Neesa (Redhead MILF)

Hi to everyone here. I don't log on here much, but when I found this thread I wanted to put a few cents in.

Firstly, to khayl, you were telling Neesa to stop describing herself as depressive/bipolar/impulsive, cause it supposedly shows that she feels wrong about herself. I'm not to sure if she's diagnosed with depression or bipolar disorder, but I myself am Bipolar II, and its just a part of who I am. Describing herself with those words is nothing bad. She just sees it as part of her 'whole person'.

And Neesa, you say often that you cast spells and talk of meditation and whatnot. When did you get involved with...that sort of stuff? I'm a Celtic-Asatru polytheist and I use seiðr style magick with a bit of elemental magick, although never to 'cast spells'.

PS: Thank you for being such an interesting person Neesa!
An old post.But I need 2 repost ev. now & then.Also,My website is fucked up,so I cannot blog there :(

Strip club ediquette..

1. Please don't grab our hair/rub fingers
underneath.CHances are you may fuck up our hair
extensions.Or our styled hair

2.DO not shake our hands so tight that u almost break
a nail.CHances are we have acrylic nails on.

3. Yes the boobs are fake.ANd so is my tan,my nails,my
hair color,my hair( Not anymore,I took my exten. out last yr),and my lashes..But my attitude is
fucking REAL!

4.Keep in mind..We do this for YOU,the customer.I want
to look my best 4 u.If I took all the fake off,I still
look nice.But I look adorable and cute,girl next door
look.I fake it up to look glamerous and like a

5.Here's where I don't win..U ask me if I have a
boyfriend.I tell u ,"No" and u don't blieve me bcause
u say I am too pretty not to.So what u mean is all
pretty girls have boyfriends all the time? It's
abnormal that we r single? I usually reply with,"DId
it ever occur to u that I am crazy and noone wants to
date me that I am into? ANd if I say I have a
boyfriend,then u don't want to sit and talk w me.
guys,don't ask bcause u will blieve what u want to
blieve.ANd besides,some girls will fuck u at a strip
club/outside of one even if they do have a boyfriend
so u may be turning away that.

6.Every night I wk. u ask me how old I am.I tell u .
and u never blieve me..I always reply with,"What would
b my motive to tell u I am THAT age? I understand if I
told u I was 21.But 33? ANd then u say,"No,I don't
blieve u".It's getting old.Just accept it my fucking
age.yes I look young.

It's probably bcause I am 4'10,I
have taken great care of my skin,I never smoked
cigarettes,I don't smoke anything,I don't drink very rarely.Mostly special occasions.
and when I did it was only a few times a month..

7. Please don't smack our asses when we dance for
u.What gives u the right? It fucking hurts bcause ur
so godamn fucked up,u don't realise how fucking hard u
do that! A little pat on my ass is good enough.

8.Please make sure u put gum in your mouth,or have
fresh breath bfore talking to me.

9. U will ask me why I will not go home with u.I tell
u why and u r pissed w my answer.If a guy in a strip
club asked your sister to go home w her,would u feel
comfortable w that?

Here's what I say," I don't kNow
u.Ted Bundy was a nice guy and he was handsome as
well,U can possibly rape or kill me.I make enough $ as
a stripper and I don't need to risk my life for an
extra a few hundred." Stop wasting ur time trying to
convince me,just move on to the next stripper and hope
she is a dumb one."I'm a nice guy,Im not a cop,I'm not a rapist"..I'v heard it all.

10. If u sit at the stage,it is common sense to tip!
ANd $1 a song? What about inflation? I was getting $1
when I started dancing in 96! And don't put the $ in
your mouth! That's disgusting!

Think about all the
germs.ANd no,I will not take ur dollar with my
mouth.And stop waiving your DOllar bill at me while
expecting a 1 min. special dance just for u.Start
tipping several dollars a 5,10,or 20 if u want a more
special dance then all the other guys watching.
And I
can't spend my whole 3 min. song giving U all the
attn. when there are other guys..Unless u give me a
decent tip.And if u tell me how to move around(Oh I
hate it when they take their pointer finger and circle
it as to say,"Let me see ur ass")
I will tell u to
fuck off.I am a puppet at wk for sure.But not that
much of a puppet.I will look hot for u,I will spend $
on the finest outfits,pay to get my hair and makeup
done sometimes by the artist that wks there.

