ok this is a lil off topic but i feel its a good place to tell this story. now when i was growing up i was friends with this kid we were boys and all, we went over each others house to play nintendo and all that. then after high school he moves to texas... he comes back 5 years later and he calls me up and he tells me he's gay and he hopes i dont have a problem with that. i dont and we still chill every now and again. so we go out and when we run into some of the old crew he tells them and they like no way and they like shoot him a look. so he's like oh your not ok with gay people, u know the homophobic are usually gays in the closet. THEN to PROVE that they're NOT gay, they do some border line gay shit like kiss him, grab his ass, say they're willing to go out to gay clubs with him. now when i tell him about this he's like oh yeah you'd be surprised how far people go to prove that they're not homophobic. so what i'm saying is common sense people, like i'm straight and i'm secure with myself but at the same time i'm not gonna kiss some dude, or admire cock to prove i'm down with the gays and secure with myself. i'll sign all the gay marriage shit u put in front of me cause i think they should get equal rights and all that jazz, and i'm still friends with my boy BUT when he's like oh i'm going to chill in the city at some gay bar i say ok have fun, then i stay my ass the fuck home, or go play poker or something!