Neesa (Redhead MILF)


Posted by ( Neesa ) on June 7, 2008 at 7:45 p.m. ( Suggest removal )
Today I will celebrate by throwing darts at Max blown up poster I printed out.My name is Neesa.Max raped and tortured me in summer 02.I am not his victim like he calls us.I am just a women who he crossed that uses some of her time to help women like myself get justice.Max only made me stronger.The girls on his videos are forced to do those awful things.Maybe theres 1 or 2 that is friends w him that he doesnt punish.That way they can be his voice for him.His little puppet.ANd any girl that goes against another girl who is dealing w rape,is just plain cold and messed up.And going against their own gender.
Any girl who is cool w what he does was most likely molested by their daddy.Justice is served.And now,I will fight even harder.See what happens when u mess w Neesa? I made a police report on him.I also did alot of undercover work to help the case go in the direction I favored.Max obviously was raped/abused by his mommy or daddy.And probably neglected.I only hope so.And the jury who said the deliberations were difficult and emotional..Try having this man force u to vomit on his penis and lick it off.ANd off his testicles as well.Try having this man force his urine down your throat.
And verbally abuse you.I don't thank the jury just bcause they felt bad about their decision.What if that was their child he did that to and I felt bad for him? Jury,u didn't do anything to help me.My reports,other womens reports.We helped.I dislike the jury,Maxs attorney that lost(.Nice job.)just as much as I dislike Max.Who even says he will stay in jail for 5 years? I and others who have gotten together will fight 2 keep him there.
I am emotionally scarred forever.I know the inmates will give him exactly what they gave us.And he will try to act like a big wig and charm the men.And turn them into fans.But God doesn't work that way.I am not scared of you max.Or your $*&^ attorney.Freedom of speech.Remember? This has nothing to do w freedom of speech.Its about Max being a serial rapist/abuser in many ways.U created a strong,intellegent women in me max.Thank u for that.Go get a taste of your medicine! Love,Neesa
That post is on Incase u want to leave a message.Poor Paul Little was weaping.Hahaha.When I was crying on the set.his boyfriend said,"Poor baby".SO I am saying the same thing.I am sure he did his whole acting role.."I'm a poor old man who was just ahving fun".Yeah,and so am I.With the message boards max,u r my bitch now.And your attorney sucks! And I have no respect for ppl that defend criminals.WHat if an attorney defended a criminal that physically hurt your child? Case closed you dirty "Suit" boy.
Help! I have been posting on search for max hardcore it was an article posted I think on the 8t or 9th.My latest post got deleted b 4 it even went up there.PPl are giving me shit.Its obviously max and his lawyer and friends.Or those who condone rape.Please help me fight against these assholes.Thx

I hope this finds you in best of health and spirits. You don't know me and honestly I really don't know you. I was told about you and your story by someone here along with where you usually post. Before I say anything else I just wanted to mention I took some time to read through your posts and your blog and as horrific as your experiences have been I wish I could say that it isn't common but unfortunately it is. I think as a society we've debased ourselves by abasing 'our women' (and I do mean that in the non-patriarchally overbearing sense). They (you, women, etc) are the cornerstone of our societies, our mothers, our sisters, our daughters and our spouses.

You Might disagree with me (along with perhaps others on this board - which is expected because of the nature of this board) but debasing includes involvement in pornography, prostitution, stripping etc. things that I'm sure you are quite unfortunately familiar with. Not only that, physical abuse and marginalization both in the public arena and in our homes and families is part of this degradation. And to top it all off, 'you' (women in those circumstances) are blamed and abused further.
In reality the responsibility is on us and we are to blame. Whether we are the ones actively ruining the lives of these women (in most cases they are just girls and not even women) or if we are silent spectators too memorized by their beauty to realize these are real people and not 2-dinmentional posters. The $50, $500, $5000 or even $5 million (if it were) we pay to watch them abase themselves is not enough to compensate them for even a minute of stripping them of their dignity. We create the environment where they are left with no option but to involve themselves in such activities (I have yet to meet someone who has gone into prostitution/pornography/stripping for anything other than strong needs) and then we take advantage of them. We all should be ashamed of ourselves (and I say this first to myself then anyone else).

I apologize for my ramblings but this is a very important topic for me. So why am I blabbing? Well before I get to that let me start with my name; its Ali. Hi. I volunteer at an Islamic non-profit organization and part of what we do is provide services to battered women and women who are looking to make a positive change in their life and need support in doing so. We are an organization founded on religious beliefs HOWEVER part of our belief is our services are faith-blind so it doesn't matter to us what faith you do or do not subscribe to. Along with that, we also strongly believe the notion that we are not out to convert people (if you would like to find out more about our faith you are more than welcome to ask but our belief is that there is no compulsion in religion). We are here to simply help/support if you would like it. So what’s the catch? There always is one right? Ours is that some day when you are able that you perhaps help some other individual change their life.

I know you haven't asked for support and perhaps you don't need our help but in any case I would like to extend our services. In your posts you mentioned that you no longer wanted to perform at adult clubs and were planning on becoming a dental hygienist by June 2009. If it’s okay with you, how can we help you make that June 2008?

I do realize this is very unconventional and I would have preferred to keep this private however this was the only way I was told that I could reach you. If you would like you are more than welcome to PM instead of continuing the conversation on the board. Whatever you are most comfortable with. Also we are based in Southern California (and I’m not sure where you are) however it doesn’t really matter to us. We just prefer to work with those who are willing to make a positive change and have taken steps to show that.