I will
smile even when I am depressed or angry.I will act
fun.But,I will not go home w u or back to ur hotel.I
will not bend over when u tell me to,kiss ur ass,or
show u my tits when u haven't shown me any money.

11. For all the really unattractive guys who sometimes
smell bad,Esp. the ones who never show me the $.Why r
u surprised when a girl that looks like me tells u I
won't date u for free????? U promise a free dinner and

I'd rather pay for my own meal and hang out w a
cute guy,or my friends.Where the hell does an ugly
fuck like u get all that self esteem? Please tell me
it's the alcohol talking.

12. Now,there r girls that will go home w the customer
so I can see why u ask.But not me.But
when a girl says no and u try to get her drunk so she
says yes..That will b held up in court later so dont b
stupid.I never drink @ work,and u usually have an issue with that.Why? Bcause u cannot take advantage of me?

13. Most strippers hate when u ball up the $ and trow
it at us.We are not animals at the zoo.And even then,u
shouldn't treat animals like that either.

14. If I am wking at a club that doesn't allow bottoms
off."No,I cannot flash u my pussy.I will get fired,and
look like a slut".There may not be any floor guys
looking,but there are video cameras.

15. Most clubs charge $20 a lap dance(Where I wk).An
extra 5 is always nice.And if one of the floor guys
brought me over(Or sent me there w/o u seeing that) I
have to tip him for that.Not to mention some clubs(I
cannot blieve it's legal) take $5 + out of each
dance.U can always ask a dancer,"R u going to b able
to keep all this money or do u have to share it"?

16. Please don't ask to kiss us.We hate that! That's
gross.Do u want to kiss strippers that kiss other guys
all night if they r kissing u? Kissing is so
passionate and beautiful.

ANd to me,should only be done
w someone I am really sexually atttracted to.ANd not
at wk.Did u see "Pretty WOmen"? Even when I wked at
the Bunny Ranch I didnt kiss. ANd do not kiss me all
over my neck
and body.

The slobber is gross.ANd I will tell u that
and make u go home and cry.So dont umbarrass
urself.And if u tell me,"SOme of the strippers like
that".They r lying to u.They like ur $,not ur slobber.

17.When u say,"Let me touch ur pussy,that other girl
let me".Chances r the girl isnt going to say,"Oh,o.k
well if she let u than I will too:.We know that
trick.U say that bcause u think we want to compete and
b the sluttier stripper.U dumbass.

18. When u say,"I know the business,the whole deal
here.I used to date a stripper/fuck one,I'm friends w
one,I know the owner,etc.."I know what u r trying to
say to me.U want to let me kno that ur ex wife pulled
a fast one on u and u arent going to let any dumb
stripper scam u out of $." Wa-wa-wa..Whats the scam? U
enter a strip club.

At that point u should know that u
don't have to give anyone of us $ unless u want.There
is no scam. U ask how much a dance is.We dance for u,u
hand over the $.we walk away.Did I just take advantage
of u? The min. u walk in a club u r saying,"I am going
to pay extra $ for my booze bcause I am getting the
entertainment of women who arent going to nag me,ask
me to thake the garbage out,and walk around in curlers
and slippers like my wife.

Here's an end note..Let me tell u what it costs to Be
a stripper.Bcause u guys seem to think we make TONS of
$ and are rich..
DO u have any idea how much a year I spend on
Psychiatrist appts. for being in this industry? My
psychologist,meds(I am off/on all the time),My makeup
which is MAC(A very expensive brand that most
strippers use),my outfits

(I cant blieve some guys
think they supply us w that),the makeup/hair ppl that
do us up at wk on the wknds),tipping the
floorhosts/DJ/house fee(The clubs charge us to wk.I
usually pay $60 a night),the house mom,doorguy,my hair
extensions which are very expensive,my acrylic nail pedicures so my feet are pretty for

ALso,the business is now oversaturated.There are new
strip clubs opening all the time,Girls in high school
waiting to be old enough to b a stripper.There r too
many girls willing to be the slut I have been for 13
I was ridiculed for being a stripper back in
96.Now everyone wants to do it.The $ is not as good
anymore.ANd our economy sux now so we dont make as
much as u think.

My fucking feet hurt for standing on those clear super
high heels all night.
BTW:When u r married(And u either tell me or have a
ring) and ask why I wont date u.R u fucking silly?

