You seem to have something against southern whites and calling them Trailer Trash is not making you a higher educated person because the ones you back up are the ghetto trash who are all for leeching health care, social security and financial helps they don't deserve especially when you know how much money they make thanks to underground economy including rackeetering, drugs reselling and prostitution. How ironic
![Facepalm :facepalm: :facepalm:](
What positive has seriously given Big Dady O Nobama Otrauma's presidency???
Nothing positive, just hype, lies, bullshit and living more indebted. You can thank your beloved daddy O for this :elaugh:And don't forget to send him flowers and postcards showing your blind dedication to him while you are at it.
One thing I can say as a Southerner is that at least those minorities you constantly mention aren't stupid enough to vote against their own economic self interest. (I absolutely know I have delved to some lower level of discourse when I get responses from certain posters who have their own icon :georges:
According to polls an overwheliming majority of working class Whites absolutely love and use that free health care (medicare/medicaid) you speak of, 80-90% absolutely love that Social Security you speak of and at least before the recession most welfare recipients were actually White .
So the same Southern Whites foolishly vote Repuiblican who are fighting tooth and nail as we speak to end or cut these programs they love while they vigorously fight for tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthiest?
I certainly hope when they go back to their mobile homes that they sleep well at night knowing the GOP is right now fighting for tax breaks for Billionaires like Buffet/Gates , fighting desperately for tax loopholes on behalf of wealthy corporations(Exxon,etc..), while trying to cut the very programs they love and depend on(Ss/medicare/medicaid,etc..... ) Highly illogical.
But somehow they believe the GOP is working for them?(working class Whites)
I can't totally blame the CRYSTAL METH epidemic for this lapse in judgement since White Southerners who were once die hard big government, pro union Democrats changed parties overnight once JFK/LBJ voted for Civil Rights/Voting Rights ACT.
They believe mightily in these programs and have always believed in them what bothers them is that they are fearful that others may benefit from them as well.
Bob Marley has a song called "Craven Like A Choke Puppy" which illustrates this phenomenom which makes Southern Whites vote faithfully for the party which wants to destroy the programs they love and need.