Obama Wants This For The Country


Right, that's where all your tax dollars are going, it all goes to illegals - never mind the wars and corporate handouts like Medicare Part D. :rofl2:


And where are the spending increases coming from?


I like it...

Cut defense (Eisenhower was a smart man!)
Close up the tax loopholes (we need the f'ing revenue...and lets not get too greedy)

...I think Obama was right, the pendulum swung and we needed some government intervention in the economy. He sold out though and got side tracked on health care at the wrong time. It was a long term rabbit hole that will probably not work and probably be too expensive - regardless of where you stand on the specifics of the bill...it should not have been his #1 priority.

Accountability is what is needed. Blaming one party is a blind man lashing out.
Obama is the ultimate, liberal, socialist bastard, unless you have been blind to the news, He just wants to tax and spend more on the poor who offer nothing to this country! They can"t even keep their rented propertys clean!!!
Illegals are ruining the country better than Hitler"s armies!!!!

Nester, think hard, think really hard, who ruined the economy. Was it the illegals? The American working class? Have any of them been bailed out? NO! It was Wall Steet, speculative brokers, shady law makers, companies that outsourced the American jobs. Why are the losses of these companies that are to big to fail shared by all of us, but the gains are only shared by a few?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Accountability is what is needed. Blaming one party is a blind man lashing out.

I had a professor in college that developed a test for hypocrisy. He called it the Game of Substitutions. You take one situation and then substitute the characters AFTER the players have come to a conclusion. The one I remember best involved one person killing another. At first it was a woman killing a man. And then, under the very same circumstances, it was a man killing a woman. Then we went for racial substitutions (a Black killing a White and then a White killing a Black). Basically it used as many of the social factors/triggers that we could think of, that some people seem to rely on as they come to a conclusion about how they feel about something.

I think that game would be LOADS of fun on here. I really do. Only we'd use Democrat vs. Republican, Conservative vs. Liberal as the variables.


Staff member

Seems your statement is fairly stupid considering 'Illegals' do not/can't vote? Unless you know some shit we don't.:dunno:

Obama got about 70% of the Hispanic vote and that's including poorer overall numbers among Castro hating Cubans(Florida) who tend to vote Gop as they stubbornly wish to continue this silly Cuban 'embargo'(Which hasn't worked for 50 years to dislodge Castro).:facepalm:

Now stupid are the Poorest Trailer Trash Southern Whites who continually vote Republican who are bent on ending programs which will help them the most(social security/medicare,etc...) in favor of tax breaks and loopholes for the richest individuals and corporations.:brick:

You seem to have something against southern whites and calling them Trailer Trash is not making you a higher educated person because the ones you back up are the ghetto trash who are all for leeching health care, social security and financial helps they don't deserve especially when you know how much money they make thanks to underground economy including rackeetering, drugs reselling and prostitution. How ironic :facepalm::sarcasm:
What positive has seriously given Big Dady O Nobama Otrauma's presidency???
Nothing positive, just hype, lies, bullshit and living more indebted. You can thank your beloved daddy O for this :elaugh:And don't forget to send him flowers and postcards showing your blind dedication to him while you are at it.
What positive has seriously given Big Dady O Nobama Otrauma's presidency???

Wall Street reform

The salvage and recovery of GM

50% rise in the Dow Jones industrial average

A return to positive economic growth rate

New and better G.I. Bill

All major combat units removed from Iraq

Fair pay act for women

Credit card reform

FDA regulation of the tobacco industry

Largest food safety bill since the 1930s

Repeal of don't ask don't tell

Greatly reduced tension with Russia

and much more.

Oh and also ...... OSAMA BIN LADEN is DEAD

and we've got his computer drives


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Wall Street reform

The salvage and recovery of GM

50% rise in the Dow Jones industrial average

A return to positive economic growth rate

New and better G.I. Bill

All major combat units removed from Iraq

Fair pay act for women

Credit card reform

FDA regulation of the tobacco industry

Largest food safety bill since the 1930s

Repeal of don't ask don't tell

Greatly reduced tension with Russia

and much more.

