
Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Yes and I may be getting a bit "too personal" here but hey...fuck it. It's my thread and the whole pount is to get to know me right? Ok well...plenty of girls in and out of this biz partake on occasion of illegal substances from time to time. I am not into that. It's not that I am miss goody two shoes or anything. I just experimented and did things at a very young age. I was over it by the time most people were getting started. A bit of a Drew Marrymore in that department. Nose candy was NEVER my thing. I tried it but never got any kind of a high off of it like everyone else did. Everyone's body is different and chemicals react differently in different people. For example alcohol. I hate it. Most people get loose and some people actually get alift from it. My lymph nodes don't work as good since my accident so I have to be very careful about any kind of toxins in my body because it's harder for them to filter out. This is why I am such a health freak. Anyways my point is that the steroids they have me on is give me almost the equivalent of what nose candy does for the coke whores that I have met/known over the years. hahaha. It is giving me so much energy and adreniline. I can't sleep. I am in a great mood. It's kinda funny....but I feel like I "get" those roided out guys at the gym I see now. I understand them better. hahahahahaha. Don't worry guys I am not planning on staying on steroids once this allergic shit has passed. I'm not into muscles, deep voices or any other wierd shit that would come from that. hahahaha. I will still be the health freak that is a vegitarian( who slips every couple months admittedly) and shops at Whole Foods and has all non- toxic house cleaners etc.
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

the only one who can say youre being too personal is you. anything you want to share i want to hear. im glad youre happy whatever the reason. its a shame you cant sleep. id gladly stay awake with you, but unfortunately youre 3 timezones over the wrong way. but if youre having a really bad time getting to sleep, i can check in with you on the other end.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Again I apologize! The majority of the sports crap that was discussed was spur of the moment and in real time based on what was going on at the time, as coincidentally Jitna and I were watching the same thing (I mentioned it only because I thought he wasn't).....and it kinda snow balled! Like I mentioned, the last "sports related" post was in actuality meant to show that You Might have a point about sports.....though I didn't fully explain it as such. That's not an excuse......only an explanation.

That being said.....I would agree that you have been more than fair with your thread. Furthermore, I SINCERELY appreciate the opportunity that you have given me to have a venue/avenue to use my ideas and creativity.

I'm sorry that I/we allowed things to snowball today without thinking.......and then I unintentionally added insult to injury with that additional post. I'm also sorry for pissing you off.......that's something that you certainly do not need anytime.....much less when you are recovering from something!

The sad irony is that I would probably have been off my computer already......and much of the sports discussion....if not all of it....would not have occurred......but then I kind of thought I remembered that You Might get on MFC tonight......though later you did say you would be on tomorrow! Guess I could say that I REALLY bombed off in more than one way tonight! I ACTUALLY got to bed at a good time last night.....and got up REALLY early.....I was ACTUALLY thinking of getting to bed early tonight. That probably would have been the smarter thing to do......especially in retrospect.

I am REALLY sorry for pissing you off.......that is/was the last thing that I would want to do.

I sincerely hope we are still cool.

I STILL have much love for ya,


dude, just stop bringing it up and tell her how pretty she is. if theres anything you should be able to soliloquize about it, its how hot Nikki is


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

All good guys. It's probably just "roid rage". hahahaha. I have to keep refferencing that because I can only really joke about this for 9 more days. When the hell else am I going to be on fucking steroids? It's just so fucking bizarre. hahahahaah
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

I'm just kind
Again I apologize! The majority of the sports crap that was discussed was spur of the moment and in real time based on what was going on at the time, as coincidentally Jitna and I were watching the same thing (I mentioned it only because I thought he wasn't).....and it kinda snow balled! Like I mentioned, the last "sports related" post was in actuality meant to show that You Might have a point about sports.....though I didn't fully explain it as such. That's not an excuse......only an explanation.

That being said.....I would agree that you have been more than fair with your thread. Furthermore, I SINCERELY appreciate the opportunity that you have given me to have a venue/avenue to use my ideas and creativity.

