet, go get a job as a secretary or something, but during a discussion about MeatHoles Taylor Rain said that it was the worst experience of her life and she did it because she was young and needed the money. It made me think.


One MeatHoles scene pays more than a month's work in Whackdonald's.


Closed Account
I just wanted to add:

People who call porn stars "whores, slut, bitches, cunts, etc" or any other derogatory remark. If you're that upset with them don't watch them. On the same page: movies called "Ass-licking whore sluts from cunt town" and the like...

"Cool guys" talking to the girls in some of the websites (Bangbros...). All I can think of is "shut up you dork".

Yup, I tottally agree with this statement. I see a lot of DVDs where I buy my porn, close to my house (it's called The Lion's Den, an adult book store just 4 miles from here) with real fucking horrible, degradful names these days, like "Ass licking sluts from Cunt-Town USA!" and it's all so sick & silly at the same time. Those studios will never get my hard earned dollars.

Also, I wanna add that spitting is also a *big* mood/scene killer for me. Nothing kills a nice, sensual scene faster then spitting. I notice these days, when a couple agrees to tit-fuck, it's done a lot, mostly but the guy spitting on the woman's chest or telling her to spit on her tits. Just disgusting, and get's on my last nerves.

Also, for myself, I try not to buy any DVD with this guy, even though many consider him "a legend" (oh huh).

I got two extremely annoying star fucker (no pun intended) words for ya:

Ron Jeremy ... (*groans*)
People like Max Hardcore and people faking the scenes too much.


Closed Account
The nakedness and the intercourse. Every thime I get an XXX film, they always loose their clothes and start shagging. I want to see some acting. Mybe a little romance, a good plot, and a happy ending. How about some emotions..........

......... [sic]
I do dislike how certain guys in the industry think they're in some way superior to the women they fuck, but the truth is that women are the real stars and powerhouses in the porn industry and should be treated thusly. And it's not how they have sex with them - that's part of the job and the women in the industry know this; it's how they sometimes say things - things that make me cringe.

Also, I'm not a fan of face-slapping. Why must some guys think they should treat women like that? It's enough for them to fuck them out of their minds - there's no need to slap a woman in the face, even if it's just for play. Spanking on the ass is the only kind of hand-slapping that is tolerable for me, but aside from that, nothing else.
Spitting and Gagging, and there seems to be more and more of it in porn all the time, i also hate the LA porn studios for churning out the same old tired porn and the platinum blonde fake titted so called stars.
I like euro porn its absolute class.
I hate CLOSE-UPs!! the scenes that a cock as big as my screen going in and out of a pussy for minutes and nothing else.. genitals are ugly organs.. i wanna see the girl's beautiful face or at least a larger camera angle showing her whole body.. not those sweaty wrinkled masses rubbing each other.. :crash:


Hiliary 2020
I agree with epic. Also dont like the smacking,fingers in mouth,choking.
If I was a chick I'd be like WTF"s your problem jerkoff.
Also, I'm not a fan of face-slapping. Why must some guys think they should treat women like that? It's enough for them to fuck them out of their minds - there's no need to slap a woman in the face, even if it's just for play. Spanking on the ass is the only kind of hand-slapping that is tolerable for me, but aside from that, nothing else.

My girlfriend actually likes when I slap her in ther face during sex and she also likes me to call her a dirty whore but we only do that when we role play


what the fuck you lookin at?
I don't hate or dispise anything in porn! I prefer to not see condoms being used. Pointless in porn IMO but that's just my:2 cents:

Other things I don't like is the gay porn or that shemale stuff. Scat/piss all that otherwise nasty shit doesn't do anything for me. But I don't hate anything. To each their own I always say! If it wasn't making someone money, it wouldn't be on the net!


what the fuck you lookin at?
I kinda like the close ups myself...