Neesa (Redhead MILF)

Hi "Glacier",whose that by the way? I mean,how did u get the name? ANyways,of course there r those that will disagree w me on any topic.
I am controversal,not afraid of offending ppl,+ opinionated.. frankly,I can be a bit of a cunt sometimes.

Through therapy..we are working on self help rituals such as..meditation,breathing techniques,and books to relax my mind and body.If u r a MJ fan,u will b offended by my post.Sometimes when I have a long post,I write a draft on my email first.SO I don't always type it all in one sitting.

I am o.k. w u assuming I am on hard drugs.How typical,I am a stripper,former porn actress who is fucked up in the head.Of course U must b right!

I happen to be on an anti-depressant and a tranquilizer in which I take 2 times a day.I would call those hard drugs.SOme ppl consider prescription drugs/anti depressants..Hard drugs.I agree.But,I take them anyway.It keeps me from killing ppl that piss me off.Hahahah.Plus I have an excuse in life..I have said in the past..Fucking w me..Legally..Is like fucking w a retard.

We are,"Mentally challenged"."Plead insanity in court".blah blah.Ppl like me support the Gov't and buy their drugs.They love us.Thats why they cant illegalize them.Thats why there is "No Cure for AIDS".The gov't makes too much $ off of selling meds to the patients to offer a cure.

Bcause someone types a long post,doesn't mean they are on drugs.In this case.U r correct.Lamictal and Klonopin.They are strong,and they alter the mind.The fact that u took time out of your day to read my post,then reply.Makes me smile.Now u can either get offended,and talk about my prescrition drug issue.Or u can play nice and enjoy my nudies on my profile ;) However,never assume,that bcause someone is opinionated,passionate about a subject,bitter...Is on drugs.
This x u r right,but the next person may not be on anti depressants.

Difference btwn me and the other porn "STars" on here..I am funny,sarcastic,dont kiss ass,dont try to sell anything but the truth.ANd I am attentive to those on this board.I post almost everyday.The only board I post on.

We don't kno if u r on drugs.O.K. sweet cheeks? Be nice.ANd Thanks for posting,I hope to see more of u on here.U can see more of my drug induced blogs on
Excuse me while I grab my crack pipe. :) Hopefully u have a sense of humor.

Obviously I posted in your thread in the first place because I found you attractive, so I'm definitely not here to be mean. I just found some of the things in your post to be really random in nature. If it is simply prescription drugs, than more power to you. Even if you were taking drugs I wouldn't care. I've done my fair share in the past (the crack pipe which you mention). It doesn't make you a bad person.

I agree with what you said about Michael Jackson in the sense that he did some horrible things, but I guess I afford him some dignity in death. I grew up in the eighties like you, so I have an affinity for his music in that sense. His actions though I do not have time for. You kind of take it out on his children though, and I don't think that they are to blame.
neesa do you make movies anymore. I was a fan of you since i saw you on bangbros. Just wondering if your still involved or out of the business. Thanks for your response in advance1
Hi "ST.Johns" I haven't made a movie since Nov 06.I met a guy.Wanted him 2 take me seriously..Even tho he didn't mind me doing movies..Plus I didn't like the way I was treated personally/financially,in the biz.But as it is a rough time for strippers during the summer ..I am shooting a vid in mid July.

I didn't/don't wanna get back in the biz,but unless someone here wants to pay my bills,this is what I am doing.I will do the usual smile for ya,the fake orgasm..But I still get paid.ANd I am an actress for the viewers.Thats my job.I do @ the strip clubs as well.Noone wants to see a frowning stripper.I'v had to go 2 wk after a family member dies.But such is life..Work is work.Gotta smile.

"Glacier",thanks for the compliment ;)

"COpe",u may need glasses.I seperate by paragraphs.If u cannot figure that out.Learn the AMerican language.ANd yes,I am a bitch.

"Letha;",u like basketball,so I can c why u find me to b ignorant.Being from Miami originally,I am very well educated on soul food,and the black culture.More so than say,some1 from WIsconsin.

Ur boy took his black skin and made it white.So knock the dead man.Once again,if u haven't read this board b 4,I am what I said in the above..Opinionated,blah blah.The Howard Stern of pornThanks 4 taking time out of your day 2 type me.Watch my posts for more ignorant shit.

Did horrible things like...Watch the E true hollywood story or google,sweetpea.This board is dedicated to me..SO u r joining the board w my fans.U can either play nice,or go find a hot black porn star that likes MJackson.I am fucking troubled and "Damaged Goods" baby.I wouldnt get mad if u called me white trash.I like bologna sandwiches from time to time.

As far as his kids.I am not blaming them.I am saying,I dont care what happens to them.They have so many relataves,and $.And..They don't care about me.I don't like children,i don't have to.Time to go..Looking forward to more controversy.Keep it coming,i get a rise out of it.But why worry about MJ on a porn board if u r a guy?Hahah
WTF does me watching ball have anything to do with dis discussion? very well educated on soul food..... how irrelevant. lol @ "ur boy" girl do u hear urself???