I'm sorry that I/we allowed things to snowball today without thinking.......and then I unintentionally added insult to injury with that additional post. I'm also sorry for pissing you off.......that's something that you certainly do not need anytime.....much less when you are recovering from something!

The sad irony is that I would probably have been off my computer already......and much of the sports discussion....if not all of it....would not have occurred......but then I kind of thought I remembered that You Might get on MFC tonight......though later you did say you would be on tomorrow! Guess I could say that I REALLY bombed off in more than one way tonight! I ACTUALLY got to bed at a good time last night.....and got up REALLY early.....I was ACTUALLY thinking of getting to bed early tonight. That probably would have been the smarter thing to do......especially in retrospect.

I am REALLY sorry for pissing you off.......that is/was the last thing that I would want to do.

I sincerely hope we are still cool.

I STILL have much love for ya,


the only one who can say youre being too personal is you. anything you want to share i want to hear. im glad youre happy whatever the reason. its a shame you cant sleep. id gladly stay awake with you, but unfortunately youre 3 timezones over the wrong way. but if youre having a really bad time getting to sleep, i can check in with you on the other end.

dude, just stop bringing it up and tell her how pretty she is. if theres anything you should be able to soliloquize about it, its how hot Nikki is


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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hi drf!!!! I have missed you!!!
Oh and thank you so much for the compliments jbs173_1972.
Now...small request...take all the sports talk somewhere else. Thsi is my thread and I have absolutely zero interest in it so when you guys get into these discussions I can't even participate in my own thread. Suggestion...start a thread on here of your own about sprost and when you feel the need to get into these discussions...take it there? Pretty pretty please? hahahahaha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

I'm still around but like you this has been a busy year so far for me, so I am not on the board as much as I usually am. I'll pop by a little more; I miss chatting and bullshitting with you. :D How's the move coming by the way? Anywho, gotta take off, talk to you later and have a great evening, Nikki!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

dude, just stop bringing it up and tell her how pretty she is. if theres anything you should be able to soliloquize about it, its how hot Nikki is

Actually......and it has nothing to do with "it/that".......I think my body is telling me it is time to go to bed! I've been up awhile now (got up around 4:30 am), and I am REALLY starting to feel TIRED! Furthermore.......I just got ANOTHER nose bleed! Been having them semi-regularly.......AND still don't know what to make of it! Told my cardiologist & he didn't really seem too concerned about it. Have an appointment with primary care Doctor next Tuesday (AND go in about my MRI they did on my brain the day before....Monday the 7th).....so who knows.....could be nothing.....and merely a result of the dryer air.....could be something else....who knows!?!?!?

Anyway......and don't read anything into this.....I probably would have been off by now anyway if not for constantly checking if Nikki was on MFC tonight.....but good night everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Don't forget tomorrow is (Mindless) Musing Monday!!! I kinda have a busy day tomorrow.....so my contributions probably won't come until early to mid-evening. But, as the Terminator once said......I'll be back!

Much love to everyone, and to all a good night!



Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

All good guys. It's probabably just "roid rage". hahahaha. I have to keep refferencing that because I can only really joke about this for 9 more days. When the hell else am I going to be on fucking steroids? It's just so bizarre. hahahahaah
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

I'm just kind

only 9 days left? might as well go at it then. time to sit back and let Nikki make steroid jokes. have at it, girl


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Anyway......and don't read anything into this.....I probably would have been off by now anyway if not for constantly checking if Nikki was on MFC tonight.....but good night everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

nikki does have that affect on people. shes got me spending way more time on freeones than i usually would. the only other times ive spent this long here was because of her too.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

All good guys. It's probabably just "roid rage". hahahaha. I have to keep refferencing that because I can only really joke about this for 9 more days. When the hell else am I going to be on fucking steroids? It's just so bizarre. hahahahaah
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

I'm just kind

Yeah.....I was on them for a week when I had that major bout of vertigo......but the one's I was on were probably much weaker than what you are on.......PLUS I REALLY felt like shit 3-4 of those days & don't really remember too much as I was basically bed ridden.....ha ha ha! I do notice that I get angry quicker now.....but I DOUBT that THEY could have caused that.....ha ha ha! I just chalk it up to being more irritable these days than I used to be! And, that's not exactly a good thing either!

