Not Joining Facebook Makes You Suspicious

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Speaking of Facebook's privacy issues:

FTC Gives Final Approval to Facebook Privacy Settlement

Aug 10, 2012 12:50 pm

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has approved a settlement with Facebook related to charges that the social networking leader deceived consumers regarding the privacy of their data.

The settlement stipulates that Facebook must obtain users' consent before sharing their information "beyond established privacy settings."

However, the settlement also states that Facebook denies the FTC's allegations and makes no admission of guilt. [Insert: We deny that we did it... but we'll stop doing it and you can check up on us for the next 20 years to make sure that we're not doing what we deny doing in the first place. :facepalm:]

The settlement was proposed in November of last year, and went through a public comment period.

The FTC alleged that Facebook told its users that they could keep their information on the site private, but then "repeatedly" allowed it to be shared and made public.

The FTC said that there is "a strong reason to believe" that the settlement serves the public interest because it makes Facebook liable to civil lawsuits "for a broad range of deceptive conduct."
Longdistance calls.... I´m guessing that does not include international calls... cause I sure havent found one that´ll allow me to call unlimited to abroad, and trust me, I´ve looked.

Not totally sure but I have called my friend Kenny in several European countries and a couple of times in Asia and do not remember seeing the calls listed on my bills anywhere.
Yeah, Facebook and other social networking sites are cheaper than calling somebody long distance, but then again it's not like social networking sites are the only way to communicate electronically and cheaply over the Internet. It’s also not like I care that much if some minor acquaintance I knew 15 years ago keeps up with my recent activities or wants to say hello to me.

What also irritates me about it other than just the security and privacy concerns is that things like social networking sites are more about narcissism, stroking ones ego, and self promotion than it is about communicating with friends for a gigantic portion of the people that use them. I also think a lot of it is a fad. I wouldn't be surprised at all to either see Facebook not exist in 5, 8, or 10 years from now or only be shell of what it once was by that point.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Wait, what if you cancel and delete your facebook account. Does that mean the TSA is going to come and rape you?
I agree with most of what has been said in this thread, and I won't bother echoing it.
Something else about Facebook that bothers me is the unbridled power and influence they have over all media. That's because, through its influence, it can destroy a company as much as it can push it. So, out of fear, they all kiss Facebook's ass. News media has to be the most dangerous of all of the puppets. I have no doubt that Facebook influenced the Daily Mail, either by bribery or fear, to post that story. Look at TV Guide. I was looking at the channel listings on Xfinity, which is partnered with TV Guide, and I saw the movie "The Social Network" in the listings. That's the movie about Zuckerburg and the rise of Facebook. Of course it was rated a full 4 out of 4 stars. Anything less would've put both TV Guide and Xfinity in the doghouse, wouldn't it? Anyone who saw that movie would have to agree it was overrated.
Facebook is evil. I think I've had two, maybe three accounts there but with different names. I used my real name and a bunch of wankers came out of the woodwork trying "friend" me, so I closed that one pretty quick. I also deleted the one and only photo I have of myself on there. It's far too easy for the powers that be - possible future employers, also - to get into your personal business.

Yeah, I'll pass. For now, at least...
I agree with most of what has been said in this thread, and I won't bother echoing it.
Something else about Facebook that bothers me is the unbridled power and influence they have over all media. That's because, through its influence, it can destroy a company as much as it can push it. So, out of fear, they all kiss Facebook's ass. News media has to be the most dangerous of all of the puppets. I have no doubt that Facebook influenced the Daily Mail, either by bribery or fear, to post that story. Look at TV Guide. I was looking at the channel listings on Xfinity, which is partnered with TV Guide, and I saw the movie "The Social Network" in the listings. That's the movie about Zuckerburg and the rise of Facebook. Of course it was rated a full 4 out of 4 stars. Anything less would've put both TV Guide and Xfinity in the doghouse, wouldn't it? Anyone who saw that movie would have to agree it was overrated.

Fuckerberg did not endorse that movie, which more or less made him out to be a bit on the mentally unstable side. How accurate it really is I don't know, but for sure there has to be some accuracy within it.
There is nothing accurate about that shit movie.

Blaming Facebook for privacy issues is like blaming cars for drunk driving accidents.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Yeah, Facebook and other social networking sites are cheaper than calling somebody long distance, but then again it's not like social networking sites are the only way to communicate electronically and cheaply over the Internet. It’s also not like I care that much if some minor acquaintance I knew 15 years ago keeps up with my recent activities or wants to say hello to me.

What also irritates me about it other than just the security and privacy concerns is that things like social networking sites are more about narcissism, stroking ones ego, and self promotion than it is about communicating with friends for a gigantic portion of the people that use them. I also think a lot of it is a fad. I wouldn't be surprised at all to either see Facebook not exist in 5, 8, or 10 years from now or only be shell of what it once was by that point.

