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Neesa - Redhead Milf

I really am sorry to see your red hair go Nessa! I dyed my hair red too a few weeks ago, to see if I could match wits with "The Neesa" alas its back in black for me


Neesa...I hope you are having so much fun that you are too busy to blog...but just in case that's not the case, I wanna read some more words of wit and wisdom from you; the site is really well done, it just needs more Neesa.
Looking forward to the new photos you mentioned...
Wow,so many newbies these days! Hello to all and keep them cumming! Hahaha.I am doing much better these days.I will blog about it another time.I just moved to another state.I have lived in 3 states in 9 months!

Talk about running from your problems.Noone does it like me.It takes me a long time to get into my site to blog.My webmaster has been kind enough to go thru th steps w me,but I have no patience.And I am busy with the move.I wonder how many ex friends/ex boyfriends/ex fucks,and enemies I have that read my blogs,search for my naughty photos.Well,I know u are all out there reading and all I have to say is..You're still interested in what I look like and what I am doing now arent you? You cannot get enough of me,even when I am out of your life..

Here's what has been going on...
I was strangled,assaulted,and drugged (with possibly GHB) in my drink in Feb 08.I don't care to share this w the world bcause my life is an open book.Maybe someone out there will learn something..Apparently if someone drugs you and you don't stop them from putting their dick in you,it's not called rape either.I woke up with bruises covering my neck,a dislocated breast implant,my back is fucked up at lease for now but weeks at the chiropracter has helped tremendously.Not to mention what it has done to me emotionally/mentally.

The boy who did this to me was arrested months prior for attempted murder on his ex wife.Lovely.I did the right thing and reported it.Restraining order denied.What does a fella have to do to go to jail for this shit? And when does a girl like me get a restr. granted? WhenI am dead? ANyways,I had to move far away.I am safe now.I live with a pitbull,a brand new air taser w a lazer on it,and extra strong mace with tear gas and UV ink.
I am not ashamed of what happened to me.I know it's not my fault.However,I blame myself for letting my guard down.I haven't tried dating since my last semi-seriousrelations. that I still cannot get over.That ended in July07.My last boyfriend +I called it quits in Jan 02.

I got so excited that I finally met someone, worth having dinner with.That I let my guard down.I don't think he knows my porn name.I don't think he would read this.The justice system really sucks sometimes.The good news is,I think I opened up a can of worms and basically I drew attention to his other legal issues.For that I am greatfull.I am also using my activist skills and warning other women..How u say?

Well,here's how I met the son of a bitch..Actually,the son of a heroin addict..I was looking for love online,just like millions do everyday.I can't believe how many people tell me,"Why would a girl like u NEED to look online"? I don't need to..But people don't go out like they used to,to meet others.And I didn't like the type of guys that I met when I went out in that shitty city I was living in for a few months.I liked his post,he was looking for what I was.I thought.I have been warning women on that same site.Not giving exact name and details,but letting them kno that I was put in danger.They live in th same city as him and are on the same site.So that is what I am doing.I was volunteering w a domest. violence org. over there.I never thought it would happen to me.But I am strong.I will tell u my stories.But u will never hear me say,"Poor me".

I took legal action,prepared for my emerg. move,and started my new life.If everything happens for a reason,it happened to remind me not to trust off the bat.It also got me out of a city I was so miserable in.ANd I didn't have any friend there.I am with so many friends right now.I have known them for a long time.He may not have gotten to prison for what he did to me,but he will be there soon for his other wrong doings.What provokes people to do stuff like this? Well in his case,he has a methanphetamine addiction.And he said he comes from really fucked up parents.My generation seems sooo fucked up.Most ppl I kno came from fucked up families.

Parents w addictions.Parents who were neglecting us.And guys like him want to get women back bcause their mommies pissed them off.If his mommy really did fuck him up,I'd like to ask her how she would like to be strangled,beatened and raped like her son did to me.Yeah,I am one sick bitch..I allready had a mental illness before this.I allready hated most straight men before this.Now,I am even worse.I got no sole left in me.He couldn't done this to me if I was awake.He knows that.He felt my strength.So the pussy had to knock me out.I also used my magic so I am letting the "Universe" take care of him.I didn't tell him I was a porn actress in my past.But he googled my email and found out.It's nobodys business what my past is,unless I want to tell them.I wont even tell guys I meet I am a stripper.Unless they r my boyfriend,I don't think they need to know.I am on guard all the time now.My implant looks normal on the outside now.But the soft tissue was torn underneath.So I have to wear a bra alot.I know the fact that I reprted him,when he is allready a felon,really made him angry.ANd for that,I am thrilled.If I can go back in time,I would have not called the police.I would have taken the law into my own hands.Felons don't report when bad things happen to them.Seeing that the justice system didn't do anything.U know what happens to judges who don't grant a girl who is under 100 pounds and 4'10 a restra. order?It happens to their children/grandchildren.Karma.

