Obama Accepts Anti-American Book from Chavez



first he bows subserviently to another muslim then he accepts and anti US.
book from another commie.

if it was me i would have beat him to death with it. nice book, anti us? bam!

but obama accepts it with a smile.

or maybe he didnt know what it was , just like he didn't know airforce 1 was missing

What's the point if Obama for example, eventually threw the book away?

But even if he accepted it, how is a book which purportedly chronicles some history of Latin America, Europe and the US...necessarily an anti American book?

I would say stop putting so much emphasis on rhetoric and symbolism and pay more attention to results.

For all the bluster, symbolism and rhetoric of Bush's approach to Chavez....we're still no further in any change for the better with respect to the two countries.


Hiliary 2020
For all the bluster, symbolism and rhetoric of Bush's approach to Chavez....we're still no further in any change for the better with respect to the two countries.

actually we are, but thats because chavez's idea of "the better" is actually "the worse" for the USA.
the man has said it many times, he wants to see the USA sink, fall, or crumble.

The book "Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent" is about as Anti-American, anti Capitalist, anti-european as it the title suggests keeping in mind that usually the word rape preciedes the word pillage.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
"Like ministers discussing a defeated, contemptuous and weak enemy, they quibbled over a book.. when there were bigger matters to focus upon. The context of the situation was totally lost on them, apparently."

Sooo.. a nearby third world country is to be discounted.. why? Seriously, though.. first world nations ALWAYS benefit to the detriment of other nations. Obama is to Chavez (hopefully) what the Indian reservations are to the previous owners of this country.

It's like giving someone a few quarters after you cut off their legs so they can call the wah'mbulance. What's the harm? LOL
the man has said it many times, he wants to see the USA sink, fall, or crumble.

Is that why Chavez sent discounted heating oil to US low-income families and offered assistance to the US after Katrina?? Because "he wants to see the USA sink"?

Venezuela's Oil Giveaway
By TIM PADGETT/MIAMI Tuesday, Feb. 07, 2006

When you're a U.S. Congressman and 25,000 constituent families can't find affordable heating oil this winter, you tend not to care where help comes from. That's at least how U.S. Representative Chaka Fattah of Philadelphia felt last week when Citgo — the U.S.-based company owned by the government of Venezuela's left-wing President Hugo Chavez — delivered 5 million gallons of heating oil at a 40% discount to low-income Philadelphia residents. Fattah says he doesn't understand the objections of many congressional conservatives who feel U.S. cities should not be helping improve the image of Chavez, one of President Bush's most strident critics. "The U.S. buys 1.5 million barrels of oil from Venezuela each day at full price," says Fattah, "so why would anyone complain about getting some at almost half price?"


Venezuela's Chavez offers hurricane aid

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez is offering planeloads of soldiers and aid workers to help American victims of Hurricane Katrina, while at the same time taking aim at the U.S. government for its handling of the crisis.


Don't confuse his disdain for Bush for hatred of the US...(no matter what Fox, Rush and Hannity tell you)
LOL Out of the many ridiculously hyperbolic anti-Obama threads that have blessed this site, this one's certainly a contender for the most trumped up.

Mr. P - Perhaps it's best I don't hassle you with attempts at reasoned discussion any further. They seem to end up being a waste of time for both of us.

Let's just agree Obama's an anti-american shill for socialist dictators and welfare queens and leave it at that.

I'm tired of trying to keep it real. As a matter of fact, I'll even prove that.....

Ideologically, these two are indistinguishable.

Yes Facetious. You are correct. That's one of the most rational things I've ever read :)
Just for fun, I would write everything I thought was wrong in the book with a red pen in the margins of the pages, and explain why it's wrong as I read through it. I would also underline and circle stuff like school teachers seem to love to do to point out the wrong stuff. Then I would send it back to him.
i am shocked! meesterperfect and fox news are in agreement?
i am shocked! meesterperfect and fox news are in agreement?

Yeah, I never thought I'd see the day that that would happen...:rolleyes:

I think accepting a book from another country's leader is not as bad as having shoes thrown at our president.

Seriously Meester...what is more embarrassing?

Threads like this are really sad, actually. It is nothing but a weak attempt to criticize the president. If Obama threw the book in Chavez's face I sense Meester or WillE would start a thread complaining about Obama's poor manners and embarrassing behavior:dunno:

My fellow Liberals, should we start "fighting back" by posting all the embarrassing mistakes and missteps that the GOP has made during Obama's first 100 days? Has the GOP ever looked more wobbly and inept in its history?


Staff member
i am not astonished at all
This is from the Fox link on the book.

