Obama wins!

That's .....ok, I was going to swing and call it bullshit. I won't stoop. I will say that what you are proclaiming as certainty was not always the case. Many Hispanic immigrants liked Reagan and his version of the GOP because he was the one who was going to be tough on the despot they left behind. I remember Jesse Jackson trying to gt chummy with some Cubans or some such and on TV they said, "gracias Jesse, but we still like the other Party better".

Minorities have turned on the Right wing because the Right wing turned on them first. Either admit and correct it, or keep losing the Hispanic vote. In other words, I'm not trying to persude shit. It's in my best interests if you guys keep showing Latinos, Blacks and Asians the cold shoulder. But don't piss on their backs and try to tell them it's raining. They're not buying.

If you think that Democrat strategists haven't thought of the benefits of an open border would bring their party then your deluding yourself.

The black community believes in the idea that "the raised nail is hammered down" and that if their community goes down everyone is to go down with the proverbial ship. They attack Black Republicans with vitriol claiming that they are turncoats to the party that coincidentally emancipated them.

The Democrats themselves have destroyed the black family since the 1960s, not the Republicans. The Dems along with black Democrats want their community to remain dependent on gov't. The black community doesn't want anyone getting out of the proverbial wagon to help pull. The Democrat Party has no interest in seeing anyone become well off or independent for fear of losing their voter base.

The only ones who've declared war on the blacks, latinos etc are the Dems. But hey if these communities want to remain forever dependent on bloated big gov't then so be it, they have no one to blame but themselves. I sure as hell am not going to waste my time saving their communities, with only so many resources available for too many people I'm looking out for myself.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Until the GOP learns how to start including people again, instead of dreaming up more and worse ways to exclude people, what we saw a couple of nights ago is going to keep repeating itself. It doesn't take a math major to figure out that if your tent is getting smaller and you refuse to bring more people into it, you're not going to be able to win future elections... even against a Black Muslim born in Kenya, who was presiding over an almost 8% unemployment rate. Seems like that alone would be enough of a wake-up call to make the GOP take a long hard look at itself. But probably not.

IMO, it's time for fiscal moderates, social libertarians and sane & educated people to just walk away from the GOP. There's just not much there to work with anymore. Let the neocons, rednecks, neo-Confederates, paranoid schizo flakes, TEA party types and the Evangelicals have it. Walk away from that unwashed mob and form a solid, centrist party that would serve the American people... ALL of the American people. A candidate from that sort of party would have likely beaten Obama with ease.
The Dems want an open border, thus more illegals flooding in. The reasoning is simple, since these illegals will vote Democrat, it's stands that a great influx of such individuals will slowly turn a state from red to blue.
Illegals are allowed to vote ?
If you think that Democrat strategists haven't thought of the benefits of an open border would bring their party then your deluding yourself.

The black community believes in the idea that "the raised nail is hammered down" and that if their community goes down everyone is to go down with the proverbial ship. They attack Black Republicans with vitriol claiming that they are turncoats to the party that coincidentally emancipated them.

The Democrats themselves have destroyed the black family since the 1960s, not the Republicans. The Dems along with black Democrats want their community to remain dependent on gov't. The black community doesn't want anyone getting out of the proverbial wagon to help pull. The Democrat Party has no interest in seeing anyone become well off or independent for fear of losing their voter base.

The only ones who've declared war on the blacks, latinos etc are the Dems. But hey if these communities want to remain forever dependent on bloated big gov't then so be it, they have no one to blame but themselves. I sure as hell am not going to waste my time saving their communities, with only so many resources available for too many people I'm looking out for myself.

Seriously?! The Republican party hasn't been the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt or Eisenhower since the Southern Strategy was enacted and most minorities aren't believing that shit you're shoveling. It's like that Republican ad that was targeted towards blacks in this election, putting certain historical facts and excluding others. Lincoln wouldn't even recognize this Republican party today.
Obama better learns about ECONOMY !!

And I think it´s much better for the US if Republicans + Democrats really learn how to work TOGETHER , ....or in a few month the whole nation has a REAL financial problem ....
So fucking glad that mormon prick didn't win! :clap:

Wow. lol I wanted Obama because I thought the Republicans have gone off the rails and really need to find center again.

Not sure if I would agree with "mormon prick", but to each their own, right?
Seriously?! The Republican party hasn't been the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt or Eisenhower since the Southern Strategy was enacted and most minorities aren't believing that shit you're shoveling. It's like that Republican ad that was targeted towards blacks in this election, putting certain historical facts and excluding others. Lincoln wouldn't even recognize this Republican party today.

Doesn't change the fact that the Republican party was the party of Lincoln. What it needs to do is expunge the far right, move to the center. It isn't an all white club as critics from the left claim, it has a cadre of minorities and that will grow when the GOP moves to a more centrist position.

