Philby you need more fiber in your diet....(or laxatives). The whites of your eyes have turned brown.:2 cents:
You are the only genius here who ever suggested he would be tried someplace other than the local jurisdiction where his crimes were committed on federal charges.
Why wouldn't the man be tried in Michigan just like Richard Reid was tried in Massachusetts for nearly the EXACT SAME CRIME (for example)?????
If Richard Reid, The Blind Sheik, Zacarias Moussaoui, etc. can be tried, convicted, sentence and imprisoned in the US...why is that insufficient for the rest of them?
Secondly, you STILL never answered (not that you would ever dare respond with a intelligible, relevant response) how many "hits" occurred under GWB by your (apparently) new standard for "hits"? Shall we wait and categorized this as another "non responsive"?
Lastly, while allot of your "types" squeeze out paragraph after paragraph of senseless bluster all throughout cyberspace where ever you're not banned...There is the overwhelming likelihood you couldn't stumble a millimeter in my military boots. And I doubt seriously you've "known" a few "military types" like me beyond what you've seen of actors in some movie...
So do yourself a favor by not dishonoring nor disrespecting yourself by dishonoring and disrespecting the service of those like me and others who have kept it safe for you to snooze on your pillow top mattresses at night by claiming to know anything about what we're like.
Again, take a laxative and go back to sleep.:thumbsup:
Blaa, blaa, you really think your silly attempts at crushing putdown are actually effective? Puleeze...
I have indeed known quite a few gunmen who wouldn't have too much respect for your lame leftie evaluations of things...ex-Rhodesian mercs, American mercs, all ex military...
famous and not famous ex military.
Not to brag, they were the boots on the ground, not me...
Kalid Sheikh Mohammed wasn't caught in New York...he's on his way there. Did
You Miss that point? I guess...Nor were his buddies, yet off to New York for a show trial they are supposedly going.
Why not bring the new guys to New York, Holder can show off when his butt-buddies in his ex-firm make millions in fees trying the poor terrorist's cases in New York.
You are great at cut-and-paste, but when you actually write your opinions you drift into rambling insults on a childish aren't all that smart and loose the thread when on your own.
So, while you seem to need to diss me to feel better, no one smarter than a 5th grader misses your varying levels of logic.
And I don't take laxatives...or sleep on a pillow-top bed. Why does that seem like an insult to you?
And I could probably make a few kilometers in your boots; but, since you think you are the crown of military achievement who do you think could take your place? Is the free world doomed now that you spend so much time on FreeOnes? you're taking credit for keeping us all free? Pretty lame, IMO.
And as many times as you liken a missed swing at a baseball to a misfiring of an explosive device thousands of feet above Michigan, it ain't the same as Richard Reed trying to light his shoe. That was a hit that only had a Christmas Miracle (Joe Lieberman's words) between hundreds dead in the air and on the ground.
13 dead in Ft Hood, many wounded...there's a few more missed swings for you...a dead recruiter and wait til the next can try to make excuses for the Admin's failure to keep this shit from getting here then, to your heart's content.
The current admin and friends are screaming pussies when it comes to doing the hard stuff...fuck health care, get security tighter and get more military over wherever the heads need to be kept down. But that's not how you see it, huh?