"The virulently anti-American book tells how for 500 years Europe and then the U.S. exploited Latin America, leaving it impoverished and governed by corrupt leaders.

It outlines how U.S. capitalistic forces purportedly raped the region's natural resources and stymied Latin America's own development, exploited trade agreements and tariffs for its own interests and victimized the people of the region in exchange for the U.S.'s industrial growth.

The left-leaning tome, reportedly ranked 54,295th on Amazon's bestseller list before Chavez gave Obama a Spanish-language edition last week, skyrocketed to No. 2 on Sunday and has now "settled down" at No. 19.

Professors contacted by FOXNews.com praised the book — written by Uruguayan journalist Eduardo Galeano and first published in 1971 — for having a strong, accessible narrative style backed up by solid historical evidence."

Yeah how dare those people talk about us like that,we never did anything like support dictators for economic reasons(Samoza,batista,Noriega) or allowed america corporations to exploit those countries (United fruit), or do things like assasinate democratically elected leaders (Allende in Chile) we didn't approve of as well as try to kill people like Castro overthrew the govt in Nicaragua with that whole contra thing after they got rid of the dictator Samoza who we supported.
Nope wasn't us,must have been some other colonial type power but it wasn't us lol.

But seriously read those links and you will see that american college professors use the book and have for decades.They will admit it has a slant but also its backed up with solid historical evidence.
My guess is that Fox News and the GOP are still smarting from Chavez's attacks toward Bush...

Notice nobody from Fox or the GOP refutes any of the claims in the book. So, if the book isn't worth their attention intellectually...then...wait, I thought this book wasn't worth their attention? Hmmm......


Closed Account
My guess is that Fox News and the GOP are still smarting from Chavez's attacks toward Bush...

Notice nobody from Fox or the GOP refutes any of the claims in the book.

This is from the Fox link on the book.

Yeah how dare those people talk about us like that,we never did anything like support dictators for economic reasons(Samoza,batista,Noriega) or allowed america corporations to exploit those countries (United fruit), or do things like assasinate democratically elected leaders (Allende in Chile) we didn't approve of as well as try to kill people like Castro overthrew the govt in Nicaragua with that whole contra thing after they got rid of the dictator Samoza who we supported.
Nope wasn't us,must have been some other colonial type power but it wasn't us lol.

But seriously read those links and you will see that american college professors use the book and have for decades.They will admit it has a slant but also its backed up with solid historical evidence.

I have heard somewhat about the Exploitation of South America & the Carribean by Chiquita Brands (United Fruits) from Randall Robinson years ago, but I can vaguely recall it now. Wish I had read/listened/ paid more attention then.

I was considering ordering the book from amazon ,but I want to know of it's historical accuracy Friday/Titsrock(if you two have read it). I am not concerned too much with the authors slant as long as I can get accurate/fact based information.

If not ,what books could two obviously well read guys like yourselves recommend for someone more interested in the relationship between S America/Carribean & the US/West.

Couldn't even bother to respond to the hypocrisy & mock outrage at Obama for simply acknowledging another elected leader at a conference when Bush Sr,Reagan & Nixon have invited some of the world's most notorius/brutal dictators to the White House & supported them with Billions of dollars in foreign aid which they eventually stole:

Samuel Doe,Mobuto,etc....Just to name a couple.

I am sure someone has photos of these meetings to post. I have trouble posting photos.
I have heard somewhat about the Exploitation of South America & the Carribean by Chiquita Brands (United Fruits) from Randall Robinson years ago, but I can vaguely recall it now. Wish I had read/listened/ paid more attention then.

I was considering ordering the book from amazon ,but I want to know of it's historical accuracy Friday/Titsrock(if you two have read it). I am not concerned too much with the authors slant as long as I can get accurate/fact based information.

If not ,what books could two obviously well read guys like yourselves recommend for someone more interested in the relationship between S America/Carribean & the US/West.

Couldn't even bother to respond to the hypocrisy & mock outrage at Obama for simply acknowledging another elected leader at a conference when Bush Sr,Reagan & Nixon have invited some of the world's most notorius/brutal dictators to the White House & supported them with Billions of dollars in foreign aid which they eventually stole:

Samuel Doe,Mobuto,etc....Just to name a couple.

I am sure someone has photos of these meetings to post. I have trouble posting photos.

I have not read it but according to the links the thread starter provided college professors say it is is very accurate but does have a slant.The book is old (written in 1971) and supposedly been used in college courses for decades so if it was really inaccurate that would have been exposed long ago.I know there has been posted a few times here a link that showed how many times the US had intervened militarily in latin america that I will try to find.I'm sure you will not be surprised that it has been many many times for all kinds of reasons ,a lot of them economic colonialism.