And to answer the "Diet" quest..I am not taking illegal drugs to keep me thin.I don't have a reput for being an addict.Infact,my directors often mentioned how cool it was that I didn't show up fucked up.I am a work out freak.I have been on all kinds of different meds and birth control pills for 12 years now.Which explains why I go from 92-98 pounds often.My antidepressants I am on now makes me talk fast and do run on sentences.How r u guys doing?

I'm Good!.. i just got back from Dublin, Ireland on monday may 5th. I stayed for two weeks went over cause of a family member was in the hospital. I haven't been to Ireland since i was 5 years old i'm 22 now. It was pretty fun trip, i defintly look forward to headed back to ireland soon, defintly saving up for it right now! it's very americanised the girls and the clothes people wear and the shops almost every girl dresses the same.

While i was there i was thinking it be a great place to live some day. sure it rains but not as much really. but it does rain i'm sure. only rained like 4 times maybe or less? Ireland defintly a great country to visit.

so Neesa you moved finally... are you going to tell us were you moved to? or are you hold out that info forever?
neesa is ther a favorite scene from a movie or website that you recall fliming that happened to be your favorite sexually?? d love to view whichever your choice is
Are u unsatisfied w healthcare in AMerica as well? I posted a new blog today on www.neesa.net. Feel free to comment.

Whoa... That's... a lot of information to get at one time...
I'm actually surprised to see that the doctors are as hyphoritic as here in Poland (Ok, not that surprised). Do you get that feeling too that the Hippocratic Oath should be called Hipocritic Oath?

I don't really know what to say... I feel sorry for you :(
No wonder you hate males so much, they're pathetic, worthless, ignorant, sick pigs that deserve mostly nothing more than slave-like underlings (I mean it), and you seem to met the worse of them :/

I'm not sure if it'll help, but consider replacing your psychiatrist/psychologist/whatever with someone you trust, a friend. Why? Because a doctor only cares about your money, not about you, while your friends want to help you no matter what.

Anyway, if it helps you even, a bit (Which i pessimistically doubt), you have my sympathies, and respect for enduring that much, and still being strong.

Namaste to You, Neesa
Hi Neesa. I just wanted to say hi from the UK and to say that I love your new Blonde image. You look absolutely stunning. Take care and good luck with future new projects.
Hello everyone, especially Neesa of course! I'm not a big forum user neither is English my native language (I'm pretty good though I think :p), so excuse my courage of writing full words with correct grammar :o(= not using abbreviations and slang).

What's amazing I think that after reading through this forum, from the "let's download this chick's porn flicks" attitude I moved to actually caring about you (as much as you care for a publicly exposed person, whom you've never met personally). So, of course your (relatively) sudden mood change disturbed me and it wasn't a big surprise when I read you're bipolar. It is shocking though to read that you're "suicidal" or "going to snap one day". I hope you'll stay strong and get out of the depression phase, so we can see you talk more happily soon.

And of course you look/are amazing every time seen (so I don't get reactions like "how could You Miss that out of a post, man?!" - well, you see, I couldn't:tongue:).
Hi everyone.Thanks for all of your concern.ALot has happened since last week.I finally got a new psychiatrist.It's hard when I move out of state all the time.I have to find so many new Dr's.It turns out there is a shortage of doctors everywhere.The world is over populated.And with all these new cures,nobody is dying.Especially the people I hate that have fucked my life up.How come they never die? How come nothing bad ever happens to them? I always hear good news about the ones who fucked me over.Is my magic not working? Hahah .But here's the good news..

I am on new meds now.Its called Lamictal.Now,there is no good or bad drug.Everyone reacts different,and so do side effects.I don't want to get my hopes up because last time I was on this drug,my side effects were so bad I had to switch.I also got hypnotised for the first time today! I loved it.I think I will need a few sessions to know if it works for sure.I am trying everything I can do to be "Normal"."I can't turn my head off".That's what they say in the mental hospital.And it best describes me.