I agree with you. Notice how everybody seems to have a reality TV show these days - half of them being D-list wannabe celebs, who I wish I hadn't heard of. And while I'm sure there are lots of people who use Facebook mainly to horse around with their (cyber) friends, I think it's also a way for every Tom, Dick and Jane to have a sort of reality TV show and feed their egos. That's how my girlfriend and her sister use it. They live just 15 minutes apart, they see each other every few days, yet they're constantly on Facebook posting pictures of their favorite shoes, vacation spots, restaurants or whatever. And just in how Facebook is set up (as illustrated above, the Facebook privacy settings are a fantasy), what they post is seen by goodness knows who. So I've always thought that they post things and pictures on there that shouldn't be available to their "friends" and the public. But as long as they follow The Rule of Rey C., and don't post my picture or anything about me, they can do what they want.

I don't hate Facebook. It's just not for me. I don't hate video or online games. But they're not for me either. What other people do or don't do doesn't bother me one way or the other.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Blaming Facebook for privacy issues is like blaming cars for drunk driving accidents.

No, I don't think so. It is simply a fact that Facebook has actively violated the privacy of its users on more than one occasion. A car is an inanimate object, a machine, which has no power over what its owner does. Facebook (Google and others) has an active role in how the site is run and administered. So if they tell users one thing, and then do something completely different, how are they not to blame?

There's always this... and it's not like it's the first time (for Facebook, Google, etc.):

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has approved a settlement with Facebook related to charges that the social networking leader deceived consumers regarding the privacy of their data.


Almost makes me want to delete mine.

It's probably about as much trouble to delete your social network accts as it is to clean up a stolen identity problem.
Pretty convenient on their part, isn't it.

Oh well, don't ever say that "911 Was Pulled'' aka -> :tinhat: didn't warn you ahead of time. :cool: :1orglaugh
Deleting on there is not easy. Here is 10 reasons to close your Facebook account:

10. Facebook's Terms Of Service are completely one-sided. Let's start with the basics. Facebook's Terms Of Service state that not only do they own your data (section 2.1), but if you don't keep it up to date and accurate (section 4.6), they can terminate your account (section 14). You could argue that the terms are just protecting Facebook's interests, and are not in practice enforced, but in the context of their other activities, this defense is pretty weak. As you'll see, there's no reason to give them the benefit of the doubt. Essentially, they see their customers as unpaid employees for crowd-sourcing ad-targeting data.

9. Facebook's CEO has a documented history of unethical behavior. From the very beginning of Facebook's existence, there are questions about Zuckerberg's ethics. According to, he used Facebook user data to guess email passwords and read personal email in order to discredit his rivals. These allegations, albeit unproven and somewhat dated, nonetheless raise troubling questions about the ethics of the CEO of the world's largest social network. They're particularly compelling given that Facebook chose to fork over $65M to settle a related lawsuit alleging that Zuckerberg had actually stolen the idea for Facebook.

8. Facebook has flat out declared war on privacy. Founder and CEO of Facebook, in defense of Facebook's privacy changes last January: "People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people. That social norm is just something that has evolved over time." More recently, in introducing the Open Graph API: "... the default is now social." Essentially, this means Facebook not only wants to know everything about you, and own that data, but to make it available to everybody. Which would not, by itself, necessarily be unethical, except that ...

7. Facebook is pulling a classic bait-and-switch. At the same time that they're telling developers how to access your data with new APIs, they are relatively quiet about explaining the implications of that to members. What this amounts to is a bait-and-switch. Facebook gets you to share information that you might not otherwise share, and then they make it publicly available. Since they are in the business of monetizing information about you for advertising purposes, this amounts to tricking their users into giving advertisers information about themselves. This is why Facebook is so much worse than Twitter in this regard: Twitter has made only the simplest (and thus, more credible) privacy claims and their customers know up front that all their tweets are public. It's also why the FTC is getting involved, and people are suing them (and winning).

6. Facebook is a bully. When Pete Warden demonstrated just how this bait-and-switch works (by crawling all the data that Facebook's privacy settings changes had inadvertently made public) they sued him. Keep in mind, this happened just before they announced the Open Graph API and stated that the "default is now social." So why sue an independent software developer and fledgling entrepreneur for making data publicly available when you're actually already planning to do that yourself? Their real agenda is pretty clear: they don't want their membership to know how much data is really available. It's one thing to talk to developers about how great all this sharing is going to be; quite another to actually see what that means in the form of files anyone can download and load into MatLab.

5. Even your private data is shared with applications. At this point, all your data is shared with applications that you install. Which means now you're not only trusting Facebook, but the application developers, too, many of whom are too small to worry much about keeping your data secure. And some of whom might be even more ethically challenged than Facebook. In practice, what this means is that all your data - all of it - must be effectively considered public, unless you simply never use any Facebook applications at all. Coupled with the OpenGraph API, you are no longer trusting Facebook, but the Facebook ecosystem.

4. Facebook is not technically competent enough to be trusted. Even if we weren't talking about ethical issues here, I can't trust Facebook's technical competence to make sure my data isn't hijacked. For example, their recent introduction of their "Like" button makes it rather easy for spammers to gain access to my feed and spam my social network. Or how about this gem for harvesting profile data? These are just the latest of a series of Keystone Kops mistakes, such as accidentally making users' profiles completely public, or the cross-site scripting hole that took them over two weeks to fix. They either don't care too much about your privacy or don't really have very good engineers, or perhaps both.

