Obama Jabs Putin, Picks Openly Gay Delegates For Winter Olympics In Russia



President Barack Obama on Tuesday announced his delegates to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia. And, in what may be a thumb in the eye to Russian President Vladimir Putin over his crackdown on gay rights, two of Obama's delegates are openly gay.

Billie Jean King, the tennis legend, and Caitlin Cahow, an Olympic medalist in women’s ice hockey, are both part of the U.S. delegation. Both are out lesbians.

Another member of the U.S. delegation, figure skating Olympic medalist Brian Boitano, routinely declines to answer questions about his sexuality, saying "everybody's got their own path" to discovering who they are.

Others in the delegation include University of California President Janet Napolitano, the former Homeland Security secretary; Russian Ambassador Michael McFaul; White House Deputy Chief of Staff Rob Nabors; Deputy Secretary of State William Burns, and speed skating Olympic medalists Bonnie Blair and Eric Heiden.

In what may be another slight to the Russian president, Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and first lady Michelle Obama will not attend the opening ceremony. This marks the first time since the 2000 Summer Olympic Games that a president, vice president, first lady or former president won't be part of the opening ceremony.

Putin has faced international criticism for his persecution of Russia's gay community. Over the summer, he signed a law banning the adoption of Russian-born children to gay couples. He also signed a law that bans public discussion of gay rights and relationships where children might hear it. Under that law, which considers such talk "propaganda," violators can be fined and foreigners can be deported.

Obama has denounced Putin's treatment of gays and made a point to meet with Russian advocates of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trangender community during his September trip to St. Petersburg for the G20 Summit.

It's good to see Obama showing some guts for a change. But I will disagree on one point: I think Obama and the First Lady should attend the opening ceremony. I mean, even though it would cost us 200 million dollars a day, 34 warships, the retasking of satellites and renaming chocolate pudding to something more racially sensitive. :cool:
I was picturing Obama rolling his delicate lawyer fingers up into a fist and trying to actually jab Vladimir.


"You try, I liff you like Karelin and throw!
Streets of Moscow shall be paved in gold, Barry Soetoro!"

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
As much as I think this fucktard, is a useless waste of space...he did the right thing. Fuck Russia, their only real value is in the area of vodka production.


As much as I think this fucktard, is a useless waste of space...he did the right thing. Fuck Russia, their only real value is in the area of vodka production.

Hot cam girls. Do not, DO NOT forget the hot cam girls. Don't make me tell you again. :nono:

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Hot cam girls. Do not, DO NOT forget the hot cam girls. Don't make me tell you again. :nono:

Meh...not my cup of tea...but you enjoy.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think it a bit childish to snub the opening ceremony. The Olympics aren't about Russia, they are about the world coming together as one in the spirit of competition.


Was King of the Board for a Day
While I respect his decision to try and make a progressive sort of statement, I can't help but think that given the trouble we've had in the past year with Russia over Snowden and Syria that Obama may end up harming the already tenuous relationship we have with them. I don't think there's anything wrong with the delegates he's chosen, but pretty much saying "Up yours" to Putin and the Olympics (which as Jagger mentioned are about more than the country holding them, it's about the world coming together in the spirit of competition) seems like it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to reasonable conversation and negotiations between them and us.

That being said, I do think Putin's an ass for what he's put into law as of late, but when you think about it, some of his views (whether he actually believes in them or views these as a publicity move) aren't that different from some people's in America, sadly. What's happened in Russia could've easily happened here at one point or another before some laws got changed.

:2 cents:


While I respect his decision to try and make a progressive sort of statement, I can't help but think that given the trouble we've had in the past year with Russia over Snowden and Syria that Obama may end up harming the already tenuous relationship we have with them. I don't think there's anything wrong with the delegates he's chosen, but pretty much saying "Up yours" to Putin and the Olympics (which as Jagger mentioned are about more than the country holding them, it's about the world coming together in the spirit of competition) seems like it could be the straw that breaks the camel's back when it comes to reasonable conversation and negotiations between them and us.

That being said, I do think Putin's an ass for what he's put into law as of late, but when you think about it, some of his views (whether he actually believes in them or views these as a publicity move) aren't that different from some people's in America, sadly. What's happened in Russia could've easily happened here at one point or another before some laws got changed.

:2 cents:

Mmmm...no. Russia better remember that they frikkin' lost. And they can always lose again. We are under no obligation to respect their backwards views, and I have no trouble reminding them of that too. And don't think that Russia in general, or Putin in particular are going to respect us if we keep backpedaling to their bullshit. They'll just use the leverage to make us back up more with the next thing that comes along.

And it's a hoot when you say it's all about the world coming together....except for gay people. And Jews. And Arabs. And Brits who sound like Brits instead of normal people. And people with visible beauty marks. And people who come from single parent households. Other than them, this should be an occasion where the world comes together. Yeah baby.

No one asked Russia to submit themselves for consideration to host the Olympics. They did and they can damn well welcome who the world sends them.


Was King of the Board for a Day
Mmmm...no. Russia better remember that they frikkin' lost. And they can always lose again. We are under no obligation to respect their backwards views, and I have no trouble reminding them of that too. And don't think that Russia in general, or Putin in particular are going to respect us if we keep backpedaling to their bullshit. They'll just use the leverage to make us back up more with the next thing that comes along.