Cause ur ass will cheat on me too! Anyways.I am
finally done.I feel like this was very necessary.If 20
ppl read this,and post and copy and tell their

I may see more $ on stage,not have guys try
to kiss me,get a bigger tip after a dance,not get my
ass slapped hard,I may just enjoy my job a little
more.I don't mind being the "model" or giving a lap
dance.But I just want u to see what we do for

Chances are,your wife doesnt go out of her way to
look her best/spend so much $ ont he way she looks.We
do all that for u and we expect to be treated well.
Thank u,Neesa.The crazy fucking former porn film
actress who's feet hurt from dancing for 13 years!
My experience on the telephone w Bangbros today..
So as it turns out,the only shoot they have for me(Bcause I am not willing 2 swallow or do cream pies) have coming up is for some other MILF site(Bcause of my age they said.)Um..I look even younger than I did in my old films.

They were very nice on the phone,and always have been.SO I will never knock them.I am their biggest fan.But the pay was not what I expected..If the pay was $800 in 06(And u have to pay $120 for your blood work.Not to mention u can only get tested in south Miami(Little Haiti" as they call it) where its dangerous for a girl like me..Is it worth it? I was also told that they need to kno now bcause they hav other girls they can book right now..Well,I thought..My 1st vid back should be..

Big pay,big welcome back,a bonus for all the $ I made them in the past..I am not a newbie.I have all of u who seem to like my look.Inflation?? It should go up at least $200 a year(Which is still shit $),and these companies can pay for the tests,and allow me 2 use my ins. and go to my Dr,where its clean,and safe.

1.will not do Milf site
2.will not make the same $ I can make @ a strip club(I work 4 hrs a night.not on film.And shooting porn may be 1-2 hrs.But u sit and wait for light,camera,etc set up,hair,makeup,travel,etc..And ur shit is out there forever.

They r making millions 4 ever.So its just not worth it.The only thing I am willing to do @ this point is Hustler.Bcause even if the $ sux,its Hustler,and not amateur.But I want to do the magazine.
Do guys think they don't hav a chance?

R guys intimidated by me?

Yes they are probably intimidated. At least from my standpoint, I would think, "Okay, she's heard every opening line there is, and from guys better looking than me. I have no idea what I could do or say that would stand out." So there we are, over thinking everything and by that time it's too late (you need to act right away, as they say).
Hi Nessa.
I find your "blog" about being porn star/stripper very interesting. It gave me better understanding of your work and problems that you are facing everyday being in the industry.
I've only watched one of your movies, the one where you had red hair and was shoot on the balcony. You really had sexy looks in that one, so big pros, haven't had good masturbation for a while until I stumbled upon that one. Sorry if it sounds awkward, but that's the way it is.

I never actually knew you get paid so little for doing those movies for websites. I was wondering if you ever did or considered doing webcam shows? I see a lot of strippers who do that, and if you're really good you can probably make good money (one girl who's pretty much the best girl on one of the sites claimed to make 2000 a week). I'm not an expert, but it seems like a good and safe way to make money even in your off-time, plus you work when u want to.

I don't know if you're familiar with webcam stuff but here's 2 sites I like:

Even this website has webcam service I see.
But the pay was not what I expected..If the pay was $800 in 06....

Inflation?? It should go up at least $200 a year(Which is still shit $).

Well for what it's worth. $800 in 2006. + Should go up at least $200 per year ('07, '08, '09) = $1400 a 75% increase. The inflation rate from January 2006 thru January 2009 is approximately 6.48%.


Closed Account
Probably best sticking to stripping, the problem is they can hire other girls who will work for less money & do things like swallowing, creampies etc- there are lots of them out there looking to break into porn who will do nearly anything, many of them even go pretty much straight to anal. The current economic climate makes it even worse for making money in porn.

The MILF tag is also ridiculous, it seems anybody past the age of 21 can be classified as a milf in American porn now.
Time for another debate.I'll keep it short,and u guys can gimmie ur input..
To all of those friends,customers,ppl I didn't kno at all that tried 2 give me financial advice.."What? U have been dancing for __ years and u have no savings,investments,stocks,mutual funds,CD"s,house/property..To you all who said that.."Whose crying now?"-Journey..
I lost nothing during this current recession.I'd rather have never been a millionaire,rich,or own things and live a regular life.Than have lost all that.Sucks to be you.Hey Wall street guys and mortgage brokers..DO u miss your limo driver? Your sports car? The hot ladies? Bcause now,u r left in the middle of lame ass N.Y. standing in the street with a briefcase,empty bcause u sold your computer on Ebay.