In any case, I hope nothing I have said was offensive to you. I hope to live long enough to a day where our progress isn't measured by the speed of our cars, the megatons of our nuclear firepower or the size of our TV but instead the treatment of our women, our poor, our minorities and the disenfranchised.

If you've made it this far then thank you for listening, I appreciate it.
Nicely written stride, I don't see how she'd get offended by your statements. Your program is definitely the first step in the right direction for the entire scene, these remarkable women who have endured what they have endured to bring smiles to our faces really do deserve better.

We have another issue to ponder however: how are we going to fix this industry? You can't stop people from wanking: Masturbation is an entirely normal thing that tends to our primal urges as sexual beings and it leaves me to wonder about the material that we "fire a round off to": what will we use? I can definitely attest that material that's drenched in sleaze makes us feel bad when we think about what's REALLY going on behind the scenes but...well, there's no alternative unfortunately, we don't know what's "good" and what companies to ban because we don't have access to that information asides from some of the incite Neesa has revealed to us so far. Maybe we the consumers could change that by boycotting the bullshit companies and making demands as well as developing some sort of legal team that the girls can report to and having a "fair treatment" contract made for both the companies AND the hired work to make sure no one ever receives the treatment that ass-clown Max has inflicted on too many victims already and legal action is taken immediately.

The way I see it, we have to be the change we wish to see: decisions must be made, demands must be...demanded. Yeah, that works. I don't know, that's all I've got, let the discussion begin.
Yeah Stride, doesn't Muslimism strip women of their dignity? I think pornography, and stripping is far more liberating for women than believing in a phony blood thirsty, misogynistic God like Allah or Yaweh. Religion has always been used by men to control and debase women. Religion taught to children is a form of child abuse. Neesa don't listen to this radical clown.
Wow,Im loving these recent posts."Mardirossian"..I totally agree w u.I am spiritual,I do believe in GOD.ANd I do believe that GOD may be a women.But then again,only a man would help create my shitty life.Hahaha
I am very much against people in certain countries that condone bad behavior on women.Cutting clits off so they cant be sexually aroused.Making them wear head to toe covers all over their body,hanging people for being gay,etc..Treating women like they own them..etc..

ALot of the womens right activists,religious groups I went to about Max years ago,slammed the door on my face when I approached them with this issue.They think women like me are scum on this earth.But they didn't understand that we could fight together to get Max in trouble w the law.

"Stride".That was very kind of u to write that.ANd I wasn't offended at all.U can PM me your org. site,number,etc..I will say that I am goignt o be extremely weary about the following.I am going to be on the lookout for ppl acting like they want to help,that are really bad guys on Maxs side.

I can't seem to find the email,number,or any contact info on the federal attorneys who tried Max and won..Edward J. McANdrew and LisaMarie Freitas.Can anyone get me their contact info? I know they need me for the future when Mr.Little(Dick) tries to appeal the case.I will be on the stand.I am not afraid of him or his posse.I will not be scared to show,like other women have in the past.

Oh what I would have paid to see Mr.Little dick cry in the courtroom.I wish I could have watched the abuse his parents probably gave him growing up.I would sit with a bag of popcorn and watch.I have really gotten my message across and I have informed alot of ppl.I dont think Max would post bcause EVERYOne is watching him right now.But I am sure he has his Little elves(No pun intended),lurking on the internet for bad publicity.

"Stride",I cannot travel like I do,and buy the material things I enjoy,on strictly dental assisting $.WHen I have a boyfriend one day that can split my bills,then,I can quit.I dont care to stop dancing right now.I spend hundred a month on beauty needs.etc..I got out of porn.Thats good enough for now.Can u focus on getting Arabs,Muslims,etc.. to stop controlling women.Lets focus on that.

ANd I became a dental assistant back in 03.I just have taken 2 yrs off.WOmen dont get paid as much as men.ANd while we r on the subject..AIrlines charging xtra for bags..Knowing most women travel heavier than men.I think we should charge extra for weight on humans.They take more gas as well.Men want us to look good when they travel w us,we need our makeup and curling irons..


i have always been somewhat disturbed by max' videos, although i never would have guessed that there was anything more to it than acting (on the girl's part). i always thought you had to sign some release form afterward? and what if you didn't sign it? and why did it take so long for someone to come forward?

sorry if these are stupid questions but i don't follow "behind the camera" stories... the less i know about who made a movie or why or what these people are like in real life, the better. anything else ruins the fantasy, you see...

as far as you are concerned, you did the right thing. that can be very hard, as i unfortunately know myself. so i congratulate you, and i hope you open yourself a bottle of beer (or whatever) on my behalf :)
Wow! SOme of you guys,and gals,are truly intelligent.I like this. I appreciate all the help all of you offer.And I do think it's funny/hypocrytical that those fuckwads were at a strip club days b 4.ANd they also ate seafood at a restaurant where I grew up going to in Hollywood,FL.They cut up the stools.I know those terrorists are getting butt fucked in the ass nonstop in hell.All those homophobic beliefs they had will come back to haunt them.Buaaahhhhh.

I am not afraid of Islamic/Muslim people.I just choose not to have any in my life.I don't hold my purse when I see one.
Hey Neesa... you look much younger with blond hair, and you do have a much more define physique now, so congrats on your new look.

I cant believe that your from south florida, must have been one of the best lays in the state if you rocked the red hair and pale skin when u were down south, impossible to find here but common up north.
Anyways, ur a good actor and funny as fuck in your videos. Keep your head up later....