And it's a hoot when you say it's all about the world coming together....except for gay people. And Jews. And Arabs. And Brits who sound like Brits instead of normal people. And people with visible beauty marks. And people who come from single parent households. Other than them, this should be an occasion where the world comes together. Yeah baby.

No one asked Russia to submit themselves for consideration to host the Olympics. They did and they can damn well welcome who the world sends them.

We're under no obligation to respect their backwards views, but I personally have a problem with us pretending to be such a progressive country when we were (and still are in some ways) damn near close to being as backwards as they are. I'm not quite sure where I'd hinted that we need to take their bullshit, so I don't know where you're coming from with that.

The Olympics should be about the world coming together. I'm not trying to be idealistic when I say that, but I'm not sure how big a part politics should play in an event like this. I don't recall us doing anything regarding boycotting the Olympics in 2008 over the unrest in Tibet, and even then Obama himself said that he was in two minds regarding treatment of the event.

"On the one hand, I think that what has happened in Tibet, China's support for the Sudanese government in Darfur, is a real problem," he said, before adding: "I am hesitant to make the Olympics a site of political protest because I think it's partly about bringing the world together."

Again, I don't respect what's happening in Russia, but it's ultimately no different than what China did, and it's no different than what many other countries are doing. Should we put the kibosh on the Olympics because when it comes down to it, there's really no country where things are perfect? I don't know, but I'm not inclined to say that Russia's been the sole purveyor of this type of behavior, whether it came to hosting the Games or not.


It occured to me while I was away from the computer that I got a little uppity with my last post. None of it was directed at you. Sorry if I came off otherwise.

Keep in mind, we boycotted the 1980 Olyimpics because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. And then, the Soviets and many of their minions boycotted the 1984 Olympics.


Anyway, the point you made earlier was how this decision might affect other areas of negotiation with the Russians. It will affect them the way it affects them. I am happy with how this is currently playing out with the exception of Obama not attending. And yes, our country will always have homophobes, just like we will always have racists and bigots. This is a way that we shut them up too.


Closed Account
Actually I like the presidents choices where this is concerned. He's not going, gay athletes are representing us at the opening ceremonies, and we are not boycotting the games. Several people wanted us to boycott the '36 summer Olympics in Berlin Nazi Germany, thankfully we didn't, or we would have missed Jesse Owens' crowning moment of awesome when he took the gold. Unfortunately we did pull some Jewish athletes from competition, and I seem to recall Owens stating he was better treated there, instead of the States.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
The Olympic Committee chooses the site. If anything, we should be pissed at them for choosing Sochi (tongue implanted firmly in cheek....the site was chosen in 2007....way before the homophobic legislation aimed at the LGBT was initiated last summer).

Let me ask this question: Are there human rights violations that we would consider to be abhorrent going on in mainland China? Well, president Bush had no problem attending the opening ceremony in Beijing in 2008. And well he shouldn't....again, just seems like a childish act that isn't likely to serve any positive purpose. We'll send our gay representatives and athletes despite what draconian laws may exist in Russia. And the President should be there to cheer them on....not taking his ball and going home. JMO of course....
Bush was the last president before this to not attend and that was summer Olympics of 2000

Will E Worm

Obama is acting like a child. I hope Russia arrests everyone Obama has sent.

Obama’s Sodomite Past Comes Back To Haunt Him Link

Russia’s “Anti-Gay” Law Reveals US Media Misinformation and Hyperbole

Pundits Embarrass Themselves as Exponents of Godwin's Law Link


Was King of the Board for a Day
It occured to me while I was away from the computer that I got a little uppity with my last post. None of it was directed at you. Sorry if I came off otherwise.

Keep in mind, we boycotted the 1980 Olyimpics because of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. And then, the Soviets and many of their minions boycotted the 1984 Olympics.


Anyway, the point you made earlier was how this decision might affect other areas of negotiation with the Russians. It will affect them the way it affects them. I am happy with how this is currently playing out with the exception of Obama not attending. And yes, our country will always have homophobes, just like we will always have racists and bigots. This is a way that we shut them up too.

It did seem a little uppity, but then again I might've as well. No offense taken and hopefully you feel the same.

I'm aware that we boycotted the Olympics in 1980, but what did that accomplish? Russia didn't end the invasion in Afghanistan and boycotted the Olympics in 1984 due to "chauvinistic sentiments and an anti-Soviet hysteria being whipped up in the United States." There's no clear consensus whether revenge was a motive or not, but ultimately what you can garner from those situations is "Well if you're gonna do it then I'm gonna do it too." Will Obama not attending cause Putin to renege on this backwards law? No. Will other countries pulling out change his mind? Probably not. Does it set a precedent that could either be a shining example for others or possibly blow up in our faces? Yes.

Any country in the world will always have people who are close-minded, xenophobic, homophobic, bigoted, or hypocrites, but does that mean that we shouldn't still try and maintain some modicum of a cordial relationship with them? I suppose the answer can be yes or no depending on your opinion, but I'm of the mindset that one country snubbing another doesn't make the former look any better, and ultimately that's what we're trying to say, isn't it?