The upper class..Welcome 2 my life.I never had a luxory car..but I have no luxory payments.I am not worrying about my house going under forclosure..bcause I never bought one.What if I did all u said to do..Played the stock market,gambled,do outcall escorting,invest invest invest...I'd be homeless,broke,and if I did the outcalls u asked me to do..I'd b dead.

But here is who else I blame..Those of you that made less than me a year.You knew damn well u could not afford a house,even an apt. There was no hidden agendas..They prayed on minorities as well.Finally,minorities thought they could live like the rich whities..Well,they fucked u over bad.But u fell for it.No interest for a yr...Did u put that $ away that yr. for the following year?

U kno why I didn't buy a house? Bcause I kno I cannot b a stripper forever.WHat if an implant gets damaged and I am out of wk/have 2 find around 8,000 for a new one? WHat if I get fat and ugly/get in a car accident? Than who pays for my house? See,with a regular job that pays u in checks..Most likely u have benefits,sick leave,etc..I don't.

Now I am enjoying all the sales,buying desighner clothes for way less,traveling doesn't cost as much.More "For rent" signs..It's getting rougher at work.Really bcause where I dance,there are so many girls that are coming to our lousy economic country and taking away $ from all the AMerican dancers who have supported these clubs for years.They waltz in..Their pimps take their passports away..Or they just come on their own..

It's also getting rough at wk. bcause of the lack of spending.To all teh landlords that shot me down..You wouldn't give me a plac to live bcause..Even tho I made great $ as a stripper/porn actress/dental assistant..I have a few things on my credit report..Mostly suicide attempts..Hospital bills.My opinion on that.."Fuck you,I was trying to kill myself and it's not my problem you decided to revive me.But out".About that care i had repoed..The bill collector from over 7 yrs ago saying anything to get me to pay up...Then u talk shit about my job as a stripper..That was it..My final straw..$5000 they lost.So my credit sucks.Landlords deny me.I have been living w friends,roomates wo have th place under their names,and subletting for years.ANd now u r begging for tenants.. Sucks to be u..Greed.You could have given me that apt. But you would much rather b out of a tenant for 5 months and lose around $5000.Karma is a cunt.

So we r all suffereing..But to those who were rich,fucked ppl over in the stock market,and worked in the mortgage business and scammed all tose ppl that were(Not innocent.Just stupid)..How's that working out for ya now? See ya bagging my groceries ..The rich assholes who used to treat the strippers like we were stupid..We r probably making more $ than u now.Hahahah Revenge.U kno ow much I love it.

BTW:I am happy to hear that the porn industry is failing miserably.I remember getting paid $800 a shoot average..ANd paing for my blood wor. which was $120 every 30 days..How many porn companies r struggling now?? Thats bcause u took advantage of your talent.Yeah,more girls doing porn bcause they r struggling..But less ppl buying it.Playboy just bought "Big Sausage Pizza" and "Milfcruiser 7" that I was in.You kno why?? Bcause they r suffereing,and noone wants to watch their classy,boring,porn anymore.PBoy refuses to put their name on those vids bcause of their rep.Write them..U will find out they own those.I spoke to someone over there myself..Too many guys were runnig to start a porn company w a cheap video cam and paying talent tiny amts.. Oversaturation..Now,they r out of wrk.I can always find work as a stripper/dental assistant.I think I can dance another 10 yrs. Most men peg me at 22.I will b 33 soon.And proud.SO there is my rant for tonight.Thoughts?

Tomorrows topic..Free preschool..Fucking ridiculous.

hi neesa,

i dont really post on this website, because, honestly i rub one out and get back to what i need to do. i work in the financial sector (call it Wall Street if u want) and your comments are completely off-base. I see where you're coming from when u start hating on the financial ppl, but one of the things that bugs me most is the classification of broker and "Wall St guys." to put it simply, a broker to a "Wall St guy" is what a dental assistant is to a talented oral surgeon.