And on another serious note......I've REALLY got to start listening to my body! When it tells me to go to bed.....I've REALLY got to start listening! It's ONLY a lil past 9 here & I am EXHAUSTED.....but it's against my nature to go to bed at 9! But......ya know......sometimes you HAVE to do what you need to do.....NOT what you want to do! I'm sure staying awake when you are exhausted ISN'T exactly good for the heart either!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

nikki does have that affect on people. shes got me spending way more time on freeones than i usually would. the only other times ive spent this long here was because of her too.

Tell me about it.......Hell, I DON'T even come on here for porn.....How sad is that!?!?!? Actually......given that it's Nikki.......it's PRETTY DAMN GOOD!!!

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well guys......SERIOUSLY.....I'm off to bed! Gotta take my night pills (only a few....most are morning ones)....and hit the sack! Good night Nikki (and of course everyone else)! I will have my iPhone with me & will probably check in one more time before going to sleep.....should anyone wish to flog me or anything.....ha ha ha....wait, flogging might be more up Miss Hybrid's alley! ha ha ha!

Good Night.....hope y'all have a WONDERFUL week!

Hope you keep getting better too Nikki!


Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hrmm... glad you're having more of the 'good' side fx of 'roids... can make people moody and pissy (PMS on steroids, pardon the pun... & NO that doesn't suggest 'all women' have PMS or that there's no other justification for ladies being unhappy with what we lummoxes do too often to count). Bummer the sleep is an issue, but hang in there... sounds like you're doing what i'd recommend anyway, finding things to keep busy vs. asking for MORE meds to counter the side fx of the meds you're already on.

it's NOT a typical medicinal therapy, but the receptionist at the office where & worked and a file room employee both used to get hives as an allergic reaction to various enviornmental things, amplified by stress. They both swore by a home remedy of drinking vinegar-- a shot glass volume-- every morning. Yuck, but sometimes you have to pick your poison.

JBS. i agree entirely, i believe in science but i also know science doesn't have every answer. I've seen enough amazing and inexplicable things to believe as well in something more than what we know and see... and for skeptics who'd say it was 'just the subconscious' in a dream, i'd argue we don't know just what dimensions or reality our minds touch and 'sub' means we can't be aware of it, so if it's a good experience i'd take heart from it.

As to still having a blockage, it may be that if it's been almost blocked for a time, your body's been able to develop collaterals... Sometimes happens so that a long time partial blockage becoming occluded isn't as bad as a healthy artery getting blocked because there are other newly developed pathways for blood supply. When me da' had his MI we all changed our diets a wee bit, though not nearly as much as being the survivor of said affliction mandates.

Considering none of us get out of here alive, I'm hoping everyone on board gets to experience what they want, to enjoy themselves doing it, & that when the time for each of us comes it's peaceful and positive, the Eastern 'good death' philosophy. And i hope that it's DECADES away for all of us (2012 be damned).

Oops, just texted from my muse, so i'll sign off. Jitna, good to see you active on board.

Happy Monday, gang, Nikki, et al, hang in there, 2011 is going to be better and better!



I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well I must warn you that this may not be the wisest course of action. I've admittedly made a few very wrong turns and decisions throughout my life. I have also learned from them all though so there is something to be said for the wisdom I have gained. Never the les i wouldn't reccomend a strict "follow Nikki" course of action but more of a keep an eye on and join in from time to time course of action. You'll be much better off. hahahaha
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604

Wisdom only ever comes from experience, and experience only comes from when you go wrong and learn from it. So, I'd say your wrong turns have made you what you are today and, being an intelligent person, you have gained wisdom from them.