I am trying to focus on other things now.If I hear(In my private life,not on the board)"How can u b single,u r too pretty" one more time,I am going to scream.Many women go after any guy that is hot,or spends $ on them.I happen to be picky and my standards are super high.Plus if I don't feel that a man is ready to handle my baggage,I let him go.I call it,"DOing him a favor".I personally like guys that have alot of issues as well.Then they don't run from my problems.So what it boils down to is..I like fucked up people.Drug addicted,hot rockerboys seem to know how to handle me.And they don't usually run away because they know most women won't put up with them.I also like men with low self esteem.They don't act like they r better than me.
Oh Boy,this next post is one of the best I have written.I will call it.
"This will make me sound like a cold hearted shallow bitch,but I'm giving it 2 u real".I wanted to post it on my website,but sometimes I can post,othertimes it just doesn't go thru.

Most women will not say the things I do.I let guys know when they have a cavity,if it's visible.I have told a guy I was dating once,"You need to brush your teeth".I bought him a toothbrush,floss,etc..Damn drug addicts never take care of their hygiene.He died soon after.I dated him for about a year and never kissed him.But he was a hot rocker boy who was too fucked up to manipulate me,verbally abuse me,or make me feel worthless.Actually,dating him made me realize that I'm not that fucked up.ANd it reminded me not to ever become a drug addict.Which I never did.Thanks,u had a purpose for your existence.WHen u made your point,u killed yourself..

Many women think the things I do..I just say it.I try to be very proper/fair/polite about the way I say it.WhenI worked at the Bunny Ranch for that 1 week,I had 17 guys.I made a whopping $2000 after airfare,product purchases at the ranch,etc..Remember we have to give half of what we make to the Ranch.Which is understandable..But because I was new,they gave me the pathetic 9a-9p shift.I know I could have done way better if I had a later shift.You know how you see those guys on t.v. paying thousands on the show? Well,most the guys only wanted to pay $300 for a fuck.Which only left me with $150.Did I mention that I payed taxes on my pay there? So I guess I made less than $2000.I had fun though.Too may girls on a shift.There was 10 back then.But since the show got real popular,I know there are many more.We are in recession right now.I am glad I did it in 06.

I took notes on each "trick".One day I will write my book.Of course I would never use names.I psycho analyzed all the guys..Here's what most of the guys had in common..Most had small dicks,were fat,bad hygiene,didn't shaveand only 1 out of the 17 wanted more than boring,vanilla sex.

I didn't have the balls to tell them how to fix them.It was probably hard enough for them to get the nerve to get their asses to a whore house..I felt bad for them.But I appreciated them for choosing me,and making me feel special.It's more than I ever got from any boyfriend.You know that I only had 2 boyfriends and 1 serious relationship of some sort,(The one that just ended last yr) in my whole life? I really am picky.But whoever is with me knows I am extremely loyal and they always feel special.

If I could talk to those men who payed for my sex at the Bunny Ranch,here's what I would say..Once every once in a while is fine.But if you are paying for it all the time,why not take that $ and work on yourself? Go to the gym a few times a week like I do,take a good shower everyday,shave your pubic area(It's not 1976 anymore).Do you not know that MOST women expect a man to be completely shaved or trimmed very well?

Go to the dentist at least 2 x's a year for a cleaning.If you don't take care of your cavities/gingivitis/halitosis,etc..We can smell it.You probably can't bcause u r used to it.How do I know? because I am a dental assistant and I went to college for it as well.Also,here's what happens if you do not floss your teeth often(You really need to do so every single day)..Tartar forms on your teeth.It's that nasty white build up you can scrape up yourself with your nail or a pick.Whenever it gets so bad it turns into Calculus.No,not the math class..It's hard salt deposits.Only a dentist or a hygienist can remove it.I can't even do that.SOmetimes they use an instrument,other times you come in for a deep cleaning.If you don't take care of it,(besides the bad breathe that causes you to not have women want to talk/fuck/or be around you) it causes your gums to receed.The calculus pushes under the gum line(Subgingivally).Then it will effect your bone,etc..

I hope i scared the living shit out of u.If u don't believe me.Type this exerpt up and bring it to your dentist.They will b impressed that One women can be a former porn actress whore/stripper,and have a fucking brian too.SPread the word.I'v met plenty of professional that have no social intellect/common sense.They only know textbook.I know both damn it! O.K. back to my letter to the tricks..