the truth is there are many layers and complexities to the "fall of Wall St." In my world, we call it a systematic failure because the controls and checks were not properly in place and where there was money to be made, ppl chased it regardless of the ethics behind it. i can ramble on and on about how the shit hit the fan, but i really came here to whack off to you.
I luv u protein shake! Great name ;) I like what u said.I am happy 2 be corrected if need be.i will get back to this on a later date.Im not joking when I tell u.I am on my way 2 get some help for my mental issues.WIll b gone for a few weeks.I'll read everything when I get back.And in a quick message.I was referring to anyone who fucked over the U.A. and our ppl.SO obviously not you ;) Keep whacking to me babe
[B][URL=" said:
Neesa[/URL][/B], post: 3320599, member: 83072"]I luv u protein shake! Great name ;) I like what u said.I am happy 2 be corrected if need be.i will get back to this on a later date.Im not joking when I tell u.I am on my way 2 get some help for my mental issues.WIll b gone for a few weeks.I'll read everything when I get back.And in a quick message.I was referring to anyone who fucked over the U.A. and our ppl.SO obviously not you ;) Keep whacking to me babe

I think that's a very positive thing you're doing, Neesa. Don't forget that we all love and care for you here. And yes, I'll keep whacking off to you, Neesa - you're worth it! :)
Where the hell has this dame been? I cant beleive I have missed her videos. I accidentally came across (not literally.......yet) her videos over at Bangbros and now I am on the hunt for more. If anyone has any suggestions or favorites, please share! Thanks
An old post.But I need 2 repost ev. now & then.Also,My website is fucked up,so I cannot blog there :(

Strip club ediquette..

1. Please don't grab our hair/rub fingers
underneath.CHances are you may fuck up our hair
extensions.Or our styled hair

2.DO not shake our hands so tight that u almost break
a nail.CHances are we have acrylic nails on.

3. Yes the boobs are fake.ANd so is my tan,my nails,my
hair color,my hair( Not anymore,I took my exten. out last yr),and my lashes..But my attitude is
fucking REAL!

4.Keep in mind..We do this for YOU,the customer.I want
to look my best 4 u.If I took all the fake off,I still
look nice.But I look adorable and cute,girl next door
look.I fake it up to look glamerous and like a

5.Here's where I don't win..U ask me if I have a
boyfriend.I tell u ,"No" and u don't blieve me bcause
u say I am too pretty not to.So what u mean is all
pretty girls have boyfriends all the time? It's
abnormal that we r single? I usually reply with,"DId
it ever occur to u that I am crazy and noone wants to
date me that I am into? ANd if I say I have a
boyfriend,then u don't want to sit and talk w me.
guys,don't ask bcause u will blieve what u want to
blieve.ANd besides,some girls will fuck u at a strip
club/outside of one even if they do have a boyfriend
so u may be turning away that.

6.Every night I wk. u ask me how old I am.I tell u .
and u never blieve me..I always reply with,"What would
b my motive to tell u I am THAT age? I understand if I
told u I was 21.But 33? ANd then u say,"No,I don't
blieve u".It's getting old.Just accept it my fucking
age.yes I look young.

It's probably bcause I am 4'10,I
have taken great care of my skin,I never smoked
cigarettes,I don't smoke anything,I don't drink very rarely.Mostly special occasions.
and when I did it was only a few times a month..

7. Please don't smack our asses when we dance for
u.What gives u the right? It fucking hurts bcause ur
so godamn fucked up,u don't realise how fucking hard u
do that! A little pat on my ass is good enough.

8.Please make sure u put gum in your mouth,or have
fresh breath bfore talking to me.

9. U will ask me why I will not go home with u.I tell
u why and u r pissed w my answer.If a guy in a strip
club asked your sister to go home w her,would u feel
comfortable w that?

Here's what I say," I don't kNow
u.Ted Bundy was a nice guy and he was handsome as
well,U can possibly rape or kill me.I make enough $ as
a stripper and I don't need to risk my life for an
extra a few hundred." Stop wasting ur time trying to
convince me,just move on to the next stripper and hope
she is a dumb one."I'm a nice guy,Im not a cop,I'm not a rapist"..I'v heard it all.

10. If u sit at the stage,it is common sense to tip!
ANd $1 a song? What about inflation? I was getting $1
when I started dancing in 96! And don't put the $ in
your mouth! That's disgusting!

Think about all the
germs.ANd no,I will not take ur dollar with my
mouth.And stop waiving your DOllar bill at me while
expecting a 1 min. special dance just for u.Start
tipping several dollars a 5,10,or 20 if u want a more
special dance then all the other guys watching.
And I
can't spend my whole 3 min. song giving U all the
attn. when there are other guys..Unless u give me a
decent tip.And if u tell me how to move around(Oh I
hate it when they take their pointer finger and circle
it as to say,"Let me see ur ass")
I will tell u to
fuck off.I am a puppet at wk for sure.But not that
much of a puppet.I will look hot for u,I will spend $
on the finest outfits,pay to get my hair and makeup
done sometimes by the artist that wks there.