3. Facebook makes it incredibly difficult to truly delete your account. It's one thing to make data public or even mislead users about doing so; but where I really draw the line is that, once you decide you've had enough, it's pretty tricky to really delete your account. They make no promises about deleting your data and every application you've used may keep it as well. On top of that, account deletion is incredibly (and intentionally) confusing. When you go to your account settings, you're given an option to deactivate your account, which turns out not to be the same thing as deleting it. Deactivating means you can still be tagged in photos and be spammed by Facebook (you actually have to opt out of getting emails as part of the deactivation, an incredibly easy detail to overlook, since you think you're deleting your account). Finally, the moment you log back in, you're back like nothing ever happened! In fact, it's really not much different from not logging in for awhile. To actually delete your account, you have to find a link buried in the on-line help (by "buried" I mean it takes five clicks to get there). Or you can just click here. Basically, Facebook is trying to trick their users into allowing them to keep their data even after they've "deleted" their account.

2. Facebook doesn't (really) support the Open Web. The so-called Open Graph API is named so as to disguise its fundamentally closed nature. It's bad enough that the idea here is that we all pitch in and make it easier than ever to help Facebook collect more data about you. It's bad enough that most consumers will have no idea that this data is basically public. It's bad enough that they claim to own this data and are aiming to be the one source for accessing it. But then they are disingenuous enough to call it "open," when, in fact, it is completely proprietary to Facebook. You can't use this feature unless you're on Facebook. A truly open implementation would work with whichever social network we prefer, and it would look something like OpenLike. Similarly, they implement just enough of OpenID to claim they support it, while aggressively promoting a proprietary alternative, Facebook Connect.

1. The Facebook application itself sucks. Between the farms and the mafia wars and the "top news" (which always guesses wrong - is that configurable somehow?) and the myriad privacy settings and the annoying ads (with all that data about me, the best they can apparently do is promote dating sites, because, uh, I'm single) and the thousands upon thousands of crappy applications, Facebook is almost completely useless to me at this point. Yes, I could probably customize it better, but the navigation is ridiculous, so I don't bother. (And, yet, somehow, I can't even change colors or apply themes or do anything to make my page look personalized.) Let's not even get into how slowly your feed page loads. Basically, at this point, Facebook is more annoying than anything else.

Facebook is clearly determined to add every feature of every competing social network in an attempt to take over the Web (this is a never-ending quest that goes back to AOL and those damn CDs that were practically falling out of the sky). While Twitter isn't the most usable thing in the world, at least they've tried to stay focused and aren't trying to be everything to everyone.

I often hear people talking about Facebook as though they were some sort of monopoly or public trust. Well, they aren't. They owe us nothing. They can do whatever they want, within the bounds of the laws. (And keep in mind, even those criteria are pretty murky when it comes to social networking.) But that doesn't mean we have to actually put up with them. Furthermore, their long-term success is by no means guaranteed - have we all forgotten MySpace? Oh, right, we have. Regardless of the hype, the fact remains that Sergei Brin or Bill Gates or Warren Buffett could personally acquire a majority stake in Facebook without even straining their bank account. And Facebook's revenue remains more or less a rounding error for more established tech companies.

While social networking is a fun new application category enjoying remarkable growth, Facebook isn't the only game in town. I don't like their application nor how they do business and so I've made my choice to use other providers. And so can you.

Now, don't miss: 10 Reasons You'll Never Quit Facebook (Even If You Think You Want To) →

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Will the real Mark Zuckerberg please stand up?!

You shouldn't put info you don't want out there on the net in the first place. Users fault.

This is not a gay question... but are you wearing a hoodie and flip-flops right now? ;)
Facebook is like a cult. "You're free to leave whenever you want to" (lie) "You're safe here" (just don't drink the kool-aid) "If anything happens, it's not our fault. You must've done something to anger our lord Zuckerberg" (Just what those in charge want you to think, as it gives them free range to do whatever they want with you).
If you join Facebook, you belong to Facebook. Those outsiders just don't understand your cult, er, "social network". Their seeds shall be wiped from the earth. Smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered. (click the like button)
Facebook is like a cult. "You're free to leave whenever you want to" (lie) "You're safe here" (just don't drink the kool-aid) "If anything happens, it's not our fault. You must've done something to anger our lord Zuckerberg" (Just what those in charge want you to think, as it gives them free range to do whatever they want with you).
If you join Facebook, you belong to Facebook. Those outsiders just don't understand your cult, er, "social network". Their seeds shall be wiped from the earth. Smite the shepherd and the sheep shall be scattered. (click the like button)

It's odd that Eduardo Saverin renounced his American citizenship and moved to Hong Kong, or wherever it was (China?).
I don't understand all the FB hatred. Sure, there are annoying people who post a picture every thing they've ever done, but you don't have to add those people. I use it with my friends to just share stuff that we find cool - hockey news, new music, stuff like that. All this "fuck facebook, it's for fags" stuff is getting almost as annoying as the people that made facebook annoying in the first place.