ABout penis size..I had small tits for about 29 years.I didn't let it ruin my life.I didn't obsess over it..I just knew that my personality/looks,etc had to shine more..I will admit..I got the tits and now I don't put as much effort into a guy(Unless I am in a rela. w him) .If u didn't read my blog on penis size..I prefer average sized dicks.My last relationship had the most perfect dick for me.He didn't have too much girth either,so it could fit right in my ass.If u have a small dick and it controls your way of thinking,self esteem,life..Get an enlargement(I kno nothing about that),a penis pump,be a better sex partner.U better know how to use that small penis of yours.Fuck the ass alot.Allow her to have other male sex partners bcause if u don't she will go find a big cock.

Work on your looks more.Dress better.Work out alot.Or get a really high paying career and do what most ugly fat guys do..Use your $ to get the girl.Think I'm shallow? I'm being realistic.WOmen are tired of broke ass guys who cannot take us to a goddamn fancy restaurant every now and then,buy us a new outfit,a piece of jewelry,take us on a nice vacation..If we have the look,why not try ot find a guy who wants to show off his $.I will show off my body and face.And we r a match make in heaven.If I were a guy and I couldn't afford to impress a women.I would buy a few stylish outfits,work on being really intellgent (Ie:read up on wines,different countries,etc),be the sweetest guy ever.Bcause you cannot be a broke ass dickhead.You can be a rich dickhead.But if you are broke,u have to be super sweet to get that piece of ass.I hope some of u learn from me.I'v met some great guys at strip clubs that are hot,smart.etc,have $.But have no idea why women won't date
them.Most of them have bad breathe.I don't care about guys w crooked teeth/perfect..If I did,I would never date at all.However,crooked teeth doesn't cause bad breathe.U got me? Now about the vanilla sex..(Remember I am talking ot the tricks from the ranch that I had)...I asked you if u wanted me to dress up for you or do a little s+M or bondage and discipline..U refused my request..So obviously u refuse your wifes request as well.Now u know why u r here paying my sweet ass.I could have taught u alot for that whopping $150.I never gave BJ's bcause than I would have to smell them.And it was such a submissive position.I only give BJ's to guys I really like or are attracted to.SO get a makeover(I kno u have a friend or a friends wife/girlfriend that could help you)..,buy a few dvd's on the art of lovemaking,read some books on what women want sexually,mentally,etc..get some new clothes(Just make sure U don't pick them out),get a new haircut/style,get your
teeth worked on(Stop thinking that gum will cover up your funk.Most the time it doesn't.)

I dated a guy once for a few months.He was fine when we started dating.Then he got comfortable.He quit waxing his chest(I hate chest hair.Most women do.Ask them.)He started to smell bad,etc..Actually,it was obvious he started to form his old drug problem again...I dumped his sorry ass so fast.I explained why.He didn't do anything about it.U want a pretty girl,u have to keep yourself up.Look what I do ..I work out alot,take pilates class several times a week,tan,spend alot of $ on my hair.I even fly/drive hours for some of my appts.I never missed a dental appt. in my life.Never had a cavity.I got my tits done,and as much as I hate wearing make up.I fucking do it.SO I expect my man to take care of himself! I used to fuck stinky punk rockers/goth boys..That was cute when I was younger.I guarantee most those guys are still trying to use their cute looks to get the girl.ANd they r finding that w/o a good job and sweet personality..They are left being a 30
something yr old goth boy punk.Hanging out at goth clubs trying to pick up 19 yr old girls who think it's cool.They also like the fact that u can buy them booze.ANd u probably hook them up with "Other" goodies..

There was a guy that liked me once.Alot.ANd I thought..If u just wore cologne(He smelled like nothing.Like boring.)And if he just got a nose job,he would be very attractive.How come these ppl just never look at themselves?They always blame women for not liking them.Tired of women always going for the rich guy? Then go back to college.I got tired of the last boyfriend I had(Ended in 02) telling me I will be a stripper for the rest of my life.And that I am stupid.SO I went to dental assisting school to piss him off.

He was impressed,wanted me back.ANd by then I finally realized that I was too good for him all along.ANd no one should ever make me feel the way he did.Cinderella-the band said it best,"Don't know what you got till it's gone".
Wanna get your ex back who hurt your feelings? Work on yourself and the way u look.Nothing works better.