I will
smile even when I am depressed or angry.I will act
fun.But,I will not go home w u or back to ur hotel.I
will not bend over when u tell me to,kiss ur ass,or
show u my tits when u haven't shown me any money.

11. For all the really unattractive guys who sometimes
smell bad,Esp. the ones who never show me the $.Why r
u surprised when a girl that looks like me tells u I
won't date u for free????? U promise a free dinner and

I'd rather pay for my own meal and hang out w a
cute guy,or my friends.Where the hell does an ugly
fuck like u get all that self esteem? Please tell me
it's the alcohol talking.

12. Now,there r girls that will go home w the customer
so I can see why u ask.But not me.But
when a girl says no and u try to get her drunk so she
says yes..That will b held up in court later so dont b
stupid.I never drink @ work,and u usually have an issue with that.Why? Bcause u cannot take advantage of me?

13. Most strippers hate when u ball up the $ and trow
it at us.We are not animals at the zoo.And even then,u
shouldn't treat animals like that either.

14. If I am wking at a club that doesn't allow bottoms
off."No,I cannot flash u my pussy.I will get fired,and
look like a slut".There may not be any floor guys
looking,but there are video cameras.

15. Most clubs charge $20 a lap dance(Where I wk).An
extra 5 is always nice.And if one of the floor guys
brought me over(Or sent me there w/o u seeing that) I
have to tip him for that.Not to mention some clubs(I
cannot blieve it's legal) take $5 + out of each
dance.U can always ask a dancer,"R u going to b able
to keep all this money or do u have to share it"?

16. Please don't ask to kiss us.We hate that! That's
gross.Do u want to kiss strippers that kiss other guys
all night if they r kissing u? Kissing is so
passionate and beautiful.

ANd to me,should only be done
w someone I am really sexually atttracted to.ANd not
at wk.Did u see "Pretty WOmen"? Even when I wked at
the Bunny Ranch I didnt kiss. ANd do not kiss me all
over my neck
and body.

The slobber is gross.ANd I will tell u that
and make u go home and cry.So dont umbarrass
urself.And if u tell me,"SOme of the strippers like
that".They r lying to u.They like ur $,not ur slobber.

17.When u say,"Let me touch ur pussy,that other girl
let me".Chances r the girl isnt going to say,"Oh,o.k
well if she let u than I will too:.We know that
trick.U say that bcause u think we want to compete and
b the sluttier stripper.U dumbass.

18. When u say,"I know the business,the whole deal
here.I used to date a stripper/fuck one,I'm friends w
one,I know the owner,etc.."I know what u r trying to
say to me.U want to let me kno that ur ex wife pulled
a fast one on u and u arent going to let any dumb
stripper scam u out of $." Wa-wa-wa..Whats the scam? U
enter a strip club.

At that point u should know that u
don't have to give anyone of us $ unless u want.There
is no scam. U ask how much a dance is.We dance for u,u
hand over the $.we walk away.Did I just take advantage
of u? The min. u walk in a club u r saying,"I am going
to pay extra $ for my booze bcause I am getting the
entertainment of women who arent going to nag me,ask
me to thake the garbage out,and walk around in curlers
and slippers like my wife.

Here's an end note..Let me tell u what it costs to Be
a stripper.Bcause u guys seem to think we make TONS of
$ and are rich..
DO u have any idea how much a year I spend on
Psychiatrist appts. for being in this industry? My
psychologist,meds(I am off/on all the time),My makeup
which is MAC(A very expensive brand that most
strippers use),my outfits

(I cant blieve some guys
think they supply us w that),the makeup/hair ppl that
do us up at wk on the wknds),tipping the
floorhosts/DJ/house fee(The clubs charge us to wk.I
usually pay $60 a night),the house mom,doorguy,my hair
extensions which are very expensive,my acrylic nail pedicures so my feet are pretty for

ALso,the business is now oversaturated.There are new
strip clubs opening all the time,Girls in high school
waiting to be old enough to b a stripper.There r too
many girls willing to be the slut I have been for 13
I was ridiculed for being a stripper back in
96.Now everyone wants to do it.The $ is not as good
anymore.ANd our economy sux now so we dont make as
much as u think.

