# Prince Harry trip to Dubai polo match cancelled amidst unrest
Things are much worse than we thought
# Prince Harry trip to Dubai polo match cancelled amidst unrest
Things are much worse than we thought
Just like the lies about Saddam throwing babies out of incubators and other lies, wars always start over lies. Vietnam was started on the Gulf Of Tonkin incident which is now an admitted lie.
Well here is another one. Gadhafi never launched air strikes on citizens as the mainstream media had said. Another lie.
They just want to invade them so make up anything.
Now now, as a politician, he made a good actor!I totally agree with you Hot Mega, Reagan was a terrible actor
I'm gonna tear you a new one if I hear any more pro-royalty shit from you.Yeah now things are getting serious, let's hope they don't cancel Prince Williams wedding :crying:
I'm gonna tear you a new one if I hear any more pro-royalty shit from you.![]()
Don't remind him...Ain't you currently in Prince Philip's homeland?
On a Bloomberg report yesterday, it was said that one of the primary reasons why the U.S. cannot (more so than "will not") intervene militarily in Libya is... *wait for it*: Iraq! :ak47: Not only do the American people (the non neocon majority) have little stomach for another military campaign in the Middle East, but Bush's failed foray into the sands of Iraq have soured the Arabs on any more American boots on the ground over there. Like a popcorn fart on an elevator, Bush's "legacy" lives on long after he's left. At least this one has an upside though: no more Americans dying for a cause that does not directly affect us.
Like I said before, I wish the Libyan people the very best of luck in defeating that tyrannical bastard, Q-daffy (I've given up on trying to choose a spelling that I like). But outside of some arms or covert aid, I oppose even one American soldier being sent there.
You'll probably find the likes of the special forces or secret services are already there in some capacity
I doubt we have any special forces (SEAL teams, Green Berets, etc.) inside the country, but I don't know.
Oh, that's a private sector job these days! Just contract that shit out!
Sunday Times reporting that Britain sent a 'diplomat' into Libya (to shore up their business interests) and the Libyans didn't take to kindly to him being escorted by British soldiers, apparently they've all been detained.
You can always rely on the Italian military :rofl:Why would we want to get involved in Libya. That's Italy's problem.
Contractors do a great job :rofl:Oh, that's a private sector job these days! Just contract that shit out!
Sunday Times reporting that Britain sent a 'diplomat' into Libya (to shore up their business interests) and the Libyans didn't take to kindly to him being escorted by British soldiers, apparently they've all been detained.
Not if the diplomat ordered them not to shoot so he could sell the Libyans arms.apparently its the sas british special forces that got detained but that is a stretch a best really cant see the best of the best getting nicked
You can always rely on the Italian military :rofl:
It's time for change......Impeach Obama now. The man is a communist. He's unconstitutional.
Can you dinks please learn what communism is before using the word every second post? Even just a quick peak at the wiki page or something ffs.
Pro tip: taking taxpayers money and giving it to financial institutions is the exact OPPOSITE of communism.
Pro tip: taking taxpayers money and giving it to financial institutions is the exact OPPOSITE of communism.