Oh and also ...... OSAMA BIN LADEN is DEAD

and we've got his computer drives

That list looks impressive, but just the situation in Congress shows... Do people really favor the alternative?

That's what it boils down to.

You think one party doesn't do good for the country... put something better on the table.

The Republicans didn't really do anything else than block everything when the Healthcare Bill was discussed (Oh and remember all that bullshit about Death Panels etc? Did all those polemicists apologize yet?).

Now the whole country is on the line and they can't bring something that can be taken seriously, or if some of them want to, those Tea Party clowns are eager to trainwreck the country, ...

If you think that that party is anywhere in a distance of a lightyear of being fit for government...
I have a fundamental problem with illegal immigration and giving any assistance to anyone that is over here illegal.

American's wages are decreasing, cost of living is increasing, under-employment is worse than unemployment, student loan debts are insane, the infrastructure is failing,....

Lets fix what is broke for American's before we even consider anything regarding the illegal immigrants


I have a fundamental problem with illegal immigration and giving any assistance to anyone that is over here illegal.

American's wages are decreasing, cost of living is increasing, under-employment is worse than unemployment, student loan debts are insane, the infrastructure is failing,....

Lets fix what is broke for American's before we even consider anything regarding the illegal immigrants

Unfortunately I think this might be slightly tied if you where to go on a great infrastructure drive once again who would build it? Do alot of Americans want to do building jobs?

PS> Unfortunately to make this feasible to have to once again pioneer some technology and competition is fierce with grav lev trains in asia etc. I like the idea of the coastal city defenses shown in a show about how we might meet the challenges of the supposed myth of climate change....Thing is as it stands this could be exported to countries where already it's a fooking problem like japan etc. Anywhere in the US that is coastal where a bad hurricane or the tail end could hit with waves would be a excellent trial run.


That list looks impressive, but just the situation in Congress shows... Do people really favor the alternative?

That's what it boils down to.

You think one party doesn't do good for the country... put something better on the table.

The Republicans didn't really do anything else than block everything when the Healthcare Bill was discussed (Oh and remember all that bullshit about Death Panels etc? Did all those polemicists apologize yet?).

Now the whole country is on the line and they can't bring something that can be taken seriously, or if some of them want to, those Tea Party clowns are eager to trainwreck the country, ...

If you think that that party is anywhere in a distance of a lightyear of being fit for government...

Good exchange, I couldn't agree more.


Nester, think hard, think really hard, who ruined the economy. Was it the illegals?
Why have so many of our private health care facilities gone bankrupt in this country? (with special emphasis on those institutions closest to the Mexico -> American border)
Yea, and why did my full coverage Blue Cross medical insurance rates go from a ridiculously low $235/per 2 months (give or take $10) in 2003 to what it is today? (well over a thousand bucks per month if you can get it)

I know, it's those damned greeeedy doctors, right?!!!! :facepalm:

How about a complete lack of r-e-c-e-i-v-a-b-l-e-s from hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who know that our hospitals may not turn away any patient no matter if they have the ability to pay or not.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
When 'w' was potus, wasn't he responsible for everything that did or didn't happen in the world? :cool:

So all we're doing is playing a game of "Let's Make Shit Up"??? :dunno:

Fun game, I guess. But I prefer Scrabble.


So all we're doing is playing a game of "Let's Make Shit Up"??? :dunno:

Fun game, I guess. But I prefer Scrabble.

I love Boardwalk, Park Place, the Railroads and an infinite number of get out of jail free cards! :nanner:

:cool: :tongue:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Why have so many of our private health care facilities gone bankrupt in this country? (with special emphasis on those institutions closest to the Mexico -> American border) A complete lack of r-e-c-e-i-v-a-b-l-e-s maybe? :dunno: :rolleyes:
Yea, and why did my full coverage Blue Cross medical insurance rates go from a ridiculously low $235/per 2 months (give or take $10) in 2003 to what it is today? (well over a thousand bucks per month if you can get it)

I know, it's those damned greeeedy doctors, right?!!!! :facepalm:

Face, we've got to get these stories to line up. If what Nester said was true, then those facilities would be getting paid by Medicaid (not true, but it makes him happy, so let's roll with it). If they're ER facilities and they're not getting paid, it's because of Ronald Reagan's Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986. Can't turn ANYONE away... not criminals, not illegals.