My fucking feet hurt for standing on those clear super
high heels all night.
BTW:When u r married(And u either tell me or have a
ring) and ask why I wont date u.R u fucking silly?

Cause ur ass will cheat on me too! Anyways.I am
finally done.I feel like this was very necessary.If 20
ppl read this,and post and copy and tell their

I may see more $ on stage,not have guys try
to kiss me,get a bigger tip after a dance,not get my
ass slapped hard,I may just enjoy my job a little
more.I don't mind being the "model" or giving a lap
dance.But I just want u to see what we do for

Chances are,your wife doesnt go out of her way to
look her best/spend so much $ ont he way she looks.We
do all that for u and we expect to be treated well.
Thank u,Neesa.The crazy fucking former porn film
actress who's feet hurt from dancing for 13 years!

"...I find your "blog" about being porn star/stripper very interesting. It gave me better understanding of your work and problems that you are facing everyday being in the industry..."

Wow! Please, give me your email address. I've got some land in Florida I want to show ya!

I seldom comment, Neesa, but after reading your rant on rules of engagement in Strip Clubs, well, I can't help myself!

Strip Clubs represent, to me at least, the lowest form of commercial enterprise on the planet. It's deceptive, demeaning (for both men and women) and psychologically unhealthy. You're not the first woman to share your contempt and utter disregard for the very men that provide for your livelihood. Your admission of neurosis is no surprise since it would be hard to imagine how any woman would willingly choose a profession where you are asked to defraud your own customers!

Think about it, Neesa. You believe that just because men pay admission to Strip Clubs, does not give them license to disrespect women. "Behave as a gentleman and you can take me home...maybe...", right?

But, let's examine how you behave. Your job is essentially to extract as much money as possible from your audience by bombarding them with a multitude of sexually suggestive messages..."Hey, I think you're cute and I'd like to give you a private lap dance to show you how I really feel!" Hey, there's nothing wrong with sexual role play and the occasional indulgence in adult fantasy. It's the misinformation and deception that go on in these clubs that bothers me.

I'd have a better opinion about strip clubs if they clearly posted signs throughout the building that say, "The girls are not the least bit attracted to, you, the customer, and if you aren't interested in dropping at least 5-10 large, you'll have a greater chance in winning PowerBall than taking them home, so if you're only interested on sipping that diet coke for the next two hours, get the Fuck Out!" Why not charge a $75, $100 or $200 admission charge like Disneyland...Want a lap dance? That will be one "E" ticket, please. Like to buy me a drink? May I have a "D" ticket, sir.

But for you to dress like a slut, talk like a slut and conduct business like a slut but expect men to respond to you and comport themselves like absolute gentlemen is twisted thinking, imo.

And, for guys like the imbecile, above, ("It gave me better understanding of your work and problems that you are facing..."), your message is potentially dangerous. If you want confirmation of this, look no further than the Coleman case in Florida (dude is accused of murdering his entire family for his stripper-girlfriend).

I won't apologize for the honest criticism, but I will compliment you on your rockin' body. You're definitely doing something right!
Thanks DOomfury ;)
Just google my name and "Porn" and u will find more stuff.I kno I posted a list of my vids on here somewhere.
haha ERC" naughty boy! Love it! Thx for the support.ALways wking on not being so mental.Its hard ya kno.

Valde",I have been thinking about that webcam work.I am a procrastinator,so I will have to put that on my list! ;0
Jambum-U r correct.Esp. w this AIDS outbreak news.That conversation is for another day.Have a good day ;)
Neesa on Michael Jackson..
Yes I was a huge fan as a child.being that I am 33.I was raised in the MJ generation.My feelings on it..AM I watching the news about it,yes.It's entertaining.Do I feel sadness.No..

Would he feel sad if I died? We don't kno if he molested or not.But any man who has random/non related children over for disgusting.THAT IS NOT NORMAL.His look..I will defend that.Noone ever mentioned(That I know of)..
That,he was a tranny.A transgender.I have dated,and I absolutely love the transgender/gay/drag queen/faux queen/tranny scene.He didn't want to be a man.He didn't want to be black.He wanted to be a white women.

SO for that,I respect him.I'd rather be a white women than anything else.I am proud of it.SOme are proud 2 b black.I am proud to be who I am.Yes he was talented..But like I said..Hanging out with young boys w/o their parents around,accusing his dad of serious abuse..Then kicking it w him..WHat a trader.How do you get over/accept a father..or anyome at that..for that type of abuse after bashing it for so long,publicly.Michael Jackson lived a lavish life that most people in the world will never have.Now there is space for another king of pop.

