The despicability of right wing medias and their hatred for Biden

Check out this winner from sky news. First they complain that Kamala Harris is calling foreign leaders without Biden present, ignoring the fact that he's said all along she's going to have more to do. Then it goes on to a clip that is supposedly the latest example of "Biden's dementia," but then goes on to explain that that clip was taken out of context, it was perfectly reasonable to say, but can you imagine what they would have done if it had been trump??? It's a wild fucking ride. And people are INTO it. They 100% believe this shit.



Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Check out this winner from sky news. First they complain that Kamala Harris is calling foreign leaders without Biden present, ignoring the fact that he's said all along she's going to have more to do. Then it goes on to a clip that is supposedly the latest example of "Biden's dementia," but then goes on to explain that that clip was taken out of context, it was perfectly reasonable to say, but can you imagine what they would have done if it had been trump??? It's a wild fucking ride. And people are INTO it. They 100% believe this shit.

This was next up in the queue: ‘Never before’ has the leader of the free world been ‘so cognitively compromised’

The comments throughout are interesting. Biden's 'handlers' get a lot of airtime. I guess Trump going rogue was better? Since when did a leader not need support?


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
The Biden derangement syndrome is getting stronger. If he doesn't do something they can legitimately criticize soon they're all going to go insane.
Desperate newsmax goes after Biden's 12 year old German Shepherd for not looking presidential enough:

When all else fails, Newsmax aims for the dog:
Champ is “very dirty and disheveled, and very unlike a presidential dog like Millie or Victory, or any other dog that I’ve seen in the White House.”

Keith Olberman replies best:
Anyone who goes as low as to make fun of an animal is lower than anything else you could think of. To relate to Trumpistas, Low enough to walk under a snake in a top hat. The level of desperation of that group to disparage and belittle is beyond all imagining.
Apologies to gmase, I forgot that he already covered the newsmax dog attack up there when I posted.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Apologies to gmase, I forgot that he already covered the newsmax dog attack up there when I posted.
No need to apologize, I have no ownership of the story. It

I was going to tie in Rush Limbaugh calling Chelsea Clinton a dog, but that may have been going too far. (Probably not, but I erred on the side of restraint.)
No need to apologize, I have no ownership of the story. It

I was going to tie in Rush Limbaugh calling Chelsea Clinton a dog, but that may have been going too far. (Probably not, but I erred on the side of restraint.)
He called so many people names and insults that in his time he made even Trump look like an amateur at times


FreeOnes Lifetime Member
Will I get in trouble for this? I hope not.
Here's a selection of the latest stories from Australia's OANN, sky news, who have been working overtime to convince us that Biden's admin is an abject failure already.

Biden can't possibly be about unity if he denies trump intel briefings:
That's like giving Heinreich Himmler the keys to the gas chambers ...

President Biden, I'm glad you stood your ground. Donald Trump is a far right wing nut! Like a firecracker, he's prone to go off at the wrong time. Don't give him anything!
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Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Will I get in trouble for this? I hope not.

That's like giving Heinreich Himmler the keys to the gas chambers ...

President Biden, I'm glad you stood your ground. Donald Trump is a far right wing nut! Like a firecracker, he's prone to go off at the wrong time. Don't give him anything!
Unless you are part of any Disney projects, you should be fine. Although, it would not have offended Walt too much.
This isn't Biden specifically, but it is a pretty awesome example of the hypocrisy and outright dishonesty of right wing media.