One of our local hospitals shut down. It had an ER room on campus, so it was forced to treat all those damn unemployed people back in 2009 and they couldn't pay. So it forced the facility into bankruptcy. I think another company is buying it, but they may eliminate the ER so as to (legally) avoid Reagan's mandate.

You lost me on the insurance thing though. Why do you think your rates went up that much?

I have Cigna as my health insurance carrier. Ya know, in 2003 Cigna stock was trading at an adjusted price of $14.72. It's now trading at $49.77. That's about a 240% gain. But the S&P 500 is only up about 50% in that time. Kinda makes a feller think, huh? You don't think that maybe the health insurance industry is butt rap... Oh no! Shut my mouth! Couldn't be! :nono:
So did Hitler and Stalin. Maybe we can start another war?


Closed Account
You seem to have something against southern whites and calling them Trailer Trash is not making you a higher educated person because the ones you back up are the ghetto trash who are all for leeching health care, social security and financial helps they don't deserve especially when you know how much money they make thanks to underground economy including rackeetering, drugs reselling and prostitution. How ironic :facepalm::sarcasm:
What positive has seriously given Big Dady O Nobama Otrauma's presidency???
Nothing positive, just hype, lies, bullshit and living more indebted. You can thank your beloved daddy O for this :elaugh:And don't forget to send him flowers and postcards showing your blind dedication to him while you are at it.

One thing I can say as a Southerner is that at least those minorities you constantly mention aren't stupid enough to vote against their own economic self interest. (I absolutely know I have delved to some lower level of discourse when I get responses from certain posters who have their own icon :georges: :facepalm:

According to polls an overwheliming majority of working class Whites absolutely love and use that free health care (medicare/medicaid) you speak of, 80-90% absolutely love that Social Security you speak of and at least before the recession most welfare recipients were actually White .

So the same Southern Whites foolishly vote Repuiblican who are fighting tooth and nail as we speak to end or cut these programs they love while they vigorously fight for tax breaks and tax loopholes for the wealthiest? :facepalm:

I certainly hope when they go back to their mobile homes that they sleep well at night knowing the GOP is right now fighting for tax breaks for Billionaires like Buffet/Gates , fighting desperately for tax loopholes on behalf of wealthy corporations(Exxon,etc..), while trying to cut the very programs they love and depend on(Ss/medicare/medicaid,etc..... ) Highly illogical.

But somehow they believe the GOP is working for them?(working class Whites):facepalm:

I can't totally blame the CRYSTAL METH epidemic for this lapse in judgement since White Southerners who were once die hard big government, pro union Democrats changed parties overnight once JFK/LBJ voted for Civil Rights/Voting Rights ACT.

They believe mightily in these programs and have always believed in them what bothers them is that they are fearful that others may benefit from them as well.
Bob Marley has a song called "Craven Like A Choke Puppy" which illustrates this phenomenom which makes Southern Whites vote faithfully for the party which wants to destroy the programs they love and need.
Why have so many of our private health care facilities gone bankrupt in this country? (with special emphasis on those institutions closest to the Mexico -> American border)
Yea, and why did my full coverage Blue Cross medical insurance rates go from a ridiculously low $235/per 2 months (give or take $10) in 2003 to what it is today? (well over a thousand bucks per month if you can get it)

I know, it's those damned greeeedy doctors, right?!!!! :facepalm:

How about a complete lack of r-e-c-e-i-v-a-b-l-e-s from hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who know that our hospitals may not turn away any patient no matter if they have the ability to pay or not.

Exactly! And that's just healthcare they are ruining.