Edit: Found the link and list.

History of U.S. Interventions in Latin America

Location Period Type of Force Comments on U.S. Role
Argentina 1890 Troops Buenos Aires interests protected
Chile 1891 Troops Marines clash with nationalist rebels
Haiti 1891 Troops Black workers revolt on U.S.-claimed Navassa Island defeated
Nicaragua 1894 Troops Month-long occupation of Bluefields
Panama 1895 Naval, troops Marines land in Colombian province
Nicaragua 1896 Troops Marines land in port of Corinto
Cuba 1898- Naval, troops Seized from Spain, U.S. still holds Navy base at Guantanamo
Puerto Rico 1898- Naval, troops Seized from Spain, occupation continues
Nicaragua 1898 Troops Marines land at port of San Juan del Sur
Nicaragua 1899 Troops Marines land at port of Bluefields
Honduras 1903 Troops Marines intervene in revolution
Dominican Republic 1903-04 Troops U.S. interests protected in Revolution
Cuba 1906-09 Troops Marines land in democratic election
Nicaragua 1907 Troops "Dollar Diplomacy" protectorate set up
Honduras 1907 Troops Marines land during war with Nicaragua
Panama 1908 Troops Marines intervene in election contest
Nicaragua 1910 Troops Marines land in Bluefields and Corinto
Honduras 1911 Troops U.S. interests protected in civil war
Cuba 1912 Troops U.S. interests protected in Havana
Panama 1912 Troops Marines land during heated election
Honduras 1912 Troops Marines protect U.S. economic interests
Nicaragua 1912-33 Troops, bombing 20-year occupation, fought guerrillas
Mexico 1913 Naval Americans evacuated during revolution
Dominican Republic 1914 Naval Fight with rebels over Santo Domingo
Mexico 1914-18 Naval, troops Series of interventions against nationalists
Haiti 1914-34 Troops, bombing 19-year occupation after revolts
Dominican Republic 1916-24 Troops 8-year Marine occupation
Cuba 1917-33 Troops Military occupation, economic protectorate
Panama 1918-20 Troops "Police duty" during unrest after elections
Honduras 1919 Troops Marines land during election campaign
Guatemala 1920 Troops 2-week intervention against unionists
Costa Rica 1921 Troops
Panama 1921 Troops
Honduras 1924-25 Troops Landed twice during election strife
Panama 1925 Troops Marines suppress general strike
El Salvador 1932 Naval Warships sent during Faribundo Marti revolt
Uruguay 1947 Nuclear threat Bombers deployed as show of strength
Puerto Rico 1950 Command operation Independence rebellion crushed in Ponce
Guatemala 1954-? Command operation, bombing, nuclear threat CIA directs exile invasion and coup d'Etat after newly elected government nationalizes unused U.S.'s United Fruit Company lands; bombers based in Nicaragua; long-term result: 200,000 murdered
Panama 1958 Troops Flag protests erupt into confrontation
Cuba 1961 Command operation CIA-directed exile invasion fails
Cuba 1962 Nuclear threat, naval Blockade during missile crisis; near-war with Soviet Union
Panama 1964 Troops Panamanians shot for urging canal's return
Dominican Republic 1965-66 Troops, bombing Marines land during election campaign
Guatemala 1966-67 Command operation Green Berets intervene against rebels
Chile 1973 Command operation CIA-backed coup ousts democratically elected Marxist president
El Salvador 1981-92 Command operation, troops Advisors, overflights aid anti-rebel war, soldiers briefly involved in hostage clash; long-term result: 75,000 murdered and destruction of popular movement
Nicaragua 1981-90 Command operation, naval CIA directs exile (Contra) invasions, plants harbor mines against revolution; result: 50,000 murdered
Honduras 1982-90 Troops Maneuvers help build bases near borders
Grenada 1983-84 Troops, bombing Invasion four years after revolution
Bolivia 1987 Troops Army assists raids on cocaine region
Panama 1989 Troops, bombing Nationalist government ousted by 27,000 soldiers, leaders arrested, 2000+ killed
Haiti 1994-95 Troops, naval Blockade against military government; troops restore President Aristide to office three years after coup
Venezuela 2002 Command operation Failed coup attempt to remove left-populist president Hugo Chavez
Haiti 2004- Troops Removal of democratically elected President Aristide; troops occupy country
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Why would Chavez give him an "anti-American" book? He heads a country that is part of America!