MJ had an illness dat fucked up his skin. vitilago or w/e

u r a true fool Neesa. how bout we meet up and ill let u suck dis large dick. ok?
What's up Neesa, I'm a big fan of you and psyched you're on Freeones. Wish you were still making new material but gotta give you respect that you got away from it all. In the meantime, will continue to check out all the fucking amazing fucking you did when you were. YOU'RE SO FUCKING HOT!
Lamictal and Klonopin.They are strong,and they alter the mind.

I used to take Lamictal and IT SUCKS. It made me lose the feeling in my fingertips, my toes, and my cock for crying out loud. After a month taking it I started getting pains in my groin area, and so my doctor advised me to go cold turkey off of it, and for weeks after I had 'mini-seizures' and it sucked. I was taking it for my bipolarity, and I would rather have the moodiness than not have feeling in my penis and having groin pain. The gradually found that diet, exercise, and mediation help me with it better than anything.

And of course playing with your willy to goddesses like Neesa. xD


Closed Account
Michael Jackson for me pretty much died in the mid 1980's- I thought his music was great up to & including the Thriller album, that really went to his head though & it all became about image, publicity stunts etc & he turned himself into a visual freak.

As for what bad things he did- well regardless of if you think he did not do anything sexual to any children- which I do not believe for a second as I think he was sexually attracted to them, the very thought of a grown adult spending so much time with other people's kids & sleeping in the same room & often in the same bed as them is disgusting.

Shame on the starstruck parents who let it happen as well. If it was any non famous 40 year old man who built a fairground in his house & asked them if he could sleep with their children, then they would call the cops saying a pedo was trying to molest their kids, MJ does it & people make excuses for him.
are you gonna have your trademark red hair in this vid you're doing neesa?

maybe you could give your fans on here a sign or something at the end, maybe wink at us, just so we can fool ourselves that you're actually thinking of us.
Well said "Jambun"! Esp. the part..If he weren't famous,they would report him as a pedophile.Im not going back 2 that color bcause..I could only be "Alternative" for so long.My goth days r over.I make much more @ the strip clubs as a blonde,and i wouldn't change my hair color for a porn shoot.I can def. throw u a special wink! Maybe I can even make sure in the "Extras" on the dvd,they will let me give a shout out to the guys @ Freeones.

Eikkifree.Id rather not have u as a fan.Please find another porn actress to compliment.
When can we expect your video to come out that you're shooting in July? Wish you were bringing back the red hair :( Can't wait to see those big perfect titties in action again.
No problem Neesa. Found some more long clips. I particularly like the second clip down. :) Fuck yeah girl :)

i just blocked "Lethal;" bcause he's not white enough,like Michael Jackson.So I don't have to hear his whining on my page anymore.Only I can do the bitchin' here.Hahah.SO back to my loving board.Ahhhh.
Thanks to all of u on this page! so sweet.SO I have a very important topic..I am getting ready 2 do movies/magazines again.It's in the works.I have a few meetings set up over the next few weeks.I never thought I'd go back.But I am for a few reasons.
But,this time I am doing things MY way..I haven't pitched this to the companies yet,but they will soon hear my requests..

No "Pick ups"( In amateur porn when I have to act like I'm a random girl walking down the street).It's old,and it's stupid as far as I am concerned.

No more categorizing me as a MILF.I hate children,I don't look like a MILF.Thats getting old too.The whole MILF thing.It's insulting and I look way younger than I am.

More pay.I haven't worked in 2 1/2 yrs.Pay was $800 B/G no condom + I had 2 pay 4 my own blood work..$120-150

I'm either bringing my own men in(Rocker boys),or I will b very selective/ask them to find what I like.That way I will REALLY enjoy the sex.

No more reverse cowgirl.It's uncomfortable 4 me,the actor,and it's all for a good shot.Fuck that.

"U only have to work for 1 hour".All the companies/directors say that..not true..Travel time,makeup/hair,waiting 4 the set up(Lighting,etc),waiting for guy 2 get hard.It's a few hrs.ANd I can't book anything else in my day bcause I never kno how long it will take.

Still,no kissing/eating my pussy,and other passionate shit,unless I pick the guy.

No ppl behind the camera talking/long intros.U guys dont wanna hear them talk,do u?

I want music! It will make me move better,and I hate a quiet film.I hate having to moan all fucking day.

I may bring a friend on set 2 make sure I don't get treated like crap.
I think that's it for now.
Now,I want to ask u guys..What do U want to see from me? ANd what DONT u like about these films I or others are in? I also plan on doing custom films for u guys.

If you decide to do a porn movie again i'd like to see you talk to the camera(as in talking to us the fan(s) that are watching) not sure how much control u have over that? other then that if you do a movie i'm sure anything you put out will be 100% worth buying.

Sorry i didn't mention Micheal Jackson.... ha ha i know everyone started getting all serious. but no one really answered this post you put up.