The Dems need to move to the center as well. The classic "liberal" has been forced out (Clinton was the last) and the post 1972 Leftists have taken over whom have no concept of how economics work.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Considering the tragic state of the economy after Bush got done with it, you'd have a very hard time convincing me that these "new conservatives" know anything about the economy either. Obama probably wouldn't be my first choice for the guy I'd want trying to fix the economy. But Romney proved himself to the the guy that would get picked last for the Econ dodge-ball team. Isn't it funny and ironic that the President that proved to be the most fiscally conservative over the past 20 years was... Bill Clinton??? Who'd have thunk that in 1992?! And what's even funnier and more ironic is the TEA party. The movement was supposed to have been a movement based on fiscal policy (taxes and spending). But most of what they are known for now is trying to institute their brand of social conservatism. The one and only thing they ever say about economics or fiscal policy is, "cut taxes and deregulate" - then they move on to the things they really care about: abortion, Israel, gay rights and religion. Their one-stop shopping "cut taxes and deregulate" message is like going to a doctor, after finding that you have cancer, and the only thing he tells you is, "take two aspirin and call me in the morning." :rolleyes: Romney was a prime example of the GOP's lack of solid, sensible ideas on how to deal with economic issues. His claim to fame was that he was a successful businessman who knew how to create jobs and fix the economy. And yet, I've never seen a person who was so inept at communicating an economic vision. His message was basically just, "fire Obama and hire me... I'll get it done. I can't/won't tell you exactly how I'm going to do it, but just trust me... I will."

But I honestly do think Romney would have had (at least) a better shot of winning if the social retards within the GOP hadn't chased away women, young people and Hispanics with their crazy talk. And the crazy talk that hurt Romney was not coming from people like Paul Ryan, talking about cutting Medicare (the GOP actually won the age 50+ demographic). It was people like Akin, Mourdock, Michele Bachmann, Sarah P@lin, Allen West and others, who have helped establish the post-Reagan GOP as a party of social extremists. The GOP is becoming known as a place where you'll be welcome if you don't use/don't believe in data, facts, math or science. And if you believe that it's better to destroy the republic or let it fall into financial ruin if you can't get your way (the debt limit fight last year), then at my very core, I will oppose anything and everything about you. I may not agree with even 50% of the Democrat's platform, but these days, I find myself opposed to well over 50% of the radical social beliefs found in the GOP platform. Someone asked me why I side with liberals so often. Well, it's just by coincidence, since they are the ones who also oppose neoconery, tea baggery and the backward thinking thugs that have taken over the GOP. Sort of a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of thing.

If the GOP can rid itself of the retards and cavemen, and start focusing on data based fiscal solutions (which are moderate to conservative) and stay the fuck out of peoples' lives and bedrooms, then I'd have no problem voting for a GOP candidate again. But there's a new verb that I just heard the other day, when a discussion about this was on a TV chat show: "primary". It seems that primary is now a verb. If GOP candidates won't bend to the will of the tea baggers (and it mainly has to do with their positions on social issues, not economic issues), then they'll be primaried by the TEA party and replaced with some right wing nutcase (like Mourdock or Akin). I'd get in line twice and vote for Obama before I'd see that happen to this nation.
The Dems want an open border, thus more illegals flooding in. The reasoning is simple, since these illegals will vote Democrat, it's stands that a great influx of such individuals will slowly turn a state from red to blue.

send the Republicans are looking the offshore work everywhere else that would leave Mexico open for US workers to go get jobs with all the illegals come here


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Could you please show me evidence of this happening?

I wanted to know about what to do at the polls when ready to vote. I usually have my DL in hand but this time I wanted to know if they would ask for it. I told them my district and my name. They found it in a few seconds. I signed and they just looked at my previous signature to compare and off to vote. Nothing more asked. That's the way it should be. You show your shit only when you register. That puts you in the book. If you move out of the district then your vote could be fraud and that's a very costly gamble.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Here is something I can't understand. The Hispanic vote may lean toward the Dems because they are generally on the lower end of the pay scale. But I can't understand why immigration issues go that way too. These citizens born here and used the proper procedures to come here want to support a policy that opens the boarders for those to come here illegally. Help me with this logic.

Bob, my guess is if the message had simply been one of addressing illegal immigration, then you'd find more Hispanics being in favor of a system that allowed a rational path to legal immigration, even if it discouraged or punished illegal immigration. But let's be honest, more than a few of the measures backed by the GOP seemed to focus on Hispanics in a racist or offensive sort of way. The same is true of the voter ID laws. While many southern GOP primaries generally required no ID to be shown to vote in their primaries, they pushed, with all their might, measures which would affect (especially) predominantly Democrat leaning areas. The GOP allows itself to be suspected of certain things mainly because of its inept message delivery... and some of the people who they allow to deliver that message.

For instance, I am greatly opposed to illegal immigration. I am also opposed to citizenship for people born in this country if their parents are here illegally. I do believe that the Constitution needs to be changed in that regard, as it allows "anchor babies". Though I admit that working through the fine details would be very difficult. But anyone who knows me knows that I am anything but anti-Hispanic (and no, I won't include the obligatory "some of my best friends are Hispanic." :facepalm:) My beliefs apply just as much to illegal immigrant Russians, Chinese, Cubans and Israelis as to Mexicans. I believe that there really needs to be comprehensive immigration reform, which would fairly address those who are here now and have been here for years. The GOP could/should have gotten out in front of this issue in 2010 and they wouldn't be in the sinking boat (with Hispanics) that they're in now. And another thing, the GOP leadership has to stop being afraid to stand up and blast any GOP candidate who is obviously anti-Hispanic or a racist redneck. I am opposed to Zionism. But I am not anti-Semitic. There is a way, if you explain to people where you're coming from, to oppose something without opposing an entire class or race of people. The rush of Hispanics for the GOP exit door in the past two elections should teach the GOP a valuable lesson. Will the GOP learn from this? We'll see. But somehow, I doubt it. To these people in charge now, Reagan's Big Tent is just a fleeting memory... like a fart in the wind.