For a group which constantly chest thumps about taking personal responsibility, you certainly seem to have no problem on blaming others when you lose.
Romney lost. He lost. Get over it. It was not because of voter fraud, it was not because of illegals voting, it was not because he cheated. It was because of you, the voters on the right. You not only chose a very bad candidate, those of you far on the right forced that candidate to attempt to mold himself into something he was not, yet something so remarkably unliked by the general population to become rather unworthy of the office he was seeking.
I said from the start in 2008, even before the primaries were over, that it did not matter who would take over office - that person was going to be a one term President. I had stated then that W had done such a historically bad job of managing the country, that he had so abandoned his leadership roll, that whoever took over was starting in a huge hole, and would be forced to make some remarkably unpopular decisions to right the ship.
During that time, those of us on Obama's side have freely admitted his performance has not been perfect. I personally would have loved to have seen him become a lot tougher against the tea baggers. But, so be it.
You guys had a chance to find a likable candidate who had solid ideas on keeping us on the right path. You had this chance, and you blew it - big time.
You built this. Take some responsibility for your mess, and clean it up yourself.