Not Joining Facebook Makes You Suspicious

Facebook for me is nothing I'm interested in as my family and friends are within the city I live in and if I need to contact someone abroad I have unlimited long distance on the cell phone. As my grumpy old father would say, " 700 friends?!? Try borrowing money from them and see how 'friends' you have.
^ this just goes into the stereotypical bullshit I was talking about earlier. You don't have to have 700 friends all constantly posting pictures of the burrito they just ate. It's a good way to keep up with people that you don't necessarily see or talk too all the time and share photos. I'm at the age where a lot of people I went to school with are having children (they're fucking crazy for doing so), and while I don't particularly care, a lot of them use it to share photos of their kids and stuff.
All this anti social networking hate makes me laugh. You just sound old and afraid of the future.

Oh, you just call your friends? You must be so much better than someone who talks on Facebook.


People view convenience as a weakness. I don't get it.

Oh. This article is stupid.


Closed Account
Facebook for me is nothing I'm interested in as my family and friends are within the city I live in and if I need to contact someone abroad I have unlimited long distance on the cell phone. As my grumpy old father would say, " 700 friends?!? Try borrowing money from them and see how 'friends' you have.

Longdistance calls.... I´m guessing that does not include international calls... cause I sure havent found one that´ll allow me to call unlimited to abroad, and trust me, I´ve looked.
Yup, I'm old and outdated. To let family and friends know what I'm up to, I have a personal website. I never wanted to take the time to get into "facebook". I have nothing against it and there are times I feel a bit out of it, but never so much that motivates me to take the time to login.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I actually really like facebook. Not as much as I did MySpace because I feel like you could really make MySpace your own while facebook is pretty generic but I have friends in over 22 states and 3 countries... So facebook for me is a way to be able to see my little sisters straight a report card even if she's 1500 miles away, or my bestfriend in California's updates about how my god daughters first day at kindergarten went, or how my friend in Korea is recovering from her brain surgery. It keeps me involved in the people's lives that I care about and a lot more so than any one hour a week phone call could do. I for one am grateful for that. Of course there is people who will use it for crappy purposes or to post what they have for lunch every day but jut like on freeones there is a block function.

And for everyone saying "I'd rather just call" that's A bit hypocritical as at one point phones were also a new technology and I am sure that there were people back then saying stuff like, "Call people? Hell I'll just ride over and knock on their door like the good old days!"

Technology is getting crazy but I plan on taking full advantage of that.
^i preferred myspace as well. i like many aspects of facebook but i don't like how a lot of people use it if that makes sense.
like i said before. when i was job hunting, those fuckers asked me for my myspace and fagbook links. they didnt ask if i had one, they asked me for them both. which i dont have.

long story short: i was pissed.

I used to have Facebook, but it's been a year since I deactivated my account. Do you feel like not having Facebook or Myspace accounts hurt your chances of getting hired?

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Just think about it. Say you get the job and down the road you are up for a promotion. They can go back and see if you ever posted that your boss was a dick for making you work through lunch. Then again, if you post it for the public, the public is going to see it. People are afraid of Big Brother watching them? Shit, we are providing the content for Big Brother to watch.

That's the concern I have about things like Facebook. That, and Facebook's tendency to double back on its privacy policies every few months. When it's convenient (er, profitable), Zuckerberg & Co. will do what they feel is good for them, whether users like it or not. As far as I'm concerned, the privacy settings on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.) mean nothing. So when I hear people say, "Oh, I have such & such in a totally private place on Facebook", I just :rolleyes: If you're an entertainer or someone who doesn't mind ANY aspect of what you or your circle of friends might say or do potentially being known to everyone under the sun, then Facebook away. But if you're concerned about something that you or your circle might say or do, that a present or future employer might take issue with, stay off social networks that personally identify you.

I did finally create a LinkedIn profile, but that's something totally different. But like we've discussed before, Facebook isn't "free". By combing through everything you've uploaded, Zuckie is able to sell your data to advertisers. That's why it's "free"... same as questionnaires that advertisers used to mail out. Only this is better because it gets updated in real time every time you post. This is also why he's pushing for more things to be done while on Facebook: banking, brokerage, shopping. He wants Facebook to be your one-stop shop, so he can keep an eye on what you're doing and he can then sell that data to advertisers.

If you like it, then keep liking it. But it's not for everyone. And IMO, it really isn't the future. I think there will always be social networks going forward. But I don't see people dismissing more private and secure means of communication and using social networks to post all their biznas for all the world to see.


knows petras secret: she farted.
I used to have Facebook, but it's been a year since I deactivated my account. Do you feel like not having Facebook or Myspace accounts hurt your chances of getting hired?

thats my beef. i asked them if thats common practice. they said nothing back. i also didnt get either of the jobs.

sounds like a violation of privacy to me.

of course, even though there's laws about equal employment, you know employers still violate them by not hiring for personal reasons. he or shes too fat, he/shes too ugly, they may be lazy, etc. denying them a link to a requested social site could be another thing on the list.

either they dont believe you (which i think is more possible) or they really feel like snooping around first.

its like checking your credit for a job. that, to me, is a major major violation of privacy, there's no excuse for that. if you couldnt pay your hospital bill 7 years ago, doesnt mean you're not fit to work at any place.

that, my friends, is also bullshit.

This is the first time I've really disliked the Daily Mail for an article they've done. Usually I don't read their rubbish. To the subject at hand, well I know plenty of people who are not on Facebook. I don't blame them. Why would you want to be posting your life online where everyone can see it? Updating everything from what you ate to who you're dating? It's really not needed in my opinion. I can live without it perfectly fine and I don't suffer from a need to tell the world what I've done today.

Seriously, just because you're not on Facebook - it doesn't mean you're a killer, or a spy, or some other strange being. This isn't a real life version of "Burn After Reading".