Who already exists.He is a very respectful gentleman,super hot,and not ashamed of the color of his skin..Before Michael,after Michael..There is STING..SO fuck Michael..He stole Farrah faucett's thunder.I would feel sad if Stevie Nicks or Pat Benatar passed away.But they didn't play w children like Michael.I blame the parents who allowed their children to play w Michael,at his house,ranch,whatever..W/o them.To those parents..

May cancer eat you..Or a flesh eating disease,cancer,etc.."Don't wish bad on ppl,it will come back to you".Yeah,I'v been trying to kill myself for years as an activist for "Pro-suicide".SO bring it.Gimmie that cancer.I am white,it's bound to happen anyways.Black ppl r more suseptable to heart attacks..fried foods and all.white ppl get cancer.But these parents who left their children w M.Jackson..May whatever happened to your children,happen to you.My parents would have never dropped me off at his house.And his kids..They r fucked up for life..With covers on their faces all their life..I don't feel bad for them..They are multi millionaires..

"They have no father",the media cries..How many ppl never had on?.How many don't have one now? But they have fans,many families,and they are financially set for life.SO I could give a shit about his kids.Poor fucking babies.

Good chance it was a drug overdose.Maybe not painkillers.Celebrities always claim to have a painkiller/pill problem..Even if it's a heroin,etc addiction..ANd a pill addiction is just as bad.Goodbye Michael,our children are safer now.You got stale.ANd I don't want u part of the white family anymore.Now traffic is backed up in L.A.

It's a complete mess.I only cry for those I know personally.My pet mouse passed away last week and I cried for at least 1 hr.She is frozen in my freezer,and will be going to a taxidermy as soon as I can find one who will stuff a mouse.No children harmed here.That's al I gotta say.
Neesa if you ever need a volunteer let me know, I wouldnt mind helping with the shoots.
And its very surprising to read most of the stuff you post, I guess not many stars talk the truth about the biz
Neesa, I still think you are missing a great opportunity to start putting your thoughts "out there" more. Video blog updates via YouTube, for example. "Neesa Tells You Like It Is".
Hi "Glacier",whose that by the way? I mean,how did u get the name? ANyways,of course there r those that will disagree w me on any topic.
I am controversal,not afraid of offending ppl,+ opinionated.. frankly,I can be a bit of a cunt sometimes.

Through therapy..we are working on self help rituals such as..meditation,breathing techniques,and books to relax my mind and body.If u r a MJ fan,u will b offended by my post.Sometimes when I have a long post,I write a draft on my email first.SO I don't always type it all in one sitting.

I am o.k. w u assuming I am on hard drugs.How typical,I am a stripper,former porn actress who is fucked up in the head.Of course U must b right!

I happen to be on an anti-depressant and a tranquilizer in which I take 2 times a day.I would call those hard drugs.SOme ppl consider prescription drugs/anti depressants..Hard drugs.I agree.But,I take them anyway.It keeps me from killing ppl that piss me off.Hahahah.Plus I have an excuse in life..I have said in the past..Fucking w me..Legally..Is like fucking w a retard.

We are,"Mentally challenged"."Plead insanity in court".blah blah.Ppl like me support the Gov't and buy their drugs.They love us.Thats why they cant illegalize them.Thats why there is "No Cure for AIDS".The gov't makes too much $ off of selling meds to the patients to offer a cure.

Bcause someone types a long post,doesn't mean they are on drugs.In this case.U r correct.Lamictal and Klonopin.They are strong,and they alter the mind.The fact that u took time out of your day to read my post,then reply.Makes me smile.Now u can either get offended,and talk about my prescrition drug issue.Or u can play nice and enjoy my nudies on my profile ;) However,never assume,that bcause someone is opinionated,passionate about a subject,bitter...Is on drugs.
This x u r right,but the next person may not be on anti depressants.

Difference btwn me and the other porn "STars" on here..I am funny,sarcastic,dont kiss ass,dont try to sell anything but the truth.ANd I am attentive to those on this board.I post almost everyday.The only board I post on.

We don't kno if u r on drugs.O.K. sweet cheeks? Be nice.ANd Thanks for posting,I hope to see more of u on here.U can see more of my drug induced blogs on
Excuse me while I grab my crack pipe. :) Hopefully u have a sense of humor.