I always let guys know I have issues,I'm crazy,read my blogs,I'm a former whore,etc..Maybe thats why I am single all the time.But at least the guys I go out with truly like me and don't judge me.And at least I can admit my flaws.Your good looks/money/or charm can only get u so far.

WHen I was tired of attracting loser,young,goth boys..I had a makeover.
Love yours truly..


That was a good one, Neesa...
Put it on your blog someday.
As a perfect description of your world, it rocks.
There are other realities, less common and more special because of it...which means most people never run across those relationships that work on mutual attraction to the person, not the details. They are the best, but not too many people run across their "soul mate".
so, as a description of the vast majority of people and how they deal with each other, you sure got it right.
Dear Rockstars and celebrities that came into my club and spent money on me..ANd then asked to see me off the clock..Again and again.You came to the club,took me to the V.I.P. spent your easy money on me.ANd then invited me to your hotel,or came by my house,etc..SOmetimes you would visit everytime you were in my town.

When your friends asked,you described me as a girl you're fucking at the time.SOme of you even say that we dated for a short while.We spent some time together.Listen fool,you were just my trick.I liked your money.And I love the famous in you.You show up for 1 night and u leave in the morning.
ANd I can play with your friends when they come to town because you are not my man.

.Everyone wants you now.But you are still that little boy that noone wanted before all of this.You never seem to say goodbye in the end.Did you wake up and realize that you are going down the wrong path hanging out with whores? You could have said goodbye.But you are a coward.

I loved watching you on t.v. You and your girlfriend make a great couple.SHe's so cute and nieve.If she only knew that last night you were fucking this whore.If she is so hot and sweet,why are you fucking me? ANd if she's so perfect,why did you choose a girl you have to pay? When you pay me at work and fuck me later on,do you feel like u r not a trick? You were,do you know that? No matter how much you like your dumb,clueless,pretty girls,you can't help yourself.My pussy is worth paying for.

You want the girl that really believes your faithful,the girl that feel honored to be with you.Well men pay for this bitch so you should feel fucking honored.Let's take away your vocal chords,your instrument,the fans,the stage from right under you,and all your sweet cash.WHo are you now? You are just a guy that is afraid of commitment,so you play your role as my trick.Thanks for paying my bills.I am greatful.But when I act like I enjoyed your time,I am an actress.Surprise.WHat do you think I have been doing since I was doing phone sex in high school.Drama class was full so I was stuck in ceramics.

Hey married man.It's years later and I still never let the cat out of the bag.I would never want the responsibility of ruining a marriage or relationship.And it would tear your kids apart.Do the kids know that daddy likes to pay for sex because mommy isn't good enough? DO you stay with her because it would cost more to divorce her? If u didn't have all these women up your shit,no fame,no t.v. air time,and you lost all your money..DO you think she would still want/be with you? No,she wouldn't.

I did this all to myself.I don't regret a second of it.I learned from you.That's why I don't trust anymore.I'm glad that you,my tricks are not my husband or boyfriend.Because you would be fucking a whore on the side just like you did to me.You should be paying me for keeping my mouth shut.I hope the next whore gives you AIDS.

I can't understand why a major studio like Vivid wouldn't want you as a contract girl, I mean Savanna Samson is in her 40's and you look much better than she does.

I hope things work out for you and you can get back in front of the camera. I know the work you and many other women in porn has brought a lot of joy and entertainment to a lot of people.
Thank u "Deb".I'v been saying it for years.If u have a MAC representative do my makeup,and a good hairstylist..I can look just like them.I don't usually see any contract girls have a "Unique" look.So now that I have the typical Barbie look,I still don't get the offer.

Here's probably why..AFter speaking to some of the girls,directors,etc.. at the booths in the conventions here's what I gathered.They only allow a certain amt. of girls a year to be a contract girl.A small amt.Probably taller.If I were tall and beautiful like Jenna,etc.I would not be wking in porn.I would have just gone for the super model route.ALso,Vivid,etc only shoot a few films a year.There's also a new style of buying porn on the internet.You can order videos by the minutes.So porn companies aren't making as much.ANd I am laughing my ass off.It's called.Karma..

I'm done wit the industry tho.I'v been done since 2006 Nov.I have no desire to go back.Everones a porn star these days.They just take anyone.WHen I started in 99,I got alot of shit from girls at wk,ppl.It was taboo.Now,it's not.And SUicide Girls",etc doesn't help either.