I am actually feeling much better. Thank you for that. Ever since the specialist I went to see on Friday but me on some crazy steroids it literally started to get better overnight. It's now been 2 days and I finally was able to take my gloves off today and start functioning normal. It was all due to nerves and stress combined with a virus. Crazy huh? I am the steroids for another 9 days but they get less and less each day and I have one more week of the antiviral. I'm just so happy to be finally feeling better. Yippeee. I will be back on cam TOMORROW!!!!!!!
Nikki Nova
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/nikki_nova
my site www.nikkinova.com
my blog http://clubnikkinova.com/blog/
official thread http://board.freeones.com/showthread...=1#post5167604
It is great to hear that you are feeling better. Stress always lowers one's immune system. I seem to get cold sores when I am stressed, one of those nasty little viruses that stay with you and pop up at the worst times.

Actually......and it has nothing to do with "it/that".......I think my body is telling me it is time to go to bed! I've been up awhile now (got up around 4:30 am), and I am REALLY starting to feel TIRED! Furthermore.......I just got ANOTHER nose bleed! Been having them semi-regularly.......AND still don't know what to make of it! Told my cardiologist & he didn't really seem too concerned about it. Have an appointment with primary care Doctor next Tuesday (AND go in about my MRI they did on my brain the day before....Monday the 7th).....so who knows.....could be nothing.....and merely a result of the dryer air.....could be something else....who knows!?!?!?

Anyway......and don't read anything into this.....I probably would have been off by now anyway if not for constantly checking if Nikki was on MFC tonight.....but good night everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Don't forget tomorrow is (Mindless) Musing Monday!!! I kinda have a busy day tomorrow.....so my contributions probably won't come until early to mid-evening. But, as the Terminator once said......I'll be back!

Much love to everyone, and to all a good night!

I was getting regular nose bleeds a few years go. Turned out that I had a deviated septum that needed to be put straight - this was causing stress on a vein that in turn caused the nose bleeds. Had an op to sort it out and now no nose bleeds. It may be that you just need a couple of weak veins to be quarterized.


Loves the double vag
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Originally Posted by jitna
dude, just stop bringing it up and tell her how pretty she is. if theres anything you should be able to soliloquize about it, its how hot Nikki is

Actually......and it has nothing to do with "it/that".......I think my body is telling me it is time to go to bed! I've been up awhile now (got up around 4:30 am), and I am REALLY starting to feel TIRED! Furthermore.......I just got ANOTHER nose bleed! Been having them semi-regularly.......AND still don't know what to make of it! Told my cardiologist & he didn't really seem too concerned about it. Have an appointment with primary care Doctor next Tuesday (AND go in about my MRI they did on my brain the day before....Monday the 7th).....so who knows.....could be nothing.....and merely a result of the dryer air.....could be something else....who knows!?!?!?

Anyway......and don't read anything into this.....I probably would have been off by now anyway if not for constantly checking if Nikki was on MFC tonight.....but good night everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Don't forget tomorrow is (Mindless) Musing Monday!!! I kinda have a busy day tomorrow.....so my contributions probably won't come until early to mid-evening. But, as the Terminator once said......I'll be back!

Much love to everyone, and to all a good night!


You two need to start your own thread.


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Originally Posted by jitna
dude, just stop bringing it up and tell her how pretty she is. if theres anything you should be able to soliloquize about it, its how hot Nikki is

Actually......and it has nothing to do with "it/that".......I think my body is telling me it is time to go to bed! I've been up awhile now (got up around 4:30 am), and I am REALLY starting to feel TIRED! Furthermore.......I just got ANOTHER nose bleed! Been having them semi-regularly.......AND still don't know what to make of it! Told my cardiologist & he didn't really seem too concerned about it. Have an appointment with primary care Doctor next Tuesday (AND go in about my MRI they did on my brain the day before....Monday the 7th).....so who knows.....could be nothing.....and merely a result of the dryer air.....could be something else....who knows!?!?!?

Anyway......and don't read anything into this.....I probably would have been off by now anyway if not for constantly checking if Nikki was on MFC tonight.....but good night everyone & I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Don't forget tomorrow is (Mindless) Musing Monday!!! I kinda have a busy day tomorrow.....so my contributions probably won't come until early to mid-evening. But, as the Terminator once said......I'll be back!

Much love to everyone, and to all a good night!


You two need to start your own thread.

because we're awesome or because we're hogging the thread?