Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread
the only one who can say youre being too personal is you. anything you want to share i want to hear. im glad youre happy whatever the reason. its a shame you cant sleep. id gladly stay awake with you, but unfortunately youre 3 timezones over the wrong way. but if youre having a really bad time getting to sleep, i can check in with you on the other end.
Yes and I may be getting a bit "too personal" here but hey...fuck it. It's my thread and the whole pount is to get to know me right? Ok well...plenty of girls in and out of this biz partake on occasion of illegal substances from time to time. I am not into that. It's not that I am miss goody two shoes or anything. I just experimented and did things at a very young age. I was over it by the time most people were getting started. A bit of a Drew Marrymore in that department. Nose candy was NEVER my thing. I tried it but never got any kind of a high off of it like everyone else did. Everyone's body is different and chemicals react differently in different people. For example alcohol. I hate it. Most people get loose and some people actually get alift from it. My lymph nodes don't work as good since my accident so I have to be very careful about any kind of toxins in my body because it's harder for them to filter out. This is why I am such a health freak. Anyways my point is that the steroids they have me on is give me almost the equivalent of what nose candy does for the coke whores that I have met/known over the years. hahaha. It is giving me so much energy and adreniline. I can't sleep. I am in a great mood. It's kinda funny....but I feel like I "get" those roided out guys at the gym I see now. I understand them better. hahahahahaha. Don't worry guys I am not planning on staying on steroids once this allergic shit has passed. I'm not into muscles, deep voices or any other wierd shit that would come from that. hahahaha. I will still be the health freak that is a vegitarian( who slips every couple months admittedly) and shops at Whole Foods and has all non- toxic house cleaners etc.
Nikki Nova
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the only one who can say youre being too personal is you. anything you want to share i want to hear. im glad youre happy whatever the reason. its a shame you cant sleep. id gladly stay awake with you, but unfortunately youre 3 timezones over the wrong way. but if youre having a really bad time getting to sleep, i can check in with you on the other end.