OCSM of the Week 2014

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A vote for Mandy please
My vote is for Mandy this week and I hope she was able to go the SEAHAWKS SUPER BOWL VICTORY Parade today !! :thumbsup:

BTW, in honor of the Seahawks Super Bowl Championship the Empire State Building did a COOL light show to music for them also



Gotta give it to Mandy this week... Great pics!
And it looks like Mandy is keeping up with them as Andiland gives her a 5th vote.

Edit: Mandy has a slight lead with Vanilla's vote.


Works for panties
Siri XXX 2
Jaana Ruutu 0
Mandy Flores 5
Lacey Black 1
Sophia Winters 5
Maggie Green 5

uh-oh, looks like Mandy's starting to slip ahead

Looks like you copied and pasted from the last tally, and failed to update the scoreboard. And shouldn't that be "looks like Mandy's starting to